A/N: Well, nearly two years after I first formulated the concept for this story and many crazy events later here we are at the finally. Don't worry if you don't fully get what's going on nobody does. Thanks to all who have stuck by me and stick around at the end for three important announcements.

Thanks to my pre-reader Makuhari-fan01

Disclaimer: I don't own Evangelion or Strike Witches

In orbit, the Warlock were flying formation as Instrumentality went into full effect. A red light from the Black Moon, clenched by Sanya/Lilith, engulfed the planet and green crosses sprung up as all of humanity reverted to LCL.

As the last people were turned to LCL, a line appeared on the forehead of Sanya/Lilith. It then opened and Yoshika and Unit-01 in, then closed and vanished once they were completely inside it.

"Sanya?" asked Yoshika, confused as she saw hundred of Sanya phantoms floating before her.

"Never call me again." said Sakamoto bitterly.

"I hate you." seethed Hanna.

"You're annoying." said an irritated Sakamoto.

"I never want to see you again." said Hanna hatefully.

"We could never start over again." spat Sakamoto.

"Bye." said Hanna with disgust.

"Are you serious?" asked Lynne disgusted.

"I can't believe you're serious." said Sakamoto sickened.

"It's better to remain friends." said Sanya calmly.

"Look at you." scoffed Perrine.

"I can't believe I actually know you!" snapped Sakamoto.

"I have no desire you be with you." said Trude.

"Just die. We'd all be better off." said Hanna matter-of-fact.

"I don't care for you that way." said Sanya.

"I don't care if you died." said Sakamoto bitterly.

"I don't like you in that manor." said Sanya.

"Buzz off!" spat Sakamoto.

"There's no need for you in my life." said Sanya.

"Stop following me! You're just a stalker!" cried Sakamoto.

"It's not you, it's me." said Trude.

"Will you not except "no" for an answer?" asked Sanya as a bell began to ring.

"leave me alone." seethed Hanna.

"Stop. This is humiliating to yourself." said Sanya.

"I never like you." spat Sakamoto.

"I've never like you." said Hanna disgusted.

"Just leave please." said Sanya.

"I said no raccoon dog." spat Perrine.

"Let's just be friends." said Sanya.

"Leave." said Hanna getting angry.

"Just go." said Sanya firmly.

"Act like an adult." spat Sakamoto.

"Wimp." said Trude angrily.

"If it's too painful, you can end this whenever you want." said Sakamoto calmly.

"Just run away." added Sanya.

"Do you want to be calm? Be at peace? Have our bodies and souls join?" asked Sakamoto.

"I'd rather die." spat Hanna.

A transition then took place; no longer bizarre medley of images from before now a calm serenity appeared before Yoshika. Of people carrying on their daily lives as if it was the same-old routine. It felt weird to be seeing something so normal at a time like this.

"I have question." said Yoshika.

"Go ahead." replied Sakamoto.

"What exactly are dreams?" asked Yoshika.

"A deep question." noted Sakamoto.

"But, not unusual." added Sanya as the images continued.

"Does it feel good?" asked a voice.

"I just don't understand. Reality, I don't get it." answered Yoshika.

"You cannot connect your truths to the reality of other people." explained Sanya.

"I have no idea were happiness is." sighed Yoshika.

"So you find it in your dreams." replied Sanya.

"So this world of nobody isn't real?" asked Yoshika.

"It's merely a dream." answered Sanya.

"So, I don't exist here." reasoned Yoshika.

"This is the result of you trying to change reality." said Sanya.

"Is that wrong?" asked Yoshika.

"You're trying to escape reality into a world of fantasy." said Sanya.

"Why can't I dream of being alone?" asked Yoshika.

"It is a substitute for reality not a dream." answered Sanya.

"Where's my dream?" asked Yoshika.

"Your dream is a continuation of your reality." answered Sanya.

"Where's that?" asked Yoshika confused.

"At the end of your dream." answered Sanya.

In reality, orbit to be more precise, a new development was unfolding. A large gash erupted in the left side of the neck of the Sanya/Lilith giant. This caused the being to fall backwards as red LCL flowed from it's neck.

Back within Instrumentality, Yoshika again found herself somewhere new. She was at the bottom of a shallow pool of orange LCL staring the the moon above her tinted in an orange color.

"Sanya." said Yoshika to herself as the girl appeared on her lap both girls nude, "Um, where are we?"

"This a Sea of LCL. It is the Primordial Soup of life from which all beings emerged. It is a place were all beings are one. A world were you can no longer tell where you begin and others end." answered Sanya her words echoing as her arms sat within the chest of Yoshika.

"This is death then." said Yoshika.

"No. This is a world were all beings are one. This is your world." explained Sanya.

As Yoshika took this in, she realized she was holding something. She looked over and in her right hand was the katana of Sakamoto.

"This can't be right. It doesn't fell right." said Yoshika letting go of the katana.

"If people want to exist, their egos will again separate them into individual entities." replied Sanya, "Then, they will feel hurt and pain again."

"Right." said Yoshika.

Yoshika grabbed the right forearm of Sanya with her left hand. As she did, Sanya removed her arms from inside the chest of the Fuso girl and pulled them back. Her right hand then grasped on to the left hand of Yoshika.

"Thank you." said Yoshika.

Yoshika then felt her surroundings change yet again. Now, she was lying in a body of water still naked and with her head on the lap of the naked Sanya who was comforting her.

"I always feel pain in real life so I ran away. But, the place I went to was no better. I wasn't really alive. No one existed." said Yoshika as a clothed Eila appeared in front of her.

"Is it all right for you to be separated and hurt again?" asked Eila as Yoshika now found herself standing over the blue Earth.

"I'm okay with that." answered Yoshika, "But, what are you to me?"

"We are the hope people can understand each other some day." answered Sanya standing in front of Yoshika.

"We are also the concept of love." added Eila standing next to Sanya as people began to appear.

"That's a selfish pretense. It can't last forever." replied Yoshika.

The ground below the three began to change until the trio were in a street. Then people appeared and walked by them.

"I'll be betrayed and hurt again." said Yoshika as she saw the many faces of her friends, "But, I now those were real feeling.

In reality, the Sanya/Lilith giant continued to fall backwards. As it did, it's wings disintegrated off it.

Suddenly, Yoshika inside Unit-01 burst out of one of the giant's eyes. Orange wings of light appeared behind Yoshika and reversed Instrumentality. Lines covered the Black Moon which split open pouring red LCL unto the chest of the Sanya/Lilith giant before it disintegrated.

"Reality exists in an unknown place and dreams exist within it." said Eila.

"Truth exists in your heart." added Sanya.

"The contents of a person's heart is what shapes their appearance." explained Eila.

"New images change their hearts and minds." added Sanya as the Sanya/Lilith head crashed into a sea of red LCL, "They ability of imagination allows people to create their own shapes and flow of time."

"If humans forsake their own free will nothing will change." said Eila as other body parts from the Sanya/Lilith giant fell into the LCL.

"To regain your individual form you must do so of your own desire. Even if it means your words and feelings become interwoven with that of others. As long as they imagine themselves in their heart, anyone can return to their individual form. " said Sanya.

Yoshika seized the Lance of Longinus from in front of her neck. As raised it before herself and the Warlocks turned to stone and fell to the Earth below. As they did, the green crosses rose into the sky.

"Don't worry my dear, all creatures with the will to live can come back. Anywhere can be a paradise, as long as you have the will to keep living. You're alive, so you always have the possibility to be happy." said Sayaka.

As Sayaka spoke, the orange wings around Yoshika collapsed and Unit-01 began to power down. Sanya then appeared before Yoshika and along with Eila removed the two Striker units from the feet of Yoshika. The latter girl also took the Lance of Longinus.

"As long as humanity and Earth exist, everything will be okay." said Sayaka who gently caressed her daughter's face, "Will be okay dear?"

"I'm still not totally sure where my happiness is. I'll still wonder why I am here and whether I made the right decision in returning. But, I'm just repeating the same damn thing over and over again. I'm me." said Yoshika who floated up to the surface of the red sea of LCL. Looking over she saw the giant head had split in half down the face.

In 2003, a young Minna and Yoshika played in the sun. Sayaka and Ferrara stood by a the side of Lake Ashinoko.

"When we created the Strikers, were we trying to clone God?" asked the elderly Venezia woman.

"Of course. Humans can only exist here but, the Strikers will live for ever along with the human soul within it. We man and the solar system are long gone, it will still exist. Lonely, but as long as that one person still exists-" began Sayaka having picked up her daughters.

"It will be proof of man's existence." finished Ferrara.

"Bye, mom." said Yoshika sadly.

It might have been a few weeks or possible months. With no way of telling time it was impossible to know. The half of the giant head still rested, petrified, off the nearby coast while the sky remained as pitch black as it had been since Instrumentality was rejected. A red streak ran across the moon while the petrified Warlocks stood still in their locations. On the beach, the Sakamoto family katana lay near the tombstone of it's deceased owner. Next to that were tombstones of the people Yoshika knew. Yoshika was lying on the beach when starring at the sky when she felt somebody watching her. Looking to her right, Yoshika saw Sanya standing over the water just like when she first arrived in Tokyo-3 and just like that day, Sanya vanished in a blink of the eye.

Yoshika wasn't sure what to make of what she'd just seen. Yoshika stared for thirty seconds after Sanya vanished then decided to sit up. It was at this point she noticed somebody next to her; with a bandaged left eye and her right arm wrapped was Hanna. Overcome by emotion, Yoshika reached down and began tom strangle Hanna. As she choked the life out of Hanna, Yoshika suddenly felt the girl's bandaged right caress her cheek. Yoshika then let go of Hanna's throat, began to cry and fell over. Hanna looked at the scene and mustered up one sentence.

"How pathetic."

A/N: We are done! Almost two years after first coming up the concept for this story and a couple issues (lost internet when first writing in August 2011 and lost most of the chapter that December) but, I finally finished. Thanks to all who stuck with me on this ride. Now, for my trio of announcements; first I am following this up with a two-part alternate ending based on the original twenty-five and twenty-six and will be out next month. Second, in planning this story in 2011 my goal was to stick as close to Evangelion as possible which I came to realize was a mistake as the second comment for this story points out along with other issues. I know I can do better so, starting this Fall I am going to reboot Striker. I've begun planning it and am planning many changes so this will come out better. Finally, my beta reader needs time off for personal reasons so until he returns I am on my own. In the meantime, I will be working on my original story "Sounds of Silence". Please review.