The Sun and the Moon


Don't own anything! All rights on this manga and all it's Charactersc belong to Masashi Kishimoto-sama!

I'd appreciate constructive criticsm. Flames'll be used to roast my marshmallows; maybe sausages too but I don't know about that yet...

Dear Naruto

When you read this I probably won´t be alive anymore

Somehow it´s funny

To make people notice that they are actually there,

they have to lose them first

What an irony

Maybe now you will notice me

In my life I was never able to express my feelings for you

You were like the Sun for me

I always watched you from the Shadows

I never had a chance to make you notice me,

because I am the Moon

The Moon and the Sun are damned to never meet each other

You can sometimes see the outlines of the Moon,

but it will never be fully seen because the Sun shines too bright

But maybe now when the Moon isn´t there to replace your shine at night,

you will notice its presence

And then for the first and last time the eclipse of the Sun and the Moon will arise,

only for the Moon to fade into Oblivion forever

I only hope for you not to forget that I was there long ago

With this I will finally be able to fulfill my Destiny,

because the Moon isn´t important for the survival of all

As I write this I make my last preparations to depart

My only regret is that I will never again be able to see you in this life

Maybe in our next life I can be the Sky,

so that we can shine together...

In Love

Hinata Hyuuga

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