Don't kill me for this being so short! DX

Okay, so I'm completely taken over by other things right now... *CoughAFFCough*

Anyway, I hope you guys are satisfied with this chapter because I'm not sure if I am. ;P


Chapter 8: Hissy Fit

"I was rejected?"

Alois couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

"How could he reject me like that?"

Part of him wanted to give up entirely on life, but an unknown force was holding him back from doing so. He wished he knew what it was or what it wanted with him.

"Honey," he could hear his mother's voice from the other side of the door, "I'm sorry for what I said before. I didn't mean any of it."

The sobbing boy felt anger welling up inside his chest, and with one swift movement, he flung the door open and pushed his way past his concerned mother.

"Everything has to involve you, doesn't it? You have to be a selfish bitch all the time!" His fists were balled up at his sides, and he stomped his foot on the floor, huffing, and turning on his heel to walk away.

"What are you talking about, Alois?" His mother grabbed ahold of his arm before he could go. "How can you call me selfish when I'm the only one who hasn't given up on you yet? That's not fair, Alois..."

The woman could feel tears stinging her offended eyes, but she wouldn't let them stream yet.

Alois pulled his arm away from his mother, and gazed at her over his shoulder, replying, "This has nothing to do with you, so don't worry about it. I can fend for myself." With that, he turned again, walking down the staircase with loud footsteps.

"Honey..." The woman at the top of the stairs couldn't find the right words, and decided to give up for the time being, her hands flying to her face and wetness staining them.

The boy who had made his mother cry didn't know where he was going, but he was on his way somewhere. It didn't matter by that point. He just needed to get away from everyone and everything, and what better way to escape than to roam into unfamiliar areas alone?

It was getting dark outside as Alois' quick steps led him somewhere far away from home. In that moment, he didn't care what he looked like. It didn't matter to him if someone from school saw him with his slightly baggy, zebra-printed tank top or short spandex-like shorts on. They could laugh all they want at his unusual attire. Nothing could faze him.

He walked for what seemed like forever until his legs were tired, and he decided to sit on a bench next to a building in the downtown area that seemed to be bursting at the seams. The music that was blaring from inside rocked the whole block, and Alois exhaled, bringing his legs up to his chest and holding them in place there.

People were passing him by, paying no mind to his presence, which he was grateful for. He didn't need random strangers to strike up a conversation with him.

It would seem, however, that he jinxed himself... because just as he let his legs down again and leaned forward on the bench, a man who might've been in his early to mid-twenties and was wearing the tightest leather pants and a plain, black tank top approached him with his group of friends not that far behind him.

The man sat a little too close to him on the bench with a cigarette hanging from his lips. He removed it, blowing smoke into the nighttime air, and Alois coughed once, accidentally inhaling it.

"Hey," the man spoke with his smooth, unaltered voice, and Alois glanced up the him, "I never saw you here before."

Alois flinched, trying to look away, but the man grabbed his face and forced him to stare him straight in the eyes. He seemed a bit irritated by the blonde's hesitation and repeated himself, "As I was saying, I never saw you here before..."

"Freshmeat!" One of the guys in his group yelled, causing the rest of them to chuckle wildly at the term.

"You're really pretty for a boy, you know that?"

Alois blinked furiously, his unbelieving ears at attention and a blush crossing his face.

"You are a boy, right?"

His nod was a little too instant.

"Can't you speak? Huh?" The man seemed slightly annoyed, and it only caused Alois to burn with hatred again.

"Of course, I can speak, douchebag." He nearly spat, his defenses working again and a light diva-like exterior coating his mannerisms. He shot up from the bench and watched as the man did the same, throwing his cigarette to the ground.

"My name's Sebastian." The man extended a hand to the pouting boy in front of him, but he was slapped away all too quickly and surprise hit him like a ton of bricks.

"Why would I want to know your name?" Alois' gaze was deadly, a hand on his protruding hip.

The stranger closed the distance between them, his lips brushing against the blonde's ear, making him shudder terribly. He opened his mouth to speak.

"So that you'll know what to scream when I'm fucking you."

Alois gasped, trying to back up, but he was caught by the arm.

"Where do you think you're going, baby?" The stranger had a death grip on his tiny arm, and he struggled against him like nothing else in the world.

"Let me go!" He screeched, tugging at his own arm without end.

"God, you don't have to have a hissy fit. I just want to have a little fun with you."

"This is not going to happen... not here, not now..." He thought to himself.

"Tough chance," Alois spoke, pulling one last time and successfully getting away from his sudden attacker, "asshole!" He stormed off, making sure that none of the guys were following behind him. When he was sure that they were gone, he pulled out his cell phone and thought for a moment.

"Who do I have to call? Not my mom... she'll kill me. Too bad she's the only one I have..."

He let out an exasperated sigh, his head beginning to ache as he made his way down the empty sidewalk.

"No, there's one other person..."

As much as he didn't want to call the number on the screen, he did. He listened intently as the ringing sound went on for a few seconds, then stopped all together.

"Hello? Can you come pick me up?"