Alrighty now, this story is based on Evanescence's Amy Lee solo You. Such a sweet little song I had to do it.

But here I'm going to be doing things a little differently.

I found it quite uncomfortable writing it as if they had said it themselves, so I'm going to put the lyrics in paragraphs above…I hope that's okay with you.

SPOILERS FOR: Nameless, Faceless 5x01

Okay, enough with me.



Spencer got out of bed from his sulking, grabbed his crutches, and made his way over to his desk. He was writing his death letter to Derek and his mother. He wanted kill himself. He knew Derek already had a happy life with his girlfriend, Caroline, and that he would never love him the way Spencer does.

The words have been drained from this pencil

Sweet words that I want to give you

And I can't sleep

I need to tell you


Once Spencer was finished he went through all the wonderful memories of Derek and Spencer in his head. He remembered when they were at the hospital and carried Spencer to his car. Oh, he was like a blushing bride, with his awesome husband on the side. Too bad it that was what he dreamed of.

When we're together I feel perfect

He remembered that when he got shot, he thought he was lucky that he only got shot in his knee and not some other serious place. He also remembered when Caroline told him to "keep his gay ass away from her Derek".

When I'm pulled away from you I

Fall apart

Spencer reached over and grabbed his phone, dialing Derek's number. This better stop me from killing myself…


"Hey, Morgan."

"Hey, Pretty Boy, you sound a little glum. Something wrong?"

All you say is sacred to me

Spencer started silently sobbing. "Oh no, nothing's wrong. I guess…I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Say goodbye? What are you talking about Pretty Boy? You going somewhere?"

"Yeah," He grabbed the knife that was laid beside him and stared at it. "I'm going home."

"Reid, did Caroline say something to you? I know what you mean."

"Derek please. I'm just so tired. I'm trying to get close, of trying to understand."

"Trying to understand what?"

"Trying to understand you! What went wrong!" He stood up and threw the knife on the ground and fell back down again. "Maybe I approached too late."

"Okay, that's it. I'm coming over."

And with that Derek hung up the phone and started to get up, only to be pulled back down by Caroline.

"Is it him again?" She said with buckets of envy.

"Yeah. Why do you say it like that?" He pulled on his underwear, knowing exactly why.

"Because ever since he got shot, you always run to his needs. Why can't he just man up and do things on his on? Why can't he call somebody else? I mean, he's got crutches!"

"Caroline, he got shot. You sound as if he just fell down off his bike and scrapped his knee. Listen, I don't have time for this. He's about to kill himself and he needs me right now." He got up and reached for the door until…

"Let him do it. He has no life anyway…"

Derek spun around quickly. "What? What did you just say?" He stepped a little closer. "The man is about to take his own life because I'm with you…! Did you say something to him, Caroline?"

She looked down smirking. "I just told him to stay away from us and that he's mine now. That he can't talk to you again."

"That's why he's been ignoring me? Because of you?" He suddenly calmed down and moved to the door again, opening it. "You know what; forget it. We're through Caroline. Maybe by then you'll have respect for him once you see that I'm happier with him than with you!" Ending the conversation, he slammed the door, not forgetting the blue navy box. Which was holding a ring that was meant for her…

Derek couldn't get to his door soon enough. He banged on it. "Spencer! Open up!"

Spencer just took his time, limping slowly to the door. "Calm your horses, Morgan; I'm right here." He opened the door widely, indicating that he wants Derek to come in.

Closing the door when he does, he hands Derek his death letter addressed to him. "Here you go."

Derek looked him in the eye, not caring about the letter at all. "What is this?"

Spencer couldn't really pay attention because he was caught up in Derek's eyes.

Your eyes are so blue (brown in this case)

I can't look away as we lay in the stillness

You whisper to me…

"Ah, um, it's your letter. You're supposed to read it after I die…"

Derek threw the paper down and grabbed his face, placing his lips on Spencer's.

Spencer couldn't believe this was happening. The man he loved was standing here, kissing him as if they did it all the time.

Derek pulled away. "Spencer Reid, I love you." Then he got one knee…

Amy (Spencer in this case), marry me

Promise you'll stay with me

"I know this is rushing into things big time, but I don't care. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be able to hold you, comfort you, and everything that comes along with marriage. Spencer, I love you and I always have, you've got to believe that. I was going to marry Caroline because my mother forced me into it, but I guess this ring was meant for other things…" With that, he opened the box, showing a silver band that had beautiful designs on it (I don't feel like describing it…).

Spencer was now fully in tears…of happiness. "I don't know what to say." Then he smiled and held out his hand. "Yes. And I love you too."

Oh you don't have to ask me

You know you're all that I live for

You know I'd die just to hold you

Stay with you

Somehow I'll show you

That you are my night sky

I've always been right behind you

Now I'll always be right beside you…

Derek slipped the ring on quickly and held Spencer in his arms, kissing him like the world was going to end.

Then Spencer realized it; he was being over dramatic. He had everything he needed, right there in his arms.

So many nights

I cried myself to sleep

Now that you love me

I love myself

I never thought I would say this

I never thought there'd be


Author's Note: AWWW! How sweet? Okay, now I know you'd have to start dating in order to marry someone, but the sing said, "Amy, marry me" I didn't know what to do!

Review it, please!