A/N: Finally an update after a long, long time! Although you guys are more suited to use these words. I know I haven't updated in months and for that I can't apologise enough! . So from the very bottom of my heart, I'm extremely sorry!(bows deeply) Please forgive me everyone and I hope this chapter will mollify you! I won't waste time giving lame excuses though the lack of updates was due to my inherent laziness... So here's Chapter 7, for your pleasure!


Usui lowered his head to softly press his lips to her limp hand. His glowing green eyes never leaving hers, he murmured, "Ready to make a memorable night?"

Misaki gulped. She could feel the heat rushing into her cheeks. Usui's pronouncement caused a warm tingling to spread across her body. Clearing her throat, she managed to say, "Thank Goodness, you got out of that monkey suit and put on something sensible."

However, 'sensible' barely described the way he was dressed now. His blonde locks were slightly tousled, as if he'd changed in a hurry and it made her want to reach out and smooth them back into place. In sharp contrast to his fair hair was the black silk suit, its fit impeccable and defining the length and width of his well proportioned body. He wore a white shirt and the top two buttons were left unbuttoned. As her gaze travelled over him, she felt desire, potent and reckless, course through her. In that moment, she rejoiced in the knowledge that he was her man.

Unconsciously, her fingers curled around his hand which had been holding hers. Usui smiled at her gesture and cocking an eyebrow he asked, "Then I presume you like this better?"

Misaki smiled in response and nodded.

"Fine, so the butler get-up doesn't appeal to you. Now what do I do with it? Maybe I should save it for an intimate cosplay…?" He seemed to be saying all this to himself but it was clearly audible to Misaki. Before she could do more than splutter, "W-What-?" Usui turned to her with a bright smile and purred, "Let me get you something to drink." He rounded on his heel and went to the bar in the corner, turning on the music player on his way. The soft strains of 'Truly Madly Deeply' enveloped her.

Usui set down a platter of canapés and handed her a glass. Pouring out the bubbly golden drink he told her, "I intend to do what I'd said before," referring to his plans for future uses of the butler costume.

Misaki met the teasing challenge in his gaze and replied, "I know you very well so I don't doubt you will. But you've no idea of the punishment that awaits you if you even try!"

Grinning at her seductively, Usui said, "What you just said, that's very arousing you know…"

Misaki fixed him with a grim stare and finished, "It is also very painful."

Usui winked at her. "As I've good reason to know! Anyways," raising his glass, he clinked it against hers and said, "Here's to us- for a happy, loving and pain-free (he gave her a significant look and she had to smile in response to his mischievous gaze) married life!"

Over the rim of her glass of champagne, she observed how he'd dressed. The open collar, ruffled hair, the aura of barely restrained sensuality reminded her a bit of the time she'd cosplayed as a guy for an event at Maid Latte. She flushed a bit as she remembered how Usui had cornered her in the changing room and showed her what an attacker is like. He was behaving like an attacker right now.

She caught the curious light in Usui's eyes. Unable to hold herself back, she picked up a Parisian Brochette and said, "I was just thinking how you used to harass me in those days when we were in high school."

Usui grabbed her wrist and taking a bite out of the canapé, he asked, "Oh? If you miss it then I wouldn't mind resuming-" but Misaki cut him off with a curt, "No thank you!" Picking up another canapé, she gazed at him piercingly and remarked, "You're still a perverted outer space alien." Usui's lips curved at the mention of the nickname which Misaki had coined while in high school. Sighing dramatically, he gushed, "There're just so many memories attached with that nickname, you know. Some really erotic memories as well…"

Misaki felt the heat flare up in her cheeks. "Shut up idiot!" she snapped at him. She set down the empty glass of champagne on the table and Usui asked her if she'd like to proceed to dinner. Misaki nodded somewhat unsteadily. "I wonder what else he's planned for today. Does he intend to make some more erotic memories tonight?"

She hastily lowered her head before Usui could notice the fire blazing across her face.

Usui placed his hand at her waist as they rounded the L shaped bend in the lounge. The space ahead wasn't as brightly lit as the first section of the room. She looked up to note that their dining table had been replaced by a circular, spindle legged, linen covered table. A silver candelabrum with three candles in it was the only source of illumination apart from the lit Sakura tree in the back yard, its golden glow filtering through the French windows, in the room. Misaki exclaimed in amazement as Usui beamed at her and led her to the table.

He pulled out her chair and after she'd settled down, he uncovered a silver dish and served her Quiche Lorraine, pouring out a glass of red wine to go along with it. Misaki managed to find her voice and said, considerably flustered, "H-how, w-when d-did you do all this?"

Sitting down opposite her, Usui took in her amber eyes, widened in wonder, her slightly flushed face and parted lips. Bathed in the soft candlelight, she looked like the 17 year old Misaki at his apartment, gazing at the birthday cake he'd baked for her and pondering who he really was. Her eyes held the same wonder, her face the same innocence and her heart the same inherent goodness. He couldn't take his eyes off her.

Recovering himself a moment later, he waved an airy hand and said, "What, all this? I'd prepared all the food beforehand and kept it in the fridge, where I know you wouldn't notice. Benefits of being married to a woman with no culinary interests," he remarked mischievously before continuing, "But the decorations were another matter altogether so I came home early today. I'd around two and a half hours to put up the lights, the flowers, move the furniture and to generally spruce up the place. I was done in two. Then I got dressed and waited for you to arrive. And here we are now…"

Misaki gazed at him in a daze, softly repeating after him, "And here we are now…" The notes of 'Can you feel the love tonight' swelled and dipped around them.

"There's a calm surrender to the rush of day

When the heat of the rolling world can be turned away

An enchanted moment, and it sees me through

It's enough for this restless warrior just to be with you

And can you feel the love tonight

It is where we are

It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer

That we got this far…"

Yes, she could feel the love tonight. It was all around, lighting up the room, permeating the air, sweetly intoxicating. It was in the soft night-time sounds and in the rapidly beating heart. But most of all, it was emanating from the man sitting opposite her, burning bright in his glowing emerald orbs, filling the words coming out of those gently curved lips and resounding in his every heartbeat. In that moment, Misaki could feel it all, more than she'd done in a long time. The realization that no one in the world could love her more deeply and passionately than Takumi Usui was brought home strongly. And the fact that there could be nobody other than him in her life was also reaffirmed. They were more than soul mates, because they more than just completed each other. They were essential to each other in the sense that they made the other person what they were. Without Takumi, there would be no Misaki. And if Misaki weren't there, Takumi wouldn't be either.

Breaking the hush that had descended, Usui asked Misaki a bit pointedly, "Well? How is it?"

Misaki hastily sampled her Quiche Lorraine. Swallowing, she replied, "It's wonderful! You know it's my favourite so of course I like it!" Usui smiled back at her. "I'm glad."

Then, her brow furrowed. "Ahh… I wonder if Michi and Tasuku have…?"

"Had their dinner?" Usui finished for her. "Don't worry, they've had a delectable dinner at their aunt's place and were busy playing with their cousin and uncle when I last talked to them."

"Oh. Well that puts my mind at ease then, I suppose."

Noticing that the frown had not quite left her face, Usui said. "Relax, Misaki. The kids are alright. Suzuna and Hinata are taking good care of them. They think of Michi and Tasuku as their own-"

"I know all that! It's just that… when I saw the house in darkness, I got s-so w-worried a-and all I could think a-about was t-the kids a-and y-you, if you guys were fine… a-and… D-don't you ever do that to me again, Takumi Usui!"

Usui looked back at her, eyes widened in genuine shock and surprise. She was breathing hard, her face was flushed and her eyes were burning, as if the mere memory of that instance had galvanized her. Trying to make amends, he replied rapidly, "Okay, just calm down. Don't panic. I'll call up Hinata so you can talk to the kids. You can check for yourself that they're safe and sound." Usui started to rise but a hand on his sleeve restrained him. He turned around to glimpse Misaki's puzzled face.

"Eh? There's no need for that. You spoke to them, didn't you? So I've nothing to worry about, right?" She said, her amber eyes clear and calm.

Usui sank back into his seat. "Really," he thought as the song changed, "This woman is amazing."

"She's like the wind through my tree

She rides the night next to me

She leads me through moonlight

Only to burn me with the sun

She's taken my heart

But she doesn't know what she's done…"

"Yes," thought Usui. "She's just like the wind; unpredictable, changeable, cannot be taken for granted. One moment she's like a warm, gentle, refreshing breeze. But the very next minute, she's a raging typhoon. Blink, and she's sweet and charming like a gust of spring air. Even after all this time, she doesn't cease to surprise me. It's like every day I'm discovering a new side, a never before seen expression of hers."

Aloud, he asked her, "Are you sure?"

Misaki looked back at him in surprise. "Of course. Don't you think that if I was worrying myself to death about them, I would have rushed right over to Shintani's place? If it wasn't for you… I would have done that already, wouldn't I?"

Usui got what she meant. It was simple. She trusted him. She believed in him, that he'd never let anything happen to their children. As long as he was there for her, she'd have nothing to worry about. Because he'd always be truthful to her, never hiding anything, sharing everything with her. She had the utmost faith in him, that he'd never do her or their family wrong.

Misaki continued, "It's just that… a-a m-mother's heart… gets worked up…o-over the silliest things. Also, if anything ever h-happened to y-you…" Her head fell, too embarrassed to continue.

Usui closed his eyes and sighed. The realization from moments ago was so sweet that he wanted to savor it for a bit longer. But beneath the embarrassment, he could sense Misaki's deep concern and so, he reached across the table to lift her chin up. Emerald met topaz, as he said softly but firmly, "I understand."

Gratitude bloomed in her eyes, as a small smile touched her lips. Usui elaborated, "I understand because I feel the same way you do. The way I love you three, I wouldn't let any misfortune come close to you. But, God forbid, if something happened to any one of you, I…" His lids lowered, trying to envision such a future. But he came up blank. Without either of them- Misaki, Michi or Tasuku, he had no future. It wouldn't exist, because without the three of them in his life, he would cease to exist.

Misaki glanced at Usui, pained by the expression on his visage. His eyes were still shut but his sensitive features reflected the distressing thoughts going through his mind. She raised her hand and touched his fingers which were still lingering on her chin. "Hey," she whispered gently, "I'm right here. And you're not going to be rid of me that easily! So lose that look on your face."

Usui's eyes snapped open to catch the smile playing about her lips. "And I," he said firmly, "won't let you run away either. I told you that before too, right? It holds true even now."

"Baka…" replied Misaki, laughing. "I never have and I never will."

Usui grinned back at her. Raising his wine glass and signalling her to do the same, he said, "On that note, lets wish each other a very happy tenth wedding anniversary, my love. And many more to come."

A/N: Truly Madly Deeply/Savage Garden © Columbia

Can you feel the love tonight/Elton John © 1994 Walt Disney Music Company

She's Like The Wind/Patrick Swayze © RCA

Well, this is not the final chapter. Why? Because Misaki still has to share her gift with Usui! :D I'll write another chapter which I hope will be the concluding one and I promise it won't be a long wait until it comes out. So you might ask why the song lyrics? First, this isn't a lyric-fic. Second, the lyrics were supposed to bring out and highlight the emotions and feelings involved in the situation. Plus, what's a romantic candlelight without some romantic music?

Please R&R... The more reviews pouring in means faster update! :P Thanks to all those who did :) You give me the urge to continue writing.