~Hide's POV~

I couldn't see a thing as I ran into the cave, every inch was pitch black. I didn't need to see however, I remember everything. No matter how hard I tried, I could never erase this cave from my memories. I ran as fast as I could. Every over exhausted muscle in my body was screaming at me to stop as they began to rip apart. Light. I saw the end of the cave at last. Getting closer I saw, "Suki!"

Suki, my baby girl, is chained helplessly to the wall, the same wall I was chained to all those years ago.

"Mom! No, stay back!"

It was too late. I knew it was too late. I was already inside of the summoning circle. I looked up at Suki, tears rolling out of her tired, puffy eyes. She mouthed 'no'.

"NO!" She screamed as the pain flooded into my bloody. I fell on the ground screaming. 'Suki', was my last thought before the darkness took over.

~Kakashi's POV~


"Hide!" Gai ran faster once we were in the cave.

"We need to hurry up!" I shouted, "Neji, what do you see?"

"I see 72 men, a girl, and Hide. Something's wrong with Hide."

"What do you mean?" Asked Tenten.

"She's on the ground, her chakra is changing."

I ran faster along with the rest of the team. Gai, however, was way ahead of us.

~Gai's POV~

I ran into the room, the was the 71 men chanting, a girl chained to the wall opposite of me crying, and my beautiful flower in the middle of a summoning circle screaming in agony. Her body mutating, clothes ripping, and tears coming from her perfect orbs.

"Hide!" I shouted.

No one even blinked at me. I went to brake the circle but I felt an arm catch mine.

"He-Man Gai!"

My eyes went wide.

"Carlos? What are you doing here?"

I looked down, he was wearing the same garments as the others. 'He's one of them.' Right when he opened his mouth, I grabbed him by the neck and slammed him against the wall. I held him there.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't break your neck right here and now."

Carlos gasped for breath for each word he spoke.

"He-Man. I. Was. The. One. Who. Sent. The. Message. To. Kona."

"What?" I put him on the ground. He coughed a few times before regaining his breath.

"He-Man Gai, listen to me, if you break that circle, not only will you kill Jamonshi, you will kill Hide as well. If you listen to me, we can kill Jamonshi without harming Hide."


Carlos shook his head.

"All in good time He-Man. But right now, we need to get Suki out of the cave, as well as your team, if we don't we will all die here."

I was so confused. How can I trust this man after me betrayed my beloved? I looked over to the girl on the wall. 'I may not be able to trust him, but I do trust the fact that I need to get this girl to safety.'

"Very well Carlos, warn the others. I'll get the girl."

I didn't wait for his answer. I was at the other side in seconds.

"What are doing? Get out of here! Save yourself!", the girl screamed at me.

I gave the frighten girl known as Suki my nice guy pose.

"I'll never leave someone precious behind."


I took her chains and snapped them in half.

"How can I be precious to you. We've never even met before."

I picked her up bridal style and ran towards the exist.

"Listen to me. Your mother is precious to me so that makes you precious to me as well. That means, if you die, I'll die along side of you. You got that?"

I smiled at her and she bushed. I felt her hold onto me tighter as caves began to shake and giant rocks began to fall. Hide's chakra quickly felt cold, demonic, and more powerful than anything I've ever felt in my life. It was easy to say that I was terrified. Once I was outside, I saw the others and I followed them far away from the cave.

"We need to get as far away as we can." Carlos said.

The young girl began to weep into my vest, "Oh God, please help my mother."

Whether she was saying that to me or the Big Man up stairs, I didn't know. But what I did know was that mission or no mission, I had to stop this dragon by what ever means necessary, and I would protect my family with my life.

"Lee, Neji, Tenten, I need you to get Suki out of here."

"But why Gai-sensai? I can stay and fight."

"It's not about fighting, it's about speed and protecting a member of the Kona family. I need you three to take Suki to a safe place as fast as you can!"

"Gai-sensai, that's not a wise discussion. What are TenTen and I suppose to do?" asked Neji.

"You take out any enemy that's now following us. Gai, let's go!"

"Right Kakashi!"

Kakashi and I stopped and handed Suki to Tenten and left.

"Wait, no!" Suki stretched out her arm to me but I was already long gone.

They grounds shaking worst then ever as the mountain over the cave explodes out. Massive amount of black and purple chakra burst out of the cave and ground.


In the middle of the fallen mountain, stood a 200 foot creature not yet made of flesh and blood, only chakra and bones.

"Jamonshi," I whispered to myself.

"He-Man Gai, Spiky-Head Kakashi, she can still be saved."

"Carlos? Where did you come from?"

"Did he just call me Spiky-Head?"

"Listen to me He-Man! We have one chance, only one, to save Hide. Right now she is stuck in the middle of that monstrosity and we need to get her out."

"How?" I asked without taking my eyes off of the dragon.

"We need to defeat that monster, before he completely absorbs her. If we do that, Jamonshi will die once and for all, and Hide will be spared."

I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. Hide's eyes, that were filled with so much torture, keeps replaying in my mind. And now, now her beautiful eyes are purple, wild, enraged, and empty of any trace of humanity.


Jamonshi enhaled deeply, he's throat glowing as he did so.

"Move!", Kakashi shouted.

Jamonshi blew massive amounts of black-purple fire at us. I looked back and saw the entire valley behind us was engulfed in flames in a matter of seconds. I turned to look at the beast but all I saw was ginormous purple eyes.

~Kakashi's POV~

Jamonshi was in front of Gai in a split second. With one punch, he sent Gai flying a few hundred yard back.


"Spiky-Head, I will keep the beast distracted, you cut into the spinal cord right behind the neck, Hide will be there."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, and remember, cut only three feet deep. Anymore, you'll kill Hide as well."


I saw the man named Carlos preform hands signs I've never seen before, in speed's I've never seen before.

"Transformation-jutsu, Hell Hound!"

The transformation shocked me. There stood Carlos in a form of a crimson three headed dog. He was at least three times the size of Jamonshi.

'His chakra, it-it's at the level of the Nine Tails! But how could that be?!'

Jamonshi looked at Carlos, black chakra swaying back and forth like an angry cat tails. Carlos launched himself at the dragon. Jamonshi blew fire at Carlos. Carlos dodges and bites Jamonshi on the throat, the other heads bit the dragon at the sides. The black dragon screeches as he lashes out at Carlos. Jamonshi grabs hold of Carlos' head and squeezes, now fully developed claws drawing large amounts of blood. I ran as fast as I could, dodging the wild black chakra whips.

"Shadow clone Jutsu!"

My clone jumped in the air, helping me get closer to my target. I had to be strong. I had to be fast. And most important, I couldn't be seen. The black whips now began to grow bones and scales. 'Just a little bit closer.' I was behind the mighty Jamonshi. I was right at my target. I drew my kuni and 'Crack.'

I got sent flying in the same direction as Gai. I felt my body smashing into tree after tree. The pain, it felt as if it would last forever. Finally, I felt my now broken body being caught by someone.


"Errr, Gai?"

Gai laid me down on a soft pile of grass.

"You're bleeding, badly."

I looked down at my side. There was a dragon spike that punctured into my rib cage and my lung. In only one hit, half of my body got broken and I can feel my lungs filling will blood.

"It looks like this is it for me."

Gai grabbed my hand and held it his. Tears started to stream down his face.

"Save your strength Kakashi. We still need you. I still need you."

"Oh Gai, you got to do this without me. Hide, she's inside the back of the neck, only three feet down. (Cough, cough) You gotta, you gotta get her out."

Gai tried to suck back his tears but fails.


"Gai, I want you to know, that (Cough) I've always considered you my best friend."

I can see Gai mouth 'Kakashi. Kakashi!' but I can no longer hear him. I can no longer see him.

~Gai's POV~

"I'll save her, Kakashi, I promise. I'll save her." Pain and rage fills me. I felt my blood boil at levels that could melt metal. I let Kakashi go and ran towards the Jamonshi.

'Don't you worry Kakashi. Not only am I going to save Hide, I'm going to murder that fucking dragon!'

~Suki's POV~

The one know as Neji is gone a head to take care of the enemy that's in front and the girl TenTen went with them. So now I'm in the arms of the blushing boy in green named Lee. I sense it. Someone is in trouble, big time trouble!

"We have to go back."

"Gai-sensai said for us to press forward. That is what we are doing."

I trying to struggle out Lee's arms but for a guy who looks so thin and scrawny, he's feels so well built. He however at least stop on a tree branch. I jump out of his arms and pushed him up against the truck, locking lips with his. He gasped as he whole face turned into a deep shade of red and turning even redder as I push my tongue in his mouth. I kept kissing him a few seconds more and pulled away. He stood there, slightly shaken. The trunk that was behind him somehow got broken in half just because of how hard Lee gripped it.

'Holy cow, I'm sure that wasn't me he was holding on to.'

I shook away my astonishment and I looked at Lee in the eyes.

"Listen to me, we don't have much time. If you take me back right now, I'll, I'll do whatever you want when we get to your village."

"Wh-what do you m-mean?"

"We'll talk later now take me back!"

~Gai's POV~

What I saw made me freeze dead in my tracks. A giant, red, three headed dog attacking a now equally giant Black dragon. There was no more bones and chakra. There was now flesh and scales. There they were, both creatures, standing over 600 feet tall, fighting to the death in a field of smoke and ashes. The dog looked bad. It had numerous wounds, all bleeding badly. Several burnt area, some so bad, the bones under the flesh are showing. The dragon looked however, as if it was never touched. The dog howled in pain as the Jamonshi bit one his paws off. The black dragon then inhaled a bunch of rocked and boulders of every shaped and size from miles away. I could barely hold on to the ground beneath me. When the dragon finished, he pointed his head up into the sky and exhaled. Fire and stone flew up into the sky, raining down hell on Earth. 'Poof' The giant dog disappeared and Carlos began free falling.

"Carlos!" I ran toward him, catching him in just the nick of time. He was covered in his own blood from his wounds and now missing an arm.

"I have failed you He-Man Gai. I am sorry."

"You've done excellent. I got to get us out of here. I got to save Hide."

"I-it is too late my friend. It is too late. She's gone."

Carlos eyes began swelling up with tears. I shook my head. 'No, no, no, no,NO!'

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!"

"NO! I don't believe it."

It was too much. First I lose my best friend, my now comrade is dying too, and now the I've lost the only woman I've loved. All because of that dragon! Without noticing, at first, I found myself already in the third gate.

"Carlos, you stay here and protect yourself. I'll be back."

I put Carlos on the ground. He eyes grew eyed but he didn't saying anything. I moved myself away from my newest comrade, to keep him safe, from me. When I knew I was far away enough, I opened the fourth gate, then the fifth, the sixth, and the seventh.


My body was shaking violently. Green chakra surrounded me as my eyes glowed pure red. 'There is no time left, it's time to finish this once and for all.'

I take my stance, and I attack.

~Kakashi's POV~




'Is someone calling for me?'


My eye's flew open. I look around to see Suki and Lee.

'Why is he blushing?'

"Kakashi, can you hear me?"

I looked around. This is the same place I died. But, what happened?

"What happened?"

"Suki-chan had a bad feeling and had me take her back here."

"I almost lost you. You were about three seconds away from total death."

I looked from one teenager to the other.

"So, I'm alive?"

"For now, if you and the Gai don't save my mom, not only will we all die but I swear I'll never forgive you."

I blinked a few times at the bossy girl.

"Move your ass!"

I can only guest that Lee was shocked from, not only the disrespect to a shinobi, but the commanding authority this girl showed to the legendary Kakashi Hatake.

"You really are your mother's daughter. Let's go."


I ran, dodging fires and falling rocks. The earth couldn't keep up with me, neither could the Dragon. BOOM! I punched the monster in the stomach and ran. BOOM! I kicked Jamonshi in the leg, breaking the massive bone. He screeched as he keeps trying to catch me. I ran. I jumped in the air, right in of Jamonshi's face.


Almost all of my chakra went into this move. The tiger shape attack hit my target dead on. I could hear the dragon screeching again as it's flesh began to peel off. I kept pushing forward with all of my might.

'I will not lose. I can't lose you Hide. You're still in there. You have to be.'

"What the-"

Jamonshi's gone! I then see him, he's right next to me. Within a split second, he has me pinned to the ground. I feel my bones breaking under his massive claw. He glares down at me, growling. He raises his other arm, his claws are fully extended.

'I failed you Hide.'

Tears escaped from my eyes.

"Hide. HIDE!"

~Hide's POV~


My eye's shot open. Gai? I can see him. He's hurt.


He's looking at me. He looks shocked and confused.

"Hide, you're still in there?"

'What does he mean?'

Suddenly, my body feels like it's drowning in lava. The pain. It's too much.


"Do not resist me human. It will not end well for you."

That voice.


I find myself back inside the boiling hot darkness and greeting me was the giant purple eyes of Jamonshi.

"Your body belongs to me now."


The creature smiled at me.

"I've already killed that silver haired, pest."


"I've already killed the Hell Hound."


"And now, I am going to kill the human that you love so much."


I looked into the eyes that was looking into mine. And I saw Gai being crushed to death under Jamonshi's claw.


"It's too late now little human. Now his death, will be on your hands."


~Gai's POV~

I saw the claw lifted itself off of my broken body and come down.



The claw punched a whole into the ground right next to me. I close me eyes for the moment to keep the dirt from getting in them.


I looked up at the dragon. It's eyes! They was blue! Hide!

The dragon step back while clenching it's head and screamed.

~Hide's POV~

"How are you doing this?"

The burning I felt before hand was nothing compared to now. I screamed. I couldn't stop screaming.

"Stop, stop this now! Do NOT defy me!"

I felt my body fusing to every inch of his, including his wings. I spread out the wings and took off into the sky.

"What are you doing?"

"Shut up!"

I kept flying as high as I could.

"You've killed my friends. You tried to kill my lover. If giving the chance, you would've killed every living thing on the face of the Earth."

"No, stop!"

"If there's one thing you've should have learn, you should never fuck with my family!"



~Gai's, Kakashi's, Suki's, Carlos', Neji's, Tenten's and Lee's POV~


I heard Hide's voice come from the dragon's body and then,...'No.'

I saw Jamonshi's body completely rip apart, massive amounts of blood exploding out of every pour, opening and eyes.

~Hide's POV~

The pain, it stopped. Everything stopped. I think my body is returning to normal but I can't tell.

'Am I even falling?' I look and see that the sun is setting. 'I've never notice how beautiful the sun is. The pink sky complement the orange sun. Orange, like leg warmers. Lee. Lee, I know you'll be a great shinobi, hell you already are.

Neji, I know you'll make some lucky woman very happy.

Tenten, you'll be a powerful woman one day, just like Tsunade.

Gai. I'm so sorry Gai. I'm so sorry for everything. I'd give anything just to be with you one last time. I really wanted to spend my life with you, you and Lee, and everyone else.

Suki, my precious daughter,...I proudest day in my lie was when I had you.'

So many memories of everyone I loved flashed in my mind at once. I saw my entire life within moments.

'I don't want to die but, at least I,..know,...they'll,...live.'

~Neji's POV~

TenTen and I ran back to the battle as soon as we learned that Lee went back. By the time we got there, the battle was over. I saw the dragon explode in the most horrendous way. I knew it was Hide. Looking closer, I saw her body falling from the sky. I didn't hesitate to run after her. Jumping and leaping on giant hunks of broken bones and flesh, I caught the blood cover body of Hide and landed safely on the ground. I looked down at her, her body was naked of everything but the blood. Her eyes were open still, though they were empty.

'No, this can't be.'

My shock over too me. I held her closer to me, not even thinking about the blood.

'Oh Hide.'

Something happened that I never thought was possible, began to cry and I couldn't stop. I kept holding her tight until my eyes finally dried up. I didn't know how long I was there and I didn't care. I lifted her up and carried her to the close by stream. I washed her body off and wrapped a spare clean kimono around her. 'I can at least show her a little respect.' I shut her eyes and left with her in my arms.

~Gai's POV~

Everyone on the team was here, excepted for Neji and Hide. Tenten said how Neji went off into a different direction then her around an hour ago. Now that everyone is here and healed, even Carlos, we can go find Hide and heal her too, according to Suki.

"Right, now that that over grown lizard is done for, we need to find Neji and Hide. Ready team?"

"Yosh!" Lee saluted at me and then pointed behind me.

I looked back, I see Neji! And he's got Hide!

"Neji! That-a-boy! You've found Hide."

I ran up to the boy to hug him but the tear on his face stopped me.


He looked away, he's shoulders began to tremble. He laid Hide on one of the very few pieces of green grass in the whole area. I dropped down to check her pulse. 'No.'

"No, no, no, no, no."



She's gone. My beloved flower is gone. I punched the ground, creating a hole in it. My whole body started shaking. I went to punch the ground again and a hand stopped me. I was pulled into the arms of my eternal rival. I hugged him as tightly as I could without hurting him. I cried many times before but never this hard. I buried my face into Kakashi's shoulder and he did the same to me. His body shook in the same ways my did. He held me tight, trying to be strong for me, trying to be strong for the both of us. For minutes, all I could hear was the sobbing of everyone around, then I heard footsteps approaching.

"He-Man, it is not too late yet. I can still save her."

Me and Kakashi looked over to Carlos. I was afraid to ask anything or to even speak.

"Suki, darling, will you come here. I will need your assistance."

Suki stepped out of Lee's arms and went to sit next to her mother.

"Now, first, I need you to heal her body."

"But that won't work. I can't reverse death."

"Listen to me Sweetheart, I made a vow and I plan on keeping it. Please Suki, for her."

Suki nodded and placed her hands at both sides of Hide's face. Suki's eye's glowed and the aura around her hands glowed as well. Every mark on Hide's body healed. Carlos nodded with approval.

"Now it is my turn."

Carlos did many hand signs that I've never saw before.

"A life for a life, is all I can repay" ,Carlos whispered.

~Hide's POV~

Everything is white. I don't feel as if I'm laying, or standing.

'What's going on?'

'Hello Sex Kitten.'

'Carlos? What's happening?'

'I am repaying a debt I owe you.'

'A debt? What debt?'

'The debt of my people's crimes, the crimes of my father and his followers.'

'I don't understand.'

'Hide, you alone have saved the lives of my kingdom, many people whom I've loved. And you saved the lives of my true love and our children. I owe you the services of thousands of lives and yet, I can only give you one.'


'Take care, my one true friend.'

'Carlos, wait!'



~Gai's POV~

Carlos' eyes glowed like a neon light. I saw a small cloud exit his mouth and enter Hide's. Hide gasped for breath as Carlos fell to the ground, dead.

~Hide's POV~





"Hide, wake up."

I saw a bright light threw my eye lids. I groaned. I didn't want to get up.

"Let me help."

Was that Kakashi's voice?

"Hide, if you open your eyes, It will be my treat for BBQ."


I jumped up, nearly headbutting the nurse. I glared at Kakashi.

"You better not be lying about that BBQ."

I heard a lot of chuckling. I looked around. There was a lot of people in my room. Team Gai, Kakashi, Tsunade, Iruka, and Suki.



She leaped into my arms and hugged me tight. Then I heard her start to whimper.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

"It's all my fault that this happened."

"What? No, it was never your fault."

"Yes it was. It was all because I didn't want to go with you to Kona. We've had that stupid fight instead of me listening to you."

"Now now, I should have done what any responsible mother would do, knock your ass out and dragged you to Kona."

Suki pulled away wiped her tears away and shook her head.

"It was Damian who was the son of the Cult Leader. The same cult leader who tried to summon Jamonshi the first time."

I raised an eyebrow.

"The same Damian who you wanted to marry one day?"

Suki looked away, embarrassed and ashamed.

"He tricked me."

I patted Suki's silver, snowy hair.

"Don't worry about it. I did some pretty crazy things myself for love."

Gai sat next to me gave me the most passionate kiss of my life.

"You've given me quite the scare."

"With a kiss like that I should probably scare you more often."

And everyone frowned.

'What I say?'

I looked around and noticed that something wasn't right.

"Where's Carlos?"

No one looked at me, every eye darted away.

Tsunade cleared her throat.

"Carlos is no longer with us."

I remember now. I died! But, but I heard Carlos talking to me.

'Hide, you alone have saved the lives of my kingdom, many people whom I've loved, and you saved the lives of my true love and our children. I owe you the services of thousands of lives and yet, I can only give you one.'


'Take care, my one true friend.'

'Carlos, wait!'



"He used it. He used Gabriel on me."

I looked down and shut my eyes. That sick, demented, wonderful, goofy bastard saved me.


I heard TenTen ask what Gabrial was.

"It's a form of forbidden jutsu. In order to bring back a loved one from the grave, one must have great love for them, and forfeit their life for the others. It was this jutsu that King Ozu was planning on using to make money off of the war. He was going to slaughter the children of many villages and make there parents pay a fortune to learn Gabriel. That way, the parents can still save there child and Ozu gets rich."

"That is horrible!" Lee shouted.

"What happened to Ozu?" Tenten asked.

"I killed him." I said bluntly.

Tsunade stepped forward, 'That wasn't in the report.'

"I know. Carlos asked me to keep it out. He wanted to fix what his father had done before he took his place as the new king."

"I see. Well in that case, I'll need everyone to leave. Hide, you need your bed rest."

Tsunade turn to leave then stopped. She looked back at me and smiled.

"Oh and congratulations."

"No problem. Getting blown to bits is my specialty."

"No, I mean on being pregnant."



Everyone yelled in unison.

"That's some healing power you have Suki. To actually regrow organs is something I can't even do."

"Wait a second! What hell are you saying Tsunade?"

"I'm saying that, right before the mission, you and Gai had sex, right?"

Everyone but Tsunade's eyes went wide, even mine.

"Well, a man's sperm last inside a woman for five days, uterus or not. When Suki healed you, she regrew your uterus as well as your eggs. And somehow your egg decided to meet Gai's sperm. So welcome to mother hood."

I could see everyone's reaction, shocked, blushing faces everywhere.

~Gai's POV~

Shock, joy and fear roles in my body all at once.

"Me, a father, me?"

I jumped up and started to panicking.


"Y-yes Gai-sensai!"
"We need to hurry into town. We need diapers, milk, toys, clothes, baby latches,...and,...and,...Ahhh! I'm going to be a father! Isn't the great my Blossom? We're going to have a bab- er,...Hide?"

I just now noticed the Hide is unconscious.


~The End~