This is my first story on this site. I look forward to writing the rest of this little tale. The rating is to be safe.

Obligatory disclaimer: I really don't own anything mentioned in this story at all.


Walking along the streets of the crowded city always reminded her of how mundane her life could have turned out to be. Above her, the large screens blared out advertisements and news feeds of current events. As the crowd pulled her along the sidewalks, she channeled her attention towards the blaring voice of the current man on the screen. It was one of the newscasters for channel 23 reporting once more the latest victims of a figure known as Kira.

Kagome bit down on the candy bar she had just purchased. Always on the news, it was all about Kira Kira Kira. Licking her lips, she chanced another bite. Oh, and that L detective too. The ultimate showdown between evil and justice, where sacrifices, love and honor are put on the line-

Snickering at her train of thought, she chomped on the rest of her treat. All of those matters were far too cliché for her liking. It wasn't something that concerned her so she wouldn't get too wrapped up in it.

Besides, she hadn't done anything wrong (in this time anyway) so she had nothing to fear from the so-called Kira.

A man bumped into her shoulder, and she stumbled a bit from the impact. She directed her piercing blue gaze upon the man, but he had already long disappeared into the crowd. Grumbling at the rudeness of it all, her mind drifted back to the reason she had been out for a night walk in the first place.

Placing a firm hand on the strap resting on her shoulder, the raven haired girl squinted. Spiritual beings were always so much harder to detect when they blended in with the crowd. A large hissing sound caught her attention in front of her, and she panicked as she saw a giant snake's body quickly slithering away from the crosswalk, blood trailing from its scaly onto the ground.

She acted quickly, pulling her bow from her sword pouch and notching an arrow onto the taut string. People around her started screaming as the priestess pulled out her weapon. Realizing her mistake, she cursed and took off after the beast – causing a major disruption in traffic as she was nearly rammed several times by incoming cars.

"Sorry – eek! I'm so sorry!" The young woman squealed as she narrowly avoided death.

Legs working hard to keep up with the scaly demon, she inwardly thanked her days in the feudal era for making her so fit. Noting the scenery changes around her as she ran for the escaping monster, she was relieved to see that it was heading toward Midori Park. Perfect, people were never around at this time. Less people meant fewer casualties. Sango would have been proud.

"You're mine now." She whispered into the night, pulling the bowstring back and letting an arrow loose. Her holy energy flared just as she fired the projectile, giving the demon time to contort its body and dodge it. The arrow embedded itself in the tree trunk, giving off a small flash of light. Stopping in her tracks, Kagome narrowed her eyes. So the demon wasn't all snake – its top half resembled a naked human woman, and bore a striking similarity to Miss Centipede.

Her sapphire eyes flashed with different emotions as she recalled her short time with the other female monstrosity; awe, curiosity, sadness, and anger.

Kagome smiled bitterly. Notching another arrow, she looked directly into its eyes and yelled at the top of her lungs, "Hey ugly!" It flinched at her yell before screaming in pain as the arrow hit its mark; stabbing the demon right in the chest, sealing it to a tree. The priestess sighed in relief before suddenly realizing just how far she had run. Chest heaving, she walked up to the trapped monster, arrow in hand. It glared at her, hissing in pain. Blood spurted from the wound she had inflicted, and she was careful not to touch it.

"I dispel you to whence you came, demon." She coughed out with surprisingly firm eyes. Plunging the final blow into the snake demon's head, it exploded into pieces. She stood there for a moment with her eyes closed to make sure none of the... corpse dust got in her eyes.

"I will never get used to that." She murmured under her breath, brushing the remaining snake demon powder off her clothes. "Better than blood anyway." One thing was for sure, mom wouldn't take it well if she went home soaked in blood.

Stretching in victory, she groaned in satisfaction. "And so today ends the demon hunt." Lately, there had been news reports of people dying with strange marks on their bodies – their flesh torn from their body in a cruel manner. Many people blamed a strange serial killer named BB (whoever that guy was)– but the priestess had known better. It was incredibly obvious, well to her at least, that a demon had created those bite marks.

Kagome sighed before yanking the lone arrow out of the tree with all her might, falling backwards from the effort. And there she lay, covered in dirt and dust, pondering her life. These demon-slaying days would never end for her would they? Ever since she had been promptly dragged into that Bone-Eater's Well, her life had never been the same. She wondered sometimes if she would have been happier not living the way she was now. Placing the weapon back into her pouch, she turned heel to go back the direction she came from, and then stopped dead.

A panicked expression came upon her face. Fudgesicles. Which way had she come from?

Her eyes darted around for any familiar landscape, but it was far too dark to see anything past an outstretched arm. The outline of numerous trees dominated her vision. Stepping into the forest nervously, she gulped as owl hooted loudly in the air, causing the trees to rustle. Whimpering slightly, she chided herself. She was a priestess that could take down a Snake Demon, a kitsune, and maybe a gremlin or two (albeit with some lucky shots), but she couldn't face something like this?

It was times like these that she wished demons would just leave her cellphone alone. Every damn time, they destroy it. What's up with that?

Trodding even faster into the forest, she let out a frightened squeak as she stumbled into a bush, the rustling sound echoing throughout the park. Best day ever. Hands down.

She warily looked to her left to see if anyone was there. Finding nothing, she cast her gaze to the right. A pasty white humanoid figure was crouching on a park bench, pushing a pale thumb against its lips, dressed in a long white shirt and blue jeans. At the sound of her movements, it cast its eyes her way.

She couldn't help it. She screamed shrilly.

Backing away from the apparition, she feebly fumbled for her bow. This-this-this guy was even scarier than Sadako from the ring! Hell, he even looked like her too! His bulging black eyes observed her carefully, gauging her reaction. Finally, he broke the stalemate.

"Why hello there." He greeted her pleasantly albeit with a monotone voice, as if it wasn't 3 AM, and she had been greeting him amidst a pleasant walk in the park.

"" She stuttered, quickly regaining control of the situation and her mind, "I...human?"

He looked down at her with those ghoulish eyes and nodded his head. Her sapphire eyes followed the movement of his jet black spiky hair. Kagome's body visibly relaxed. Swiftly realizing that she had just been extremely rude to someone she had just met, a pink flush took over her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry." She said, regret filling ever word, "I didn't mean to scream. I thought you were a..." She bit her lip, realizing that saying it would have made it worse. Standing up, she bowed to the curious man.

He said nothing for a few seconds before taking his finger off his teeth. "A ghost?"

"Er..." Kagome could say nothing to dispute that.

He paused. "My complexion is quite ghastly." The young man agreed with her. He suddenly took note of her choice of luggage. "Arrows? It's far too late for any archery club practice, isn't it?" The priestess blinked.

"Oh, these silly things?" She laughed it off nervously, trying to think of an excuse fast, "My friend borrowed them from me before. She gave them back to me today." Proud of such a good excuse, she stuck to it. Her entire figure passed under his disbelieving eyes.

"I see." Was all he said before he stood up from his sitting place. The raven haired girl winced. He even walked like a ghoul with his back hunched over.

"Why are you out here so late?" She found herself asking out of pure curiosity. "And why do you sit like that..." The young woman had seen her fair share of oddities even in the supernatural area, but this guy took the weirdo ball and ran with it. "Doesn't it hurt?" His feet – oh wow he didn't wear shoes – looked dirty and blistered.

He only put his face up close to hers, observing her guarded eyes. "I think better this way. My deduction capabilities would be reduced by 40%." He ignored her initial question, and started his inspection. Walking around her, he eyeballed her like a dog observed another dog. She could only fidget at his actions. Why was she still sticking around? This guy could be a serial killer for all she knew.

"Uhm...I'll have to be getting back now then. My... mafia waiting for me back in my apartment..." She nearly facepalmed at the completely obvious lie she had told. She couldn't lie to save her life. Possibly literally at the moment.

Placing his thumb back against his mouth, he casually observed her for another moment. As she walked ahead to try to shake him off, he called out to her in his monotone voice.


She froze, turning to face him again. Her inquisitive eyes met with his void irises.

He went back to the bench and patted it with an ashen hand. "Please, sit."

The priestess looked at him disbelievingly, and the words just slipped out of her mouth. "How do I know you're not going to try to do anything harmful to me?"

He seemed to take that as a joke, albeit a bad one. A small smirk crept up on his face, further giving her the spooks. You have a point." He paused momentarily, "But if I was going to kill you I would have done so earlier while you were making a ruckus in the forest with your whimpering."

A blush elevated on her face from embarrassment. "Oh, so you heard all that..." Eyeing him cautiously, she told him, "I'll stay here, thanks. If you make any suspicious movements, I'll..." Fumbling for a decent threat, she pulled out an arrow and made a vague gesture that looked like a stabbing motion with it.

A small chuckle made its way from his pale lips as he stared at her, utterly fascinated. "You're quite interesting, aren't you?" Under his eager, somewhat childish gaze, she was worn down. "Not quite the brightest though." He continued, watching as her facial expression changed from shock, to anger, to mortification.

"Wha-what was it that you made me stay for?" She huffed out, her lips set in a soft pout. "If you're so quick to insult me like that, I may as well leave!" Folding her arms in indignation, she kept a wary eye on the man now wearing what seemed to be a secretive smile on his face.

He stared at her. "Ahhh." He said suddenly, "That's right. What was your name?"

She shifted uncomfortably. "Uhm..." Well, it wouldn't hurt to just give her first name, she supposed. "Kagome. It's Kagome." Adjusting the strap of her arrow case uncomfortably, she retorted, "What's yours?"

"Must I give it?" He cocked his head.

"I gave you mine, you give me yours." She replied, already slightly annoyed. Who did this guy think he was anyway?

The ghoulish man looked up at the sky as if in thought. "I suppose it would be good manners." He directed his line of sight back to the priestess. "I am L."

She quickly picked up on the reference. Kagome raised a brow. "Like the detective? L? Versus Kira?" Honestly, she found it hard to believe that a man like him was a famous detective. "You're not lying to get out of this, are you?"

He only said mysteriously, "Well, who knows." His dark eyes followed a leaf that was falling the surroundings, and Kagome found her interest peaked by this man. At first glance he had scared her – she had even thought he could hurt her. But perhaps he was just lonely?

"Heh, well you don't exactly fit what I was imagining." She told him, mirth in her blue eyes. "Maybe if you..." She looked him up and down, from his mystically dark eyes to his toes rubbing against one another, "...changed your wardrobe a little."

He merely continued watching the little leaf make its journey towards the ground as if the priestess hadn't spoken at all. Finally he said definitively, "My appearance does not affect my thinking capacity. Thus, I see no reason to meddle with it."

Not knowing how else to respond, she merely nodded. Tugging on her sword pouch, she waved at him half-heartedly, turning to leave. "I'll be off now. My mother is probably worried sick about me. It was...nice meeting you." She headed off to (what she hoped) the direction of her house.

"So your mafia boyfriend lives with you and your mother?" She could feel the smirk rolling off L, even with her back towards him.

Actually face palming this time, she yelled back at him, her face starting to become enveloped in a beet red color, "Who would tell you?" She stomped off; swearing brilliantly as she nearly caught her foot in a branch once more.

L observed the blazing trail she made in his opposite direction and bit his thumbnail once more. "What a very interesting woman." He noted aloud to himself. "Perhaps I shall have her help me..."

Thanks for reading up to the end of this initial chapter! Any type of review, or constructive criticism is much appreciated!