Total Stephenie Meyer moment, I had a dream about this and it was just amazing, IT WAS AMAZING. Didn't want to wake up and then I started to add on to it in my head, and realized... Yall got to see it too right? Sorry, I know I've used the name before it other stories but I'm in love with it 3

It's been sixteen years since I saw that handsome head of dirty blonde hair, his very annoying smirk and how nice someone could be. Things have changed lately, but being on this plane home I couldn't help but think of them. Jasmine and her motherly bear type ways and Valentina how she scared the hell out of me but was always a mentor throughout my changing. I looked over at that strawberry blonde hair, more blonde than strawberry next to me. That sixteen year old, three months two day boy was my son- and Alek's. I had never told him, or it had never come up when I left, or was moved more like it I had to cut off connection with everyone. Including Amy, I missed Amy. In the past three years though, I had reconnected. Told her about Sawyer, about how he was strong and how he never objected to spending a night with me and having frozen pizza's. I was coming home this weekend not only to see my mom, the SF mai but to go to my best friend's wedding, or two best friends wedding. "Mom, Hey Madre!"

"What?" I said turning to him, grown up me looked like Kathyrn off of Switched at Birth. Honestly, I was a little hotter than that for such an old lady. I still had fun, I lived the mai way and I never married or got with anyone else after Alek. Not because I was just not willing to let go, no one was good enough to be around Sawyer. Those that were, were fake they just wanted the power I brought.

"We land soon" he reminded me, I smiled at him and messed up his straight hair that was boyishly cut. Another reason that I had never told Alek was because this was MY son. I didn't really want to share him, and Alek had never written me. I didn't know how he was, if he was with someone else. What would be more of a life stopper than hey, remember when we hooked up sixteen years ago- you have a son."Who's picking us up again?"

"Aunt Amy" Dear God, help us. Rumor has it from Paul of course that she still drive like a lunatic, maybe even worse than that.

"The one always sending me money?" We weren't short of money, Amy just felt like she had to make up somehow.

"Um, Yes. I have to catch you up on some things- O.K. you will meet three people when we get off this plane and a little after that some more people. Amy, Paul and my mom... Don't call her grandma, she'll hate that. Don't call her anything. Later you'll meet Valentina I know you've heard of her in that little Mai History class then you'll meet her daughter Jasmine and her boyfriend Jesse. Call her Aunt Jasmine she's like a sister" Then you'll meet Alek, but that's not going to be a problem- cause I'll make up some story or He'll just assume I got with someone else "Yes and then her cousin Alek"

"Call him Uncle Alek?"

"No way" I contained my voice, I could call myself a pretty cool mom. I tried to be just like my mom, and not do the things that I hated that she did. I had my restrictions when it came to my son though, he's the son of the Uniter and he has a target on his head just as much as I do. Somehow I've kept him a secret from Valentina and everyone else. The only people that knew about him besides Amy and Paul were the mai that I lived with when I had him that he calls Grandma and Grandpa and their kids Uncle and Aunt...

"What do I call him?"

"Call him whatever you want" I nodded seeing the 'buckle your seat belts' sign flashing "Are you excited?" Sawyer barely asked me about his dad, I didn't like to talk about it. If I did talk to him about it I told him I had loved his dad a lot but being the Uniter had it's restrictions and I was sure that if his dad was around he would be a good guy to him, that was a phase though. When he was twelve at least, I waited for the plane to land in silence while Sawyer started to drift a little.

To describe my son the best way possible is he was strong, and set for life. He had friends that he would talk to and leave the house some nights but he would always come home. He hated being watched out for and often told the guards off, then got grounded for his language. He had a few girls following him around but he knew his restrictions by heart. He liked all music, country and rap being his major two. That's what you get for hiding away in the country, it teaches you something though. I liked my home a lot, it was made up the way I wanted a home to be made up besides the mess of school books, and clothes scattered in Sawyer's room.

The plane had landed, I waited for the signal we could stand up. When we could I let Sawyer walk in front of me so I could keep his back safe. I had made sure that he could protect himself and whoever he was with when it came to being with his mai friends. I had missed this place, Sawyer looked at me and smiled "It feels good to be home" I sighed, and then walked inside and listened for Amy's voice. Her babble had never came to cease also according to Paul. I found her soon enough, she looked at me first giving me a huge hug that I returned. I tried not to cry, I missed her so much.

"And this must be my nephew" She squealed as she hugged Sawyer who gave me a look "Where do we go first? Momma M's or my house! Paul's waiting outside" We followed her as Sawyer continued to give me looks saying that Amy was crazy. When he saw Paul, I saw Alek come out in him. Something that I thought wasn't passed down- Sarcasm and cockiness with a few bits of just being rude.

"You named me after him?" Sawyer Paul King. I shot him a look telling him he better be nice. "Sorry" He mumbled, and then hugged Paul or patted him on the back while Paul hugged him.

"Are we going to see the mai? Or are we going to see your mom?" Some things never changed, him wanting to see the mai...

"Whichever you want, I don't see why we can't see my mom first" I wanted to see her, I needed to see my mom.

"I want to see grandma" I hit Sawyer on the back of the head "Sorry, want me to call her Meredith?"

"Don't call her grandma!" I hissed "That's all I'm asking you"

"This is classic" Amy snorted "Chloe being the mom, we always thought that it would be me first." True that, but hey... I loved my many job. We decided we would go to my mom's first, As Amy drove I told Sawyer that that's why I taught him to drive. When we rode up, I took in a deep breath and knocked on the front door. "Mom!" Amy called and we walked in.

She sat at the table reading the paper, "Mom" I said with minimum cracking in my voice "Hey"

"Chloe!" She said pulling me in a big hug, "Sawyer, I got all the pictures you sent me!"

"Cool" I was praying that the words grandma wouldn't come out of his mouth "Nana" My mom's face paled and I couldn't help but laugh at his way of going around my words.

"Call me emmy or something but with an M" Meredith, (M)eemy. Sweet. "We have some catching up to do" This was going to be a long visit. I wouldn't make it to the apartment we were renting out this summer until tonight, ironically the apartment was in the same building as the rest of the mai. My mom was helping Amy arrange her wedding, she wanted to talk about Sawyer's dad... She didn't know who it was, it was a really big secret of mine. I told her that I didn't want to talk about him. After a lot of snacks, a lot of conversation I told her I was really tired, which I wasn't and that I had to go home before Sawyer and I passed out. "I'll see you tomorrow, right?" She asked.

"Yeah" I smiled at her "I promise, I love you"

"Implied" Those things never get old, I walked out of the house with Sawyer, Amy and Paul smiling at the night sky above me. Suddenly, I felt like that teenage girl again.

"We'll beat you" I told Amy as she got in her front seat. I tugged Sawyer to follow me and we started doing flips onto rooftops and running across them jumping. I was really fancy with flips, I liked them. Sawyer was more of the type that just jumped off of things. We had our own little race going, I won by a bit of long shot. "How do you like Nana?"

"Oh, she's cool. I see where you get it from" I took that is a compliment "and Amy's crazy, and Paul's an adult dork" I snickered a little at that, he was right.

"Aunt Amy, and Uncle Paul" I corrected as Amy's new car pulled up- glad she ditched the red bug I waved.

"Why are you dressed so professionally?" He asked me "Is this some kind of meeting as well?"

"Yeah" I looked down at my knee length gray skirt and tucked in V-neck with a matching Gray jacket. "I guess it is"

"Let's go see some mai" Paul laughed rubbing his hands together in excitement.

"I sort of hate coming unannounced..A little at least, I mean you guys knew and she knew I was going to come home soon but-"

"Chloe" Amy calmed me down "It's going to be alright" I knew she was talking more about seeing Alek then seeing Valentina. We walked in and I flashed a look at the doorman, he was new to me. He unlocked the elevator and we went up. I was nervous, Sawyer grabbed my hand and said that they wouldn't care. When the doors opened I wanted to just go back down, something was eating at the insides of me. Even though I felt like that I still walked to that door, I still opened it and just walked into a room full of mai that all looked like they were going to attack. One actually made a move, I put Sawyer behind me.

"STOP" I heard Valentina's voice as she saw Amy and Paul walk in, they smiled at her and waved at the other guys.

"Chloe?" Jasmine smiled running over to me, she gave me a great big hug. She looked at Sawyer still behind me, She raised her eyebrow "He's pretty young" I started to choke on my own breath.

"No silly, that's her son!" Amy spilled the beans for me "Sawyer introduce yourself"

"Hey" He did that head nod towards everyone "Aunt Jasmine" he raised an eyebrow being cocky as usual.

"That would be me..." Jasmine held her hand out to him, shocked more than anything. I hadn't gotten around to that I had a son when I had talked to Valentina. Valentina had recovered from her shock, and smiled at Sawyer.

"He looks just like you" She said "How old are you?"

"Sixteen" More shock went throughout the room. Then the door opened once more, Amy and Paul were closest to it.

"What are you doing here?" I head him ask them and then walk further into the room. He looked at me for a long time like he couldn't believe I was standing there "Chloe"

"Alek" I said back just as slowly as he had said my name "Well, we're staying here this summer"

"We're?" Alek interrupted me, looking at Sawyer "This is your boyfriend?"

"No he's her..son" Jasmine hesitated on the word son "Sawyer"

"Sawyer Paul King" Paul said proudly like he had won something over Alek for a change, as far as I knew they didn't talk but everything was different now. I was different now, and I wasn't here to reconnect with Alek even though I felt like pulling him closer- or I did until she walked in.

"Baby, I thought you were just getting your jacket" She said seductively and then stopped as she saw me, I laughed at her skanky get-up of course that's what he would turn to."Who are you?" Did she see the resemblance in Sawyer of Alek's I mean the way they both had those shoulders...

"Chloe" I said, I wanted to get out of there but I knew I had some talking to do.

"Nice to meet you" She was being rude to me? Who does she think she is...I hated her ugly tone, matter of fact she was ugly too.

"You as well" I said just as rude back to her and then turned to Valentina "Sorry to come in unannounced I find it's better so people don't know" People as in the guys who want to kill me still.

"Understood, let's go talk. Leave Sawyer out here"

"I'd rather not" I pulled him closer "I don't go anywhere without him"

"Mom C'mon" He tried to play cool, "I'll hang out with Uncle Paul" I hated the look in his eyes, fully green with the slits.

"Don't hurt him" I warned as he walked off with them, "AMY!" I ran after them "Don't get in a wreck, and have him home in two hours! Room 1705"

"Got it mommy" She called back and I walked right back into the apartment.

"Anyway" I said as Valentina looked at me like I was one of those other overprotective moms "What?" I asked.

"You didn't tell me you had a son" She seemed a little hurt that I hadn't "Did your friends know?"

"Yeah, they've known for about three years. My mom knew too, and I was going to tell you but hey... Having a kid at sixteen isn't a good conversation starter"

"Sixteen?" Alek said "Wait that kid's sixteen"

"Yeah Sawyer's sixteen, don't you have a date to go on?"

"Yes he does!" The hoe said and I waved goodbye to them both.

"Who's kid is he?" Jasmine asked me.

"I don't have to tell you" Was my rude response, I really didn't have to tell anyone who Sawyer's father was.

"Point taken" Jasmine said "Bad ending?"

"Tragic" I looked at the door, very tragic.