Characters: Everyone and their mother
Genre: Drama. Casefile. Torture. Family
Rating: FR18.
Warning: Violence and torture, we will deal with some sick puppies here. Well, it is a casefile after all. It dabs a little in the dark arts, the fight of good and evils, demons and angels, this kind of stuff. Like that episode of CM where the guy thought he was possessed. That one. Yep. So you are warned.
Summary: A Marine's body is found buried in the woods of Langley County. Flogged bodies are found along Route 66. Two cases that will rock the foundations of what is, reveal what was and expose what will come to be.
Crossover with Criminal Minds
Inspired by the N Criminal I S challenge from the NFA website but it won't be entered into the challenge as it does not fit the requirements of it.
A/N: So, the end had to come. I had no idea where I was going when I started writing fanfiction, but the journey was long and extremely satisfying. This will be my (hopefully) last fic in the Buchanan series. I'll finish the ongoing WIPs just because I have to, but RL and academic studies will definitely cut down my writing hours.
And one of my friends is daring me to write an original f**** romance before the year ends. The fact that he's struggling to write his own romance counts, after all, misery loves company and he is definitely one that can't finishes anything alone if there's no person to push him to do it and I'll be studying a lot for TOEFL so I will have to cut my writing times.
So the saga ends here. All secrets will be revealed and we're going back to the pit.
Noraque, this dark story is for you.
Chapter 1: A Body is uncovered
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. - 1 Corinthians, 13:12
The past is the beginning of the beginning and all that is and has been is but the twilight of the dawn. - H. G. Wells
Langley Oaks Park was a glorious national reserve in Northern Virginia, situated in Fairfax county, which besides housing numerous rare and endangered species of fauna and flora also had the dubious honor of housing one of the most coveted terrorist targets of the world, the most hated and feared agency in the federal letter soup, the headquarters of the CIA.
Yet, while men and women in somber suits marched through its corridors carrying the secrets of their country, Fairfax county boosted more than one million residents, making it a prime location for highly coveted real estate businesses, which slowly were spreading their tentacles throughout the green areas building highly pricey and exclusive homes surrounded by the glorious shade of the trees of the natural reserve alongside the river.
Building permits were rare to get and once achieved, the contractors couldn't contain their glee as they came with their bulldozers, trucks and workers to clear the area to build another high income house which they would certainly sell for millions in a not so far away future.
However, in that fine summer morning, all clearing of the area had to be stopped when one of the bulldozers digging the foundations of a brand new house found something that wasn't supposed to be in that area, which for a long time had been just an old abandoned section of the woods behind the grounds of Langley High School.
"Stop!" The building master screamed to the bulldozer conductor, as he noticed something strange attached to the cutting edge.
The men at work in the building site surrounded the fresh hole which had appeared in front of them as they cleared the path for the bulldozer.
A black plastic canvas had been unburied from the fresh revolved earth and a bony hand was peeking from one of its openings.