A nightmare soon turns into a frightening reality. Can Chloe escape in time to fight back?

I do not own The Nine Lives of Chloe King.

I originally named this Don't Fret Precious, I'm Here, so it may go back to that. Anyways, enjoy and please review!

Chloe's Point of View

It was an ongoing squeaking noise that was making me nervous as I waited in the car. It sounded like the car door was swinging slowly back and forth but all doors were secure. I looked out the window, making myself aware of the area. It was a small and secluded alleyway, a door to a warehouse in which I couldn't make out the name. I had begun to think the warehouse was abandoned, but the outline of the door shown little slits of light peeking out. The squeaking was getting weirder and I still could not figure out where it was coming from. He had said he would be right back. I looked around trying to find him somewhere in the darkness. I had lost sight of him a few seconds after he had gotten out of the car. Where he was I didn't know, but I wish he would hurry up. My Mai senses were telling me to get out of here, that it wasn't safe. Be prepared. My human senses told me to stay. I thought of him, and how I couldn't leave. My human senses overpowered my Mai senses and I waited in the car with eagerness and fear. My breathing had started to get heavier. I used my supersonic hearing to see if I could find out exactly where the squeaking was coming from when I heard a pair of footsteps. I was relieved when I saw him walking towards me and smiling. I felt safe when all of the sudden the glass shattered, taking a blow to my head as someone smashed their elbow through the window. I screamed out as the force of the blow sent me sideways and I…

I woke up. My heart was pounding, my ears hot and aching. I had a major headache on the right side of my head, the side that had been hit by someone so powerfully in my dream. My chest was heaving up and down as I took in my surroundings. I was back in my room, the sunlight seeping in through my window. I put my hand over my heart, taking in deep breaths trying to calm myself down.

Alek's Point of View

I was immediately alert when the steady heartbeat I had been listening to all night began to quicken. It was beating at an alarming acceleration. I curtly made my way to the edge of the roof and leaping into the tree beside her window. It was a good thing I was able to keep my balance as I made my way through the branches until I stopped on a sturdy limb that allowed me access to Chloe's window. When I looked in I noticed that Chloe had been sleeping. She was squirming in her sheets, thrashing her body around restlessly. I relaxed knowing that she was not in any real danger. I wanted to go in there and wake her up, but I knew it would infuriate her. She didn't like being watched in the first place. I decided to keep my distance and listen to her heartbeat for any dangerous signs. Chloe was like this for another minute or so when she gasped, making me jump and almost slipping out of the tree. I leaned forward as Chloe clutched her chest, the fear in her eyes transforming into relief. I also sighed in relief as Chloe's heartbeat when back to its steady beat. There was one thing on my mind, what was Chloe dreaming about and why was she so scared?

Chloe's Point of View

It was getting late and I needed to get out of bed and get ready for another day of school. I went into the bathroom turning the shower on and adjusting the temperature before stripping down and getting in. The water was smoothly cascading down my back, soothing my nerves. I finished washing, getting out and drying off, wrapping my hair in the towel. I walked over to my closet opening the doors and scanning what I would wear today. I was still a little shook up from my dream and so I changed into a pair of jeans and a simple light blue shirt. I was in no mood to put in an effort today. I was exhausted and I just wanted to get through the day. I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun, throwing a navy blazer over my shirt. Looking in the mirror, I sighed and told myself this was as good as it was going to get.

At school, I wasn't able to block out anything today. My head was pounding and sensitive to the touch. I winced every time I thought of my dream, the pain searing through my temple. I went to my locker to get some books that I needed for next period when I saw Alek making his way towards me.

"Chloe." He addressed me, his eyes searching me as he stopped in front of my locker.

"Not now Alek." I shook my head slowly, I was not in the mood to deal with Alek or his snarky remarks right now.

"What's wrong?" He asked, and I shut my locker as quietly as I could, ignoring him and heading off in the other direction.

"I heard you last night you know. Your heart was beating awfully fast, you weren't dreaming of me were you?" I looked over at him raising an eyebrow, the side of his mouth twisting up into his signature smirk. I knew he was on my roof last night, but I didn't think he listened to me. He was supposed to watch out for me, but I didn't know he watched me so closely.

"I don't want to talk about it Alek." Alek winced at my harshness and suddenly became very concerned.

"Chloe, are you alright…is it something you want to talk about?" I let out a huff of breath. It was certainly not something I wanted to talk about. None of it made sense, and quite frankly I was scared to the point of death at this point. I just couldn't shake the dream out of me.

"Alek!" I turned around sharply, stopping him. "Please, just leave me alone!" I said loudly enough so that three people close by turned to look. I shrugged them off, looking back at Alek, pursing my lips and backing up. I held his gaze for a second more before turning my back to him and walking into my next class. I could feel his eyes scanning me as I did.

Towards the end of the day, I had received several text messages. I had not looked to see who they were from until the final period of the day. I had two texts from Amy, five texts from Alek and one text from Brian. Brian. I decided to go ahead and read them now.

The two that Amy sent were both repetitive 'Hey what's up?' I just didn't feel like talking to anybody right now, and I knew she would be angry at me later about it, but I deleted them. I then moved on to read the texts that Alek had sent. 'Chloe, what's wrong?' 'Is there something I should know?' 'Chloe, answer me…please.' 'I know something is wrong, don't ignore me.' And finally 'We will talk about this.' I let out a huff of air, rolling my eyes, clicking back to my inbox and then finally getting to Brian's text. 'Want to hang out tonight?'

Immediately, my mind drifted back to my dream, or rather nightmare and my vision was blurring. I put my head in my hand, taking in a few deep breaths, my eyesight returning back to normal again when I heard Alek's voice. It was then that I remembered he was in this class and had probably been watching me this whole time. Great.

Had I not been Mai, I wouldn't have heard Alek. His voice was calming in a way and helped me control myself. I still had no idea what was going on. I heard him say my name, telling me to breathe…calm down. It actually helped and I was grateful. I looked back at him, giving a gentle smile before returning to face the front of my class. I took out my phone 'Thank you' I texted Alek. I returned back to my inbox and wrote a quick reply to Brian.

'Sure, 6:30?'

After the bell rang, I got out of the class, making my way down the hall swiftly to avoid any impending questions from Alek and probably now even Jasmine. I needed to go to work and get my mind busy so I would stop thinking about that awful dream. I was going out with Brian after work so I definitely needed to calm my nerves.

Walking to work I knew that I was being followed. There hadn't been a day since my sixteenth birthday that I was not pursued. His footsteps were coming closer and I had half the mind to speed up, but I just kept walking at my normal pace. Moments later, his firm grip was on my arm, spinning me gently around. I let out a sigh of aggravation.

"Alek!" I said sternly, his eyes searching mine for whatever reason.

"I said we were going to talk about it, and we're going to. You have plenty of time right now, so just slow down."

"Fine." I mumbled, turning around, walking slowly, his footsteps matching mine.

"You had a dream last night, I heard your heartbeat, saw you thrashing around in your sleep and I know it's been scaring you all day. What happened?"

"Are you ever going to stop watching my every move?" I asked, the irritation clearly coming out in my voice.

"You know I can't do that…we've discussed this before." He said firmly, yet in a caring way. Sometimes I wondered exactly he was thinking.

"I had a bad dream last night. It was just weird; I can't really explain it so there's really nothing that I can say about it that would satisfy you."

I walked with my hands in my pocket, looking to my left at Alek who was walking slowly and I could tell he was thoroughly concerned. We were right outside the coffee shop and just walking in when I saw Brian sitting at a table reading something on his phone, a cup of coffee in his hand. I immediately tensed and Alek caught on, trying to read what I was thinking. I remembered it was only a dream and felt better.

"Just promise me that if you remember anything, you will tell me." Alek was standing in from of me, blocking my view of Brian. I looked up and nodded, not exactly a promising nod either.

Alek had left a few minutes later after I assured him that everything was alright a million times. Brian said that he had some research he was going to do but he would be here to get me after work.

Work went by seemingly quick enough so that when I locked up I was happy. I felt so much better; all traces of my nightmare had seemed to vanished. Brian was outside the shop waiting for me. I smiled, making my over to him.

"Brian, hey." He opened the door, of his car, allowing me to get in. He made his way around and got in.

"So, I finally found out what C.P Kelly was. It's a storage place about five minutes from here and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me. I'm not sure exactly what I will find there, but it would be nice to have a friend with me."

I smiled over at him, putting my hand over his and giving him a gentle squeeze. "Of course." I had replied. I knew his mother had meant a lot to him and even though I could never be intimate with him, it was the least that I could do.

Brian suggested that we get something to eat and go to the warehouse after nine. We went to a pizza parlor and talked for a long time about what he may find there. He was very iffy and nervous about going but I encouraged him that he needed to find out someday and it would be best to go now instead of having it linger in his mind all the time. We walked around the park for a little while, still contemplating what he may find. When it got close to nine, we had decided now was the time to go.

On the way there, we lost any presence of the Mai following me, which I was very relieved about. We pulled down a dark street and I saw the sign for the storage.

"I'm just going to make sure we can get in, I'll be right back." I nodded, folding my hands over my lap and relaxing. A few minutes had gone by and Brian was still gone. I told myself that he probably was making sure this was the right place and that the key was to their storage.

It was then that I noticed my surrounding. It was the same dark alley that had been in my dream, the light slipping through the outline of the storage door. A moment later, I began to hear the squeaking noise that was so familiar in my dream. Everything seemed to be happening a lot faster. I was relieved when I saw Brian walking towards the car his same smile from the dream on his face. I knew I must have been overthinking everything when the glass shattered. My head was searing again, but this time it was actually happening. I was scared and I knew that there was no other Mai to protect me. An elbow slammed into along with the shards of glass as I was slammed to the left side of the car, losing my senses for a moment, everything unclear.

I am writing the second chapter. I know everything that is going to happen. If I get a lot of reviews, I will upload it before I go to bed. It's going to get very good. This story is going to have Chalek in it, but it's not going to be a cheesy romance. I want the drama and the suspense and the romance all in this story. So please review, review, review and I'll post the second chapter. Let me know if you like it so far!