Hey guys! I'm back!

So I'm assuming you've read the description of this fic and I pointed out before that I don't think I've ever read an AU like this (specifically involving the whole waterboy/boxer type thing). But if someone has, can they please leave a comment with the link to it? Cause I'd love to read one :)

I'll be hoping to update regularly again (I know it's been a little unsteady of late) but I can't really promise because my parents get pissy if I'm on the computer for long periods of time :P

So enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own any recognizable characters, they belong to CBS

Warning: This fic is rated M for language and sexual content.

Chapter One:

Spencer stared up at the black man in the ring. Derek "The Lion" Morgan, the greatest boxer this whole state had ever known, stood there arms up. Spencer had seen him up against men bigger and more experienced than him, but no one could throw a punch like Derek.

Spencer had found himself working at the training and show rings this summer as a sort of waterboy/towelboy/coaches assistant because he needed the money. It was great because he got to watch every match and see Mr. Morgan train, but at the same time he never got to meet the man. This was because even though he did provide the towels and water he wasn't officially titled that way. He was more the waterboy for the waterboy, Adam. So Adam got to interact and face Mr. Morgan while Spencer ran around doing errands and cleaning things.

It wasn't as if Adam was cocky and it wasn't as if the pay was bad. It was just that Spencer was – well - gay. And if he had ever been extremely attracted to another man, it was Derek. The guy was ripped and beautiful and had been the main feature in Spencer's fantasies since he began working there. Spencer could remember many nights alone in his one bedroom apartment calling out Derek's name as he stroked himself to completion. But Mr. Morgan would only ever know him as the kid that stood beside his coach with his head down.

Tonight, Mr. Morgan was on his game, throwing punches left and right, each one looking more painful than the last.

As the other large man in the ring fell to the floor, Spencer heard the commentator call out, "Round eight won by The Lion!" Spencer had figured the ring name came from the large tattoo on Derek's right shoulder. Spencer had always admired Mr. Morgan for being able to endure the pain of going through getting a tattoo, let alone multiple tattoo's.

Instead of puffing his chest out and proudly strutting about the ring, Mr. Morgan smiled sheepishly to the crowd before ducking his head and walking to his corner.


Spencer turned quickly and handed Adam the fresh towel and cold water bottle.

"Thanks, man." Adam smiled.

Spencer just nodded. He didn't talk to any of these people much. It felt out-of-line to him.

He watched as Adam walked up to Mr. Morgan and handed him the items. Derek immediately removed his gloves, draped the towel over his shoulders and poured half the bottle of water onto his head.

Spencer saw Derek's coach, Hotch, giving Derek a pep talk. Spencer had heard Hotch give that speech many times and he felt sorry that Mr. Morgan had to hear it over and over. But Derek nodded his head and seemed to relax.

Spencer slowly walked towards the corner of the ring in hopes that Mr. Morgan might notice him or ask him for more water or something.

A young raven-haired woman named Emily approached Derek in a tiny bathing suit. Derek flashed her a brilliant smile and she leaned in to whisper something in his ear.

Spencer tried hard not to scowl. He knew Emily and she was extremely nice, but that didn't stop the jealousy that Spencer felt because he couldn't just talk to Derek like that.

When he arrived at Hotch's side no one to notice to him immediately. Hotch was still talking to Derek so Spencer just stood near by.

The crowd was yelling loudly and it was hurting his head, but if Spencer wanted a chance for Derek to notice him he couldn't just run off.

Hotch finally turned around, smiling.

"There you are!"

Spencer watched as Mr. Morgan turned his head upward focusing on Hotch and then him.

Derek Morgan was looking at him.

He gave Spencer a smile and even though it was small it was still brilliant.

"Can you get me this stuff please?"

Spencer's attention was brought back to the small list that Hotch was handing him. He nodded quickly before scurrying off.

Derek Morgan had looked at him.

The match had only been over for twenty minutes and the place was already cleared out. Hotch had thankfully been in such a good mood he had told Spencer that once he got the fresh towels to their shelves in the locker room, he could leave.

Spencer had managed to gather all six towels in his arms and was currently walking through the locker room.

"Are those towels fresh?"

Spencer recognized the voice at once and spun around to see Derek, still in his red shorts and nothing else, peering at him. He was standing next to an open locker and Spencer saw his gloves on the bench beside him.

He gulped and nodded.

"Would Hotch totally kill you if I used one?" Derek asked, smiling.

Spencer just stood, dumbstruck, and Derek seemed to interpret it as confusion.

"You work for Hotch, right?"

Spencer nodded before finding his footing. He walked towards Derek, head down, and managed to balance five towels on one arm to hand him one.

"Here, Mr. Morgan."

"Thanks," Derek took it and rubbed his face and chest with it. The towel shelf was only a few feet from where they were, so Spencer just moved towards it to unload.

"What's your name?" Derek asked, still using the towel.

"Uh, Reid." Spencer replied, thinking his last name was more professional.

"That's your given name?" Derek asked, sounding disbelieving.

Spencer shook his head. "No, it's Spencer." He finished loading the towels and stood there a little awkwardly, not knowing if he should leave or not.

Derek nodded. "Well, I really appreciate it, Spencer."

Spencer furrowed his brow. "Appreciate what?"

"I know that Adam is just a front boy who doesn't do any work. You're the one who's always getting the water and towels."

Spencer shrugged. "It's not a big deal. I need the money."

Derek nodded. "How'd you meet Hotch?"

"I needed a job and I thought this place might need a janitor or something. It turned out there was no official post that needed filling, so Hotch offered me a chance to be his personal assistant."

"Really? I was sure you and Hotch had known each other before. He doesn't trust too many people."

"Oh. I didn't know."

The room was silent for a while and Spencer shifted awkwardly.

"You did really well tonight." He said, trying to break the silence.

"Thank you." Derek smiled. "I think I pulled a muscle in my shoulder during the seventh."

"Oh, really? Well, I guess that must happen a lot, right?"

Derek laughed. "Enough that I should really have learnt to be more careful."

Spencer laughed too. He couldn't believe that he was actually standing here having a private conversation with Derek Morgan.

"I should probably get going." Derek said, turning to the open locker.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry."

"For what?"

"For holding you up." Spencer shrugged. "I know you probably get tied up by people who want to speak with you all the time."

Derek shook his head. "No reason to be sorry. It was nice to finally meet you." He smiled.

"You too." Spencer smiled back. He began walking out of the locker room when Derek spoke up again.

"See you tomorrow."

Spencer looked back and smiled before walking out. He continued smiling as he got in his car and as he drove home. He was smiling as he opened his front door and as he moved through his apartment.

Spencer smiled all the way into his bed and was still smiling as he became hard just think of Derek's brilliant smile. He was smiling as he stroked himself and when he called Derek's name out fifteen minutes later as he released all over his stomach, panting and gasping.

Derek Morgan had noticed him.

Alright, there you have it! I hope you guys liked it so far!

I'm not sure how many chapters this one will be, it depends on how much matter my brain can produce :P

Love always! Xoxoxo