Through The Flames Of Love


Disclaimed: FMA

They were surrounded. He knew that the chances of them surviving were slim to none. Chimeras of every animalistic origin were growling and snarling at the two, their blood lust obvious in their black eyes. Roy Mustang desperately looked around for an escape within the enormous room of lead pipes and stones. His jet black hair was wet with sweat and his gloves barely clung to his hands. He had abandoned his Military jacket once it had become more of a hindrance and now the only thing covering his torso were cuts and blood. Hope was scarce in his eyes when he looked to Riza, his partner, for a miracle.

She looked back at him for only a split second, her fear only betraying her face from within her brown eyes. The gun she wielded was smoking and her uniform was splashed with blood. Her hair, which was normally perfectly secure in her clip, now hung in tiny wisps around her stern face. She nodded quickly to Roy. He understood from the years of watching her that she was almost out of bullets. Closer and closer, the Chimeras crawled forward, slowly realizing that their dinner was becoming defenseless. The whole world around them seemed to slow down, each second felt like an eternity, but the only thing Roy could think of was of how he would never be able to say thank you to the woman who had protected him for his whole life. Or to tell her he was sorry for getting her killed.

How he had gotten them into this mess, he had had no idea. Ever since Ishval, his whole life simply revolved around him becoming Fuhrer. When he had let this plan slip to Riza, she had decided to follow him and guide him to the top. After the massacre of the Ishvalans, from which the blood was on their hands, she wanted the country to change and firmly believed that Roy Mustang, if anyone, was the one who could do it. Why she had such faith in him, he still did not comprehend, but he found his life saved many times by the woman who's aim was so precise, it earned her the title Hawkeye.

He snapped his fingers and a panther like Chimera was burnt into the floor, leaving behind a faint smell of overcooked meat. A bear and pig Chimera jumped into it's place. A painful scream came from behind him as a fox caught Riza's arm with his sharp fangs. Roy turned quickly and, snapping his fingers again, the fox turned to ashes. Once his back had turned, however, the bear roared and ran to attack. As Riza fired her last bullet into its chest with her unwounded arm, a loud din was heard and suddenly the whole world turned black. All was silent around Roy, save for the labored breathing of another.

"Lieutenant?" He asked the blackness. His voice echoed, why? He felt aimlessly around his surroundings. There, that was a wall! He put both hands upon it and started to follow it. "Lieutenant Hawkeye, is that you? Riza answer me. That is an order!"

"I'm here, sir." came a voice not too far from him. It sounded pained. As Roy felt along the wall, he almost tripped over the body of a fallen Chimera. Stepping over it, he caught his breath.

"Are you okay?" Roy listened for the location of Riza's voice.

"Sir, my arm." was all she said. She was in front of him and he quickly left the safety of the wall to go to her. He felt around in front of him like a blind man and, after a few feet, he tripped over her. "Sorry!" Riza said, grabbing his arm with one hand. She pulled him in her direction and sat him beside her. He quickly felt up her hand that held him and cautiously across her neck and down her other arm. It was very wet and sticky and, gritting his teeth, Roy realized that it was blood. "What happened? Where are we?" she asked, then gasped as Roy's fingers touched the spot where the fox had bitten.

"I don't know. I was following a wall and from the way our voices are echoing, I think we're enclosed in." His eyes had started to adjust and he could just barely make out a huge L shaped gash that ran down Riza's forearm. It was still bleeding. "We have to close this wound." he said angrily.

This wouldn't be the first time he would have to cause her pain and somehow he knew it wouldn't be the last. He looked up at her face. It was still dark, but his eyes were adjusting and he could just make out the outline of her face. Her hair was now pointlessly holding on the the clip and her lips were tight in a grimace. He wasn't sure if he saw streaks of tears down her cheeks or not. She looked up into his face and took a slow and steady breath. For a moment, her eyes held nothing. Then, nodding, she closed them and braced herself for the excruciating pain. Roy closed his own eyes and held his breath. His thumb and forefinger touched, ready for him to create the great flame alchemy and sear her wound shut. Moments passed and then minutes. Finally, Roy let out his breath and opened his eyes, lowering his hand.

"Riza..." he said, quietly, lowering his eyes away from her face and focusing on the blackness around them.

"Roy. Do it." she said, using her good hand to raise his hand again. He jerked it away.

"I cant." he said simply.

"Do you want me to bleed to death, sir?" she said, grabbing his hand again and holding it in the air. She didn't let go this time and he finally looked her straight in the eye.

"All I do is hurt you." he said with genuine sadness in his voice. She stared at him, shocked, but Riza pitied him only for a moment. Suddenly, she dropped his hand to slap him across the face.

"You pick NOW of all moments to get soft, Roy Mustang?" she yelled. Roy did not turn his face back to her. He was not mad at her; this was her defense mechanism. She was so damn stubborn! Of course he didn't want her to die, but the thought of bringing her more pain was almost unbearable. He was torn. Long moments passed. He sighed and slowly brought his face back toward her, but not looking at her. Instead, he watched her arm bleed for a moment. Then, without warning, he snapped his fingers.

The scream was resonant.