Ok, so next chapter. Surprisingly not the longest chapter in this story but close to. Definitely longer than the last of and hopefully it makes up for it :) I do warn: this is a fairly graphic chapter so if you really can't handle it, read the first couple paragraphs and the last few lines and it'll WORK, but I rlly recommend reading the entire thing. keep up with the feedback or I won't know what the ppl reviews make for happy author :D enjoy!


We were late coming home the next night. Leilani was asleep in her carseat in the back as i pulled into the underground parking of our building.

I envied her: I was exhausted. First, she woke me up at 3 in the morning and wouldn't go back to sleep for an hour, then she was up again, bright and early, at 7. This was followed by a toddler who didn't want to nap and was then cranky for the rest of the day. Coincidentally, I had to work tonight and, joy of joys, the sitter called in sick, so Leilani had to come to work with me.

So after very little sleep an a day filled with crying, screaming, yelling and just general stress, not all of which had come from the 3 year old, we were finally back home.

Thank god. I was exhausted, sweaty, tired, sore and smelling of booze. Did I mention tired? That too. All the while in a T-shirt, skirt and heels that should be made illegal for the lack of stability. Awesome night brah...

Typical, the lights in this part of the lot were out. This is just how ALL the horror movies go. Tired, the girl heads home and ends up in her dark parking garage, where she gets grabbed from behind and either killed or forced into a car to be sold as a sex slave in Thailand or somewhere. Oy.

I got out and closed the door, heading around to the trunk to grab my work/diaper bag and set it at my feet. I was so tired I just wanted to get inside and crawl into bed.

Taking a minute, I leaned on my hands against the car, looking in at my girl. Across the lot I could hear footsteps and a car door closing.

The next thing I knew, a hand was covering my mouth as my own flew up to claw at the arm that had snaked around my throat, cutting off my air. I could smell alcohol and garlic coming from the guy holding me against his chest.

Great, I was going to be sold as a sex slave to Thailand. Fantastic.

"Well, you're a pretty thing," the bastard chuckled. Is a there a nastier way to laugh than chuckle? There must be..

He shoved me against the car, one hand still covering my mouth, and I saw Leilani stir. My eyes widened an flicked to the side, trying to see his face. He hadn't noticed her yet! My keys were still in my hand. I hit the lock button, causing the car to beep loudly and startle him, and I took that chance to throw the keys a far away as I could, before he turned me around and smacked me across the face.

It kind of hurt, but he didn't have the right angle to do any real damage. He had both hands around my wrists now, holding them against the side of my car as he pushed his body against me, lips crushing mine. I tried to turn away, keeping my mouth shut tight as his tongue (ew) tried to force its way in.

I went to knee him in the balls but overbalanced in my heels and fell sideways, bringing him down along with me to conveniently (for him) land on top of me.

Stupid shoes, I'm never wearing these heels again.

He laughed and grinned at me.

"Thanks babe, you just made this easier," he said as he straddled me, at the same time pulling my arms above my head and holding them there one-handed.

I kneed him in the tail bone.

He punched me in the stomach.

I gasped, and he took the opportunity to shove his tongue (EW!) into my mouth. In the time it actually took me to register this, his other hand had managed to pull my shirt down, push my skirt up and was working its way into my underwear. I squirmed, he laughed.

I think my brain was in shock, and that's why it took so long to register anything. As soon a it caught up with what was happening, I bit down on his tongue until I tasted blood. He screamed and jerked and tried to hit me to make me let go. When I finally did, he reeled back from me and I got a really good look at his face: lo and behold it was the creepy guy from down the hall, wonderful.

I've noticed that my brain is very sarcastic in moments of crisis.

Unfortunately, he'd had enough recovery time to get really pisses at me and decide to retaliate, which he proceded to do with gusto, (Gusto, really, THATS the adjective/adverb/whatever that I come up with? Sigh.) punching me repeatedly in the ribs, which really did hurt and would probably leave bruises. Though that might be a food thing for the cops.

Speaking/thinking of the cops, why wasn't I screaming? Maybe I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. But I did realize I'd been scratching at his hand/wrist the entire time, enough to draw blood, so yay me!

Wow I really think off-topic sometimes.

Apparently he decided he was tired of hitting me sooo he went in for another kiss. You'd think he'd learn, but no. So I bit him again. And kneed him in the tail bone.

He grabbed my hair an smashed my head into the pavement. I think I might've hear something crack, bad sign. Annnd hello concussion.

I'm sad to say that I actually let out a bit of a scream and went limp, which is what he wanted as his fingers shoved themselves inside me.

My mouth opened and closed a few times like a fish out of water before my brain kicked back in as my underwear were ripped off and he fumbled with his pants, managing to pull them down far enough for his cock to hang out. I really tried not to look at it: he found that hysterical for some reason as he half crawled his way farther up my body towards my face.

I kicked, I squirmed, scratched, spit, hissed and whatever else you can think of. I even managed a scream, loud and ear piercing, before he shoved himself into my mouth.

It was a stupid move really, on both our parts: me for opening my mouth in the first place, and him for PUTTING PART OF HIS BODY IN MY MOUTH. This guy really never learned did he. I bit down yet again, but not enough to draw blood this time before he smashed my head into the ground again. And again. And again.

My thoughts were starting to fuzz and my vision was blurring and i think i might've blacked out for a second but all of a sudden the garage was flooded with light and I was blinded as I heard brakes screech and someone, a man, yelling.

I felt the bastard get yanked off of me and heard him cry out as he hit the side of a parked car. My head throbbed in protest of the light and I closed my eyes and I admit I smiled a little when I heard the crunch of that asshole's nose breaking as someone smashed their fist into it.

I definitely blacked out for a minute after that cuz I could hear Leilani screaming and crying when I woke up. It occurred to me, fuzzily, that she should have been crying before this and might have been, only I hadn't registered it.

"Kila, Kila can you hear me?" someone asked near my head. A shadow crossed my face as whoever it was leaned over me. I scrunched my face up, trying to convince myself to open my eyes. It occurred to me that I hadn't moved from where I'd been left when the... The.. I needed another synonym but that GUY had been pulled off me. Cuz that's embarrassing at all. I just couldn't quite manage to convince my body to move...

"Kila?" the voice asked again. My lips moved as I tried to form words to ask a million questions, like who was this, where had they come from, WHY had they come.

"What is it?" he asked. I'd decided it was a guy, I remembered a man yelling and it seemed like there was only one person.

"L-" I tried: my lips cracked, my voice cracked, my throat and head protested but out of my mouth came: "Leilani?"

"It's alright," he told me, "she's here. I put her in my car, can you hear her?" I nodded and my head throbbed in protest.

"Oww.." I moaned. Everything hurt and I didn't want to move but I wanted to move...

I tried to sit up, and realized my hands were still laying above my head, so I moved them, slowly, cuz I couldn't move any other way at the moment, down to my sides and tried to push myself up.

And failed miserably. I mean, i didn't even get my head off the ground. It was probably laughable really, I just wouldn'tve been able to manage it, even if I wanted to. And I just didn't really feel like it just then.

"Here, let me help," and I felt hands and strong arms slide under my arms and, slowly, pull me up into a half sitting position leaned up against him. I couldn't keep my head up and I let out a cry of pain as it flipped back and tears started to slide down my cheeks.

Gentle hands lifted my head to lean against his chest and wipe the tears from my face.

"Shh, it's alright," he whispered. My body was starting to shake uncontrollably and more tears leaked from beneath my eyelids. Arms wrapped around me and held me tight; I breathed deeply, catching his scent as I tried to control my body.

I could hear sirens faintly in the distance, but coming closer and a twitched, wanting to get up but not able to.

"I called them," he told me as I shook my head in protest, which in turn caused my head to protest the protest and finally I just lost complete control of my body and he just held me tight as my body shook and I gasped and sobbed and tears streamed down my face.

"Le- Leland!" I managed. Arms tightened around me again and he gently kissed the top of my head.

"Shh, it'll be ok Kila, I'm here."