Chapter 5 - The Police Officer

Sam's Point of View

Okay, so we had no money, no idea how to get home.. And just a pile of fat cakes.

Well it could of been worse, I could of been stuck with an annoying nerd.. Oh yeah I was, Freddie.

He was completely freaking out before, feeling all sorry for himself (I was happy enough with my fat cakes).

Also he was so mean to that nice hot guy who gave us a lift, he could of took us home if Freddie just buttoned it!

I strolled away as Freddie was looking at the town notice board, I found some public toilets to wash myself up in. Just word 'Public' makes me shudder in disgust.

I rinsed my face with cold water, I looking up to the mirror. Then it finally hit me, am i ever going to see my family again? Was anyone even worried? What about Carly and Spencer? They must of been. And icarly.. Everyone must of been freaking out.

Freddie said earlier on we were going to the local police station, I nodded not really paying attenion to a word his boring mouth was saying. I just wanted to go home, lie down with some BQQ ribs and watch television.

Then I remembered something, I ruffled through my back pocket to find my cell phone.

I switched it on to find the battery was dead, my glimsp of hope disappeared.

Tears bubbled up angerily in my eyes, I screamed throwing it against the wall.

I bit into a fat cake and stormed out of the toilets.

I spotted Freddie across the road speaking to a confused police officer. The boy was waving his arms about fraticly, he looked more like a mad man if you asked me.

I wondered over towards them and stood besides Freddie.

"Okay, calm down, son." The officer chuckled.

I shook my head, he wasnt buying it, Freddie tried to convince him once more.

"Please officer, believe us. Were from Seattle and have to get back home!" Freddie told him once again.

I nodded growing frustrated,"We've got no money or anything. Also those guys who kidnapped us had guns and.."

I bursted into tears, Freddie's eyes widened. I stood looking up to the police man.

"They were going to shoot us! And.. They locked us in a room and we just about escaped before they could! I sobbed.

He put his hand on my sholder,"Okay, come on, sweet heart. I'll take you both to the station."

Freddie and I sat in the back of the police car. Freddie raised an eyebrow at me, "I never knew you were such a good actress, Sam."

I folded my arms, I turned my head to look out the window, whislt drying my the tears.

He noticed and leaned back,"Oh.. You weren't."

"I just want to go home, do you think I enjoy being stuck with you?" I scowled.

"Well actually-"

I narrowed my eyes ,"Just shut up Freddie, your giving me an head ache."

Freddie Point Of View

Talk about harsh! How was I suppose to know she was really crying?

Okay, I did feel quite bad, I never wanted to see her like this. I never think I ever would, she would always chase me away or march of if she was upset. She can try to, but no matter how much she tried, we needed each other.

We gave in our statements to the police while they were going to do all they can to track the kidnappers down.

We were allowed to use the phone to ring our relatives up to let them know were okay. I rang my mom, as always she was worried out of her mind about me. More than usual of course. But I think she was more concerned if I was wearing my cream.. I would if I had it.

Sam rang Carly, she seemed happy to hear her voice.

I wondered why she didnt ring her mom, maybe she didnt want to. Wouldnt she be worried though? I didnt know whwere, but I didnt dare to ask.