My new fanfic! My first crossover though so I hope you like it I will be switching between POV's mostly Harry though on the HP side. In this story forget that the 6th and 7th books ever happened and just think that this is the real 6th book, because I won't put pretty much anything in the story that happens. The only thing that coordinates with the book is the fact that Slughorn is teaching potions, and maybe anything I feel like adding. Just a warning the characters will be OOC because I am obviously not Riordan, or Rowling so they would never be in character, because this is a fanfic. R&R!

Set in HP 6th year, TLH doesn't happen. Percy, Thalia, and Nico go to Hogwarts to help protect Harry, Ron, and Hermione; Hectate's personal favorites in her wizarding world. Also for the Big Three who wish for this problematic wizard named Tom Riddle be destroyed Rated T for violence in later chapters and cause I'm weird.

Harry POV

The start of term feast was about to begin. Well I mean it would as soon as we got to school and sorted the first years. All of us 2nd through 7th years were riding our normal Thestral drawn carriages to the Hogwarts castle, while all of the first years were crossing the lake with Hagrid. As per normal, but what was not normal was that I was in a carriage with three complete strangers, and otherwise completely alone. I guess it wouldn't be weird for normal people, but I had never been without my friends on our rides to Hogwarts castle. But I was late and all of the other carts were full, so I told my friends to go on and I would find another one, I didn't mind.

I stepped into the only cart that was left, to find it occupied with three strangers. They all looked to be the same age, if I had to guess I'd say around 17. They would be in 7th year but I hadn't ever seen them at Hogwarts before and I was entering my 6th year so I knew almost all of the 7th years. Anyway, when I walked in the three people were talking in English, but quickly switched to another language, one I didn't recognize. I only caught the words 'Protect', and 'Lady Hectate'. I was wondering who they were talking about as I had never heard of a lady Hectate before. And they said they had to protect her, is that why they are here? I stopped this train of thought because it was bound to get me in trouble sooner or later, or in the case of my luck, both sooner and later.

I turned to look at them again. They were really good looking people. There were two boys and one girl. All three of them looked very similar, I think they might be triplets. They all had deep black hair, with eyes of different shades of blue. The girl had short spiky hair and bright, electric blue eyes that looked like the sky. The tallest boy had short hair that passed his ears only a little bit, and had a small streak of gray in it. He had sea green eyes, that looked a little blue as well. The last boy had longer, shaggy hair, and deep black eyes that had little flecks of dark blue in them. They were all wearing muggle clothing, which had me wondering why they didn't have robes. I figured that they were transfer students, but wouldn't they at least have standard solid colored robes? They were all in black jeans and orange shirts that said something in weird symbols. The boy with black eyes had an aviator's jacket over his shirt and the girl was wearing a silver parka over her shirt. They were all tan and had muscles like all they did was work out. Not like any of the students here who were all lacking in that department. I noticed that they all had the same tattoo on their right wrists. It was in black ink and it had an intertwining pattern that was blocky and connected. Why would they all have tattoos like that, is it from the school they go to? I started to get lost in thought again. While I was studying them they all started laughing really loudly and turned to look at me.

I was torn out of my thoughts, and I realized that I was staring. I tried to cover up my embarrassment of being laughed at by smiling sheepishly.

"Hi, I'm Harry. Who are you?"




All three of them spoke at the same time causing me to not really catch their names correctly. I laughed lowly not wanting to upset them, but it was funny. And they were now currently glaring at each other about something that seemed totally unrelated. I decided I would guess and pretend I caught their names correctly. I didn't want them fighting in such a small place, because I am sure that if they did start a fight I would not escape unharmed.

"Ok Thalia is obviously the girl, Nico is the shorter one, and Percy is the taller one?" I attempted to say this with confidence, but it ended up being more of a question. This way of phrasing seemed to be ok with both Percy and Thalia, but Nico gave the protest of 'I'm not short!' which confirmed my statement, or question I guess.

"Yeah that's correct. Harry, right? What year are you in?" Thalia asked, she seemed to be the smarter of the three. Or at least the more informed one of the group.

"I'm in my 6th year at Hogwarts," They all stifled a laugh,"I'm also a Gryffindor."

"What's a Gryffindor?" Nico asked in confusion, but still with a huge smile on his face from hearing the name of the school. 'What's a Gryffindor?' I scoffed at the question, everyone knew about the houses at Hogwarts. But I decided to explain before they end up running into anyone like Malfoy and end up being a target.

"One of the houses at our school. We have Ravenclaw, for the smartest people. Slytherin for the cunning and ambitious. Gryffindor for the brave at heart. And lastly Hufflepuff, which is where the rest go, but they are know for loyalty. You are all transfer students right, which houses do you want to be in?"

"Yep! From America. Is it a rule that everyone has to be in a house? Cause I don't know which I would pick." Percy said shrugging. America! Well that would explain their horrible accents.

"Well, I would probably pick either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, because either way I would have people similar to me to be around." Thalia added drowning out Nico's comment of 'don't care'.

"Everyone is placed in a house by the sorting hat, you don't get to pick. Although most times it does consider your wish to be in a certain house. I'm sure you'll be placed with the first years, because the headmaster will want to let everyone know about you."

"Ugh, placed with a bunch of kids and in the middle of the whole school! I'd rather face an angry Zeus!" Nico muttered angrily, and then thunder started roaring in the background, even though there wasn't a cloud in the sky. "Geez, I'm sorry alright!" Nico shouted seemingly to the sky. Who was he apologizing to? I went to ask but they all waved their hands at me in unison, telling me not to press the issue.

After that Nico, Percy and Thalia went back to conversing among themselves leaving me feeling left out. I took to staring out the window wondering when we would arrive. But thankfully I didn't have to think about it long, for I realized that we were only around five minutes or less from the castle.

I raced out and quickly entered the great hall. I made my way over to the Gryffindor table and found a seat right next to Ron and Hermione. I was starting to tell them about the three transfer students that I met, when Professor McGonagall walked into the great hall follow by all of the new first year, and the three new students. Several of the first years were sopping wet, while others seemed only slightly damp, reminding me to be careful of Peeves. I looked over to the three that I was sure were triplets, and noticed their apparent unease at being up in the middle of the entire student body with a bunch of kids. All talking stopped as the sorting started and the sorting hat proceeded to sing his song. I was only half listening. My main attention was on Percy, Nico, and Thalia who all seemed to find it rather amusing that a hat could sing. Well, saying they found it amusing would be one thing, but the truth was that by the time the hat had finished the three of them were on the floor laughing their heads off. It had all started with Nico leaning over to whisper something to Percy. This comment resulted in Percy smiling broadly and in turn leaning over to Thalia and whispering the shared comment. Thalia snickered and said something back to the both of them. They all burst out laughing, quietly at first, and then they all seemed to finally hear what the hat was saying, for at once their heads whipped around in unison, to stare at the hat. They mouthed some of the lyrics before falling to the floor shaking.

They were all given a stern look at the hands of Professor McGonagall. In a loud voice she started reading off names.

"Albine, Flint" A small timid boy came up and was quickly placed in Hufflepuff.

McGonagall called out several more names, and the first Transfer was called.

"Di Angelo, Nico" Nico seemed calm as he slowly walked to the hat, glaring at McGonagall, just daring her to tell him to move faster. When he finally arrived, he sat down in a sloppy manner and let the sorting hat be placed on his head. As soon as McGonagall placed the hat on his head and let go, a task which spanned only 3 seconds, the sorting hat roared.

"GRYFFINDOR!" Everyone sat shell shocked, but then Harry started cheering and everyone else joined in too. No one had ever seen the hat decide which house someone should be in that fast. It was unheard of the only take three seconds. It usually took 45 seconds at the most. McGonagall hurriedly took the sorting hat off of his head and pointed Nico to our table. He walked quickly, not liking the attention, and sat next to me.

"Hey, Harry." Nico said a little stiff. I wonder if the hat spoke to him at all? I answered him with the same 'Hey, Nico'. He turned to watch the rest of the sorting, choosing to ignore all of the staring students.

There weren't very many students with the last names that started with either 'E', or 'F', so we were quickly into the middle of the 'G's.

The next Transfer to be called up was Thalia, leaving Percy behind, and ruining my theory of them being siblings.

"Grace, Thalia" McGonagall called out. Thalia seemed to flinch as her last name was spoken, but no one else seemed to notice.

Thalia made her way up to the sorting hat, pushing the male first years out of the way roughly. She sat down on the stool, and stared forward with an aura of confidence surrounding her, unlike most of the other first years, who all seemed to be a nervous wreck. McGonagall started to bring the hat down on to her head, but only made it as far as her ears before the sorting hat erupted with yet another extremely loud proclamation of, "GRYFFINDOR!" This had only taken the hat about two seconds to decide. This time everyone in Gryffindor remembered to cheer. Thalia ducked out from under the hat and walked over to the Gryffindor table with such grace that made almost all of the male students swoon. Thalia sat next to Nico, who in turn scooted over to make her room. Well, he didn't willingly move over for her, but that is besides the point. She sent a curt nod my way and stared back to the front of the school.

Percy wasn't called until we hit the 'J's. He seemed even more at ease just standing there than either Thalia, or Nico had been. He seemed to be lost in thought for it took him a second to realize that his name had been called.

"Jackson, Percy" Professor McGonagall yelled into the silence, Percy gave a small smile and jogged over to her and the sorting hat. He sat down on the stool, seemingly without any care. Professor McGonagall seemed to be nervous with yet another transfer, because she seemed to take a minute for herself, before attempting to place the hat on Percy's head. But it never made it there. As soon as the edge of the sorting hat brushed against Percy's unmanageable black hair, the hat shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!"

This time everyone did not remember to cheer, the only noise that was heard from anyone was from Nico and Thalia.

"Show Off" they both said very loudly at the same time, causing Percy to blush slightly, and run over to the Gryffindor table. He shoved both of them over, and plopped down onto the bench. No one cheered for him, they were all too astounded. The hat hadn't even touched his head and he had been placed! It was practically the same thing for all of them. I turned to look at Dumbledore, who had a gleam in his eyes as he watched the Transfer students.

The rest of the sorting went on as per usual. And afterward, Dumbledore made his normal speech but added on a small part.

"Thank you all, for your attention. I'm sure, as most of you figured out, you now know that we have three Transfer students this year. They are from America, and they are very different from us at this school, so they are taking this chance to see how we learn, and to learn more things about us and this school. They will be staying for the entire year, but remember that they have never been here before. So if you see one of them wandering the halls, lost, please help them on their way. And with this over let the feast begin!" Dumbledore waved his hands and food started to fill the table.

End of chapter one, I hope you all liked it, even though it was a slow paced chapter, but every story has to set down the basics. So with that thanks for reading, and Review!