Sorry it took so long, I'm thinking of rounding this story off in this chapter or the next… You'll know by the end. I will be starting a new one soon, not sure if it is going to be Brittana or Fabrevans, tell me which you would like and a possible plot because I'm stuck with ideas, if you want of course. Reviews are always welcome too and I read every single one and smile.
They don't know how long it takes, waiting for a love like this…
Quinn wrinkled her nose, opening one eye like she usually did when she was awoken in the middle of the night. She reached out and grabbed her phone, opening her other eye in the process. She blinked furiously getting her vision clear.
"Quinn, you are amazing. Whatever you said to Brittany really helped. She phoned me and.. She said she loved me."
"That's great Santana. Do you know what time it is?"
"Yeah, I just got off the phone with her and had to tell you straight away."
"I see… so, you have got it cleared up?"
"Yep! We are going on our first date tomorrow night."
"That's great! Really great, I'm happy for you!"
"I suppose I should let you go to bed… Night, Q!"
Before Quinn could respond the phone went dead. She set it back down and sat up, she looked around her big room before sighing and pulling the duvets off her and swinging her legs over the side of her double bed. There was no way she could sleep now with so many thoughts on her mind.
Quinn descended the big staircase, looking at the giant clock on the wall in the entry way of her house. 3am great. Then, another thought passed through her head. She had left Brittany's house at eight or somewhere around there and Santana had said she had just got off the phone. That is one long phone call Quinn thought.
Quinn wandered into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator she peered around before grabbing a bowl of left over fruit and a spoon. She walked through into the little sitting room off the dining room and sat down in her usual place. She pulled her laptop over to her and dug into her fruit.
Turning on her laptop, Quinn logged onto face book to update her status.
Quinn Fabray: Santana, why you phone so early. Now I can't go back to sleep. Sat by myself eating fruit.
Within a few minutes, she got a notification saying that Sam has commented.
Sam Evans: Aww baby, I can come over now if you want, I'm up reading comics.
Quinn Fabray: It's fine, fine! I'm just not going to sleep easily lately, I'll get tired soon and fall back asleep.
Sam Evans: I'll see you later then (: I'll talk to you on chat, I need to ask you something.
Quinn Fabray: Okay.
Quinn clicked onto his chat and said Hi again.
Sam: I heard you went and saw Beth with Puck.
Me: Yeah, I couldn't go in alone so I called him.
Sam: You know you could have called me and I would have been there.
Me: I know but I felt that Puck had a right to come with me.
Sam: Okay, well, I'm going to bed, I'll talk to you in the morning, Q.
Me: Night sam, I love you.
By the time Quinn hit enter Sam had already gone offline.
Quinn finished her fruit off while watching a film she had on her laptop until she finally fell asleep again.
Quinn woke up to her mother shaking her awake. "What time is it, mom?"
Quinn shot up then and shook her head, she stood up then, too, swaying a bit but soon catching her balance. "I gotta get ready for school!"
Quinn ran up the stairs and quickly turned the shower on. She came back out of her bathroom into her closet and picked a clean cheerios uniform out and setting that on her bed. She went back into her bathroom and got into the shower, scrubbing furiously to try to wake up.
Quinn walked into homeroom late she ducked her head and nearly sprinted to her seat near Sam. When she sat down, she didn't let Sam speak, she pressed her lips to his lightly. They would have depended the kiss if the teacher hadn't said, "Miss Fabray, I would apreciate it if you didn't perform such things in here along with being late gives a slim chance of getting away with this. Would you like Detention after school or write lines every lunch for a week?"
Quinn sighed and muttered, "Sorry." She then raised her voice and said, "Detention."
"Fine, come up and get a slip."
Quinn stood confidently and walked to the front to collect the pink slip saying she was in detention. She carried it back to her seat and then slipped it in the front pocket of her cheerios bag. "Jeesh." Quinn whispered to Sam when the teacher went back to whatever she was doing.
"Why'd you pick detention?"
"Because Coach Sue'll get me out of it, I have cheerios practise after school for this week as we have competition on Saturday." Quinn said and winked.
After Quinn's morning lessons she headed to coach Sues office to tell her about the detention she would have to face. She knocked once and strode confidently in. "Q, I'm sure you have some interesting news for me to know." Sue said.
"Yep, only that I'm going to miss practice after school."
"Why, I can't have the head cheerio not turning up to an important practice."
"Because of Miss Turner, she gave me detention."
"Where's your slip? I will sort this out."
Quinn pulled the slip out of her bag and set it on Coach Sue's desk. "Thanks, Coach." Quinn said as she walked out.
The next thing Quinn had to do was see how Santana and Brittany were. She saw them at the end of the corridor heading to lunch, they still linked pinkies but every now and then, Santana would kiss Brittany's cheek. Quinn smiled and caught up with them.
"Hey, Guys!" Quinn said coming into step with them.
"Hey, Quinn, I really appreciate everything. I'm so happy." Santana said.
"Yeah, thanks Quinn, for telling me what you did to get me to phone Santana." Britt said.
"I'm just happy that I put your relationship right… Anyway, I got to go meet up with Sam, I have make plans for tonight."
"Oh.. Um.. Okay."
"So, I wanted to say.. I have a date planned for us."
"Oh-kay, where abouts?"
"Well, you know that field off N Union street, where you found me after my break up with Finn? There, I'll be there at 7 just when it is getting dark."
"Again, I say Oh-kay. I'll be there."
Quinn smiled and walked away, hands behind her back heading to lunch.
Sam also had a plan. Everything was falling into place.
Cheerios practise went like a blur. They practised their routine that they knew they couldn't loose the competition with.
After school, Quinn put together some sandwiches and other things that fit Sam's diet before putting a flowery top along with leggings on with her favourite pair of sandals. She weighed out the rest of the time doing homework and chores before half past six finally arrived. She picked up the bag she had put together and headed out to get things ready before Sam got there.
Quinn went a little further than the last time she had been to this place but that was just for privacy. She spread the blanket out and piled the extra two she had brought at the ends. She got the food out and lined that up before sitting down and waiting for the familiar blonde to arrive.
Quinn kept looking around until she finally saw the blonde hair bouncing towards her. She grinned brightly at him until he plopped down then she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head in the crook of his neck. "I missed you… I brought sandwiches and snacks, and, don't worry, things that fit with your diet."
"Aw thanks, I brought candles…" Sam said, pulling a duffle bag from his shoulder and pulling some candles out and a lighter.
"That's great, I wish I thought to bring candles."
"Well, I did and let me tell you, I'm starving! Your sandwiches are amazing."
"Help yourself!" Quinn said taking a triangle and biting a little chunk out of it.
Sam took a bite of a sandwich, before pouring Quinn a drink and then himself.
After the food, Quinn had lit all the candles and was currently laid down looking at the stars. Sam lowered himself beside her, wrapping his arms protectively around her. She turned her head to him and pressed her lips softly to his. The kiss deepened and Quinn opened her mouth slightly and Sam's tongue slipped into her mouth. He ran his tongue along the inside of her lip before he pulled back quickly and was on his knees.
"What?" Quinn said sitting up.
"Stand up a sec… I want to tell you something."
"Oh.. Um okay.." Quinn said, standing up.
"When I moved I never thought I would have seen you again. I think fate has stepped in and gave me another chance to make things right. I love you Quinn Fabray and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I never want to not be without you so-" Sam pulled something out of his pocket and dropped to one knee. "- Would you do the extraordinary thing of marrying me?"
"Oh no.. we.. We just met again…"
"Quinn, I've known you a long time and when I first laid eyes on you, I knew that you were the one for me. I may have been a little young to understand it at first but now, I know I'm doing the right thing."
"Aren't you meant to get permission…"
"Yes, but since you don't talk to your dad, I asked your mom. She gave me her blessing."
"Then… then.. Yes, I'll marry you!"
"Yes!" Sam said, standing up and picking Quinn up, spinning her around.
He set her down and then held the box with the ring out, offering.
Quinn held her left hand out, watching the sparkling jewel of her promise ring glimmer in the candle light. Sam slipped the new ring on her finger and Quinn stood admiring it for a few minutes.
Quinn met Sam's eyes before glancing away. "There was something I wanted to try… " She said eventually.
"Go on…"
Quinn sat down and beckoned Sam to follow her lead.
He sat down next to her and Quinn took a deep breath before rolling over until she was on top of him. She kissed him straight away and he responded. She reached down and pulled his shirt off. His fingers lingered at the bottom of her top. She nodded subtly and let him pull her top off.
I'm sure you can guess what happened next!
So there it is, the finale to reunited. I hope it was okay. I kind of just went through making everything sorted and happy so that it rounded the story off. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read and post reviews about my writing. It makes me so happy.
Like I said before, any ideas on my next story, please post it as a review or private message me. I'll definitely read and respond.
Thanks again!