Doctor Martin Derr waited until he saw the two men leave his patient's room before he walked in. He'd been in the doorway when the patient had boldly claimed that he would be going home and he'd smiled when he'd heard it. Like every other medical professional, he understood the patients' wishes to leave ASAP but most of the time, they had been forced to wait until their bodies agreed with their minds. According to this patient's chart, he may very well be ready to leave today but ultimately it was up to Martin.

The atmosphere in the room was silent but comfortable so he felt free to smile at the two people within it as he entered.

"Good morning," he greeted cheerily, "how are you feeling?"

"Pretty good," the patient, a Richard Castle, lied through his teeth. Martin could tell that he was hurting; he just obviously refused to show it for the sake of the younger woman in the room.

Wait, Martin's mind commanded, does that file seriously say Richard Castle? As in, the novelist Richard Castle?"

Having never had seen the author, Martin couldn't be sure but how many Richard Castles could there be in New York? It had to be him.

"That's good," Martin answered blankly as he finished reading the chart. "I'm Doctor Derr," he introduced, realizing he hadn't done that as of yet, "and I hear you're ready to leave us Mister Castle."

"Yep," the man answered with a dulled glint in his blue eyes. "I'm assuming that's not a problem. The nurse earlier said that everything looked good so there was a chance."

The undertone of doubt wasn't hard to miss in his confident voice and Martin smiled. The man obviously didn't know how to woo other men. Luckily for him, Martin did.

"Well, let's see how everything looks, shall we?" Martin encouraged, somehow finding himself not wanting to say no to this man.

His touch was gentle as his hands roamed over the bandaged leg, careful not to cause more pain than what couldn't be helped. Mr. Castle's skin was warm under his fingers, almost inviting. He could feel the calf muscles twitch here and there and he felt how Mr. Castle tensed in obvious pain when they did but overall he was happy with how things looked and felt.

"Everything looks good," Martin said though his mind was saying really, really good while licking its lips hungrily. He shook his head to get a better hold on himself; he had a boyfriend after all. "How is your side? Is the wrapping too tight?"

Mr. Castle was quiet for a moment while he considered the answer to Martin's question. His eyes closed so that he could listen to what his body was telling him beneath the constant onslaught of pain then slowly shook his head. "Nope, it's good."

Well, at least he answered one question, Martin's mind somewhat complained. He knew his chances of getting the truth about how Mr. Castle was really feeling weren't likely while the young woman, more than likely his daughter, was in the room so he didn't bother trying again. He simply inserted a small dose of pain relief into the IV then wrote down what he did, showing the information to Mr. Castle before he replaced the file at the foot of the bed.

Mr. Castle gave him a nod of gratitude, his eyes saying what his mouth wouldn't – Thank You.

Martin opened his mouth then closed it, determined not to ask the question he'd been dying to ask since he'd entered. It wasn't professional to gush like a fangirl. Eventually his desire won out, though and he asked, "I'm sorry, but are you Richard Castle the author?"

The man in the bed smiled happily when he realized that he had a fan in the room and Martin felt his knees go a little weak at the bright gleam in those beautiful blue eyes.

"Yes, yes I am." Martin once again opened his mouth to ask a question then shut it just as quickly but Mr. Castle seemed to understand his next question and offered, "Would you like an autograph?"

"Yes!" Martin answered in a practical squeal. God he really was a girl wasn't he? He blushed at his outburst and tried to resume his professional manner. Briefly chewing his lip, he asked, "Would it be alright if you signed a book? I have it out at the nurse's desk. The early hours of the morning can be quiet and sometimes you need something to keep you awake."

"I'd be delighted to," the man answered politely making Martin almost run out of his room to get his book. When he returned, Mr. Castle was sitting more upright, looking like an uthor at a book signing rather than a man in a hospital. "Should I make it out to Doctor Derr or Martin Derr or both?"

"Just Martin is fine. Thank you so much for doing this." He tried his best to be patient but he found himself voicing his next thought while he waited. "I'm assuming that you would also like my 'autograph'?"

The deep chuckle that reverberated through Mr. Castle's chest made Martin want to chuckle as well. At least the man knew how to appreciate dry humor.

"If it wouldn't be too much trouble, yes," Mr. Castle replied clearly insinuating that he wanted to make sure it was within Martin's medical right to release him. He handed the book back to Martin, a sincere dedication in it.

"Let's see how you handle breakfast then we'll talk," Martin said, not wanting to make any promises he couldn't keep.

"Fair enough," the patient conceded, briefly looking over at his daughter with an excited smile before returning his attention to Martin.

"For now rest while I have Marta bring up some food. Pancakes and eggs okay or is it too much?"

"I think you just became my favorite doctor," Mr. Castle answered in the positive.

Martin laughed. "Okay, I'll have her bring it soon," he promised. Then, with his newly signed book clutched tightly in his hand, Martin left, half wishing he could keep the man here forever and half knowing he would do whatever this man wanted.

Alexis Castle stood in the hospital room, staring at her father in disbelief and anger. Glowering would probably have been a better description but it sounded much more respectful to say staring. She couldn't believe what she'd just been told and, more to the point, she didn't like it.

She'd sat quietly on the sidelines, watching the doctor flirt with her dad. It had made her smile in amusement but she'd made sure the doctor didn't know that. As it had turned out, she needn't have bothered since the man didn't seem to want to take his eyes off her dad.

She'd joked as much as she could while her dad had eaten, every once in a while taking a bite when he offered her one. She knew he hadn't really been that hungry and since she was, she hadn't seen a reason to reject the offer.

When the doctor had come back to check up on his patient, he still had the school-boy-crush grin on his face. She hadn't been able to tell whether it was simply her father's personality or the fact that he was a famous author or both that was contributing to the man's admiration but in the end it hadn't mattered. Almost as soon as Doctor Derr had stepped in, he'd announced that her dad was well enough to be released into someone's care. Since the only person of legal that had been around was Alexis, he'd been released into her care specifically.

Alexis had done her best to argue against the decision, stating that she wasn't the right person for it but the doctor had waved off her concern with nothing more than a "you'll be fine". She'd wanted to complain about the doctor's seeming unconcern about his patient's health and his "caretaker's" ability to actually take care of him but not only was that not her style but she'd been essentially taking care of her dad since she'd been old enough to do so, so why should this be any different?

Of course, now he was injured and could barely move but there had been a couple times like this, she was sure, though she couldn't think of any at the moment.

As soon as the doctor had left, her dad had called his car service to come and get them and that was the reason for her glare.

"Shouldn't you call Gram or someone?" she asked, not wanting to suggest Detective Beckett even though they both knew that's who she'd meant.

"Nah, I'll be fine," her father assured, waving off her concern exactly like the doctor had. "Charlie will be able to handle helping me get to and from the car."

"And what about once we get to the loft?" Alexis challenged unwilling to let things go. Her temper was starting to flare the more she talked. It wasn't that she didn't want to take care of her dad but she was nervous that she'd end up hurting him worse or something.

"He'll help with that too," her dad once again assured while placing a hand on hers and giving it a gentle squeeze. "I promise, you won't have to worry about a thing."

Anger and hurt filled Alexis' chest, making it puff out in indignation.

"I am not worried about the transportation," she challenged, somehow managing not to raise her voice. She paused to take a breath and calm her emotions, not liking how she was somewhat yelling at her father. "I'm worried about you getting hurt in the process." Though she could feel something close to panic beginning to rise, Alexis couldn't stop there; she needed her father to know her worries. "What if Charlie accidentally presses too hard on your side and makes your broken ribs worse? What if you both fall while he's trying to help you in or out of the wheelchair and you get injured worse?"

Alexis cringed when he saw the look of adoration, love, and pity on her father's face. She didn't want his pity, she didn't want his sympathy. She wanted him to wait for someone more capable of taking care of him to come before he left.

He reached further out, wincing when it stretched his damaged torso, and grabbed her arm then slowly pulled her onto the bed so that she was sitting by his right knee, facing him. She knew that he'd wanted her to sit the other way so that he could give her a hug but knowing how much that would probably hurt, that was something she wasn't yet comfortable doing.

"I will be okay Pumpkin, I promise," he comforted as best he could. There was such earnest in his eyes that Alexis found herself almost unable to doubt him; almost.

"But what if something does happen?" she stubbornly argued.

He laughed then immediately stopped, cringing with pain. Alexis' heart bled for her father but she didn't budge, wanting him to answer her first.

"If it does then you can bring me back here and have them keep me here until you're satisfied that I'm alright," he promised.

She smiled a little at his answer. "Can I have that in writing?"

"Whoa, when did I become a lawyer?" he pouted, sharing the same contempt for lawyers that everyone else did; though that didn't stop him from having more than he needed at his beck and call.

"I just want something that I can show you to remind you of your promise," Alexis replied innocently.

"Fine," her father conceded with another pout and an added eye roll. "Go get some paper and a pen."

Alexis smiled, truly happy that she'd partially won. She stood up then leaned in to give her dad a kiss on the cheek. "Love you," she said as she walked out to the nurse's station. She almost didn't hear his, "Love you too," as she left.

Kate sat at her desk, staring intently at her computer screen as though willing it to show her how Castle was doing. After she'd left the hospital, she'd immediately gone home and showered, desperate to get the smell of "hospital" off her. She'd taken her time too, not actually wanting to go to work; but since she'd felt too uncomfortable to stay with her partner it had been her only place to go.

She'd arrived at the precinct two hours later, feeling better than she had when she'd woken up and trying to deny the rush of excitement she'd felt when she'd woken up to find Castle watching her sleep.

"Detective, what are you doin' here?" Captain Montgomery questioned, stopping her from reaching her desk. "I thought I told you to take the next couple of days off."

"Yes sir, you did but I wanted to come in and turn in my paperwork before I forgot."

"You never forget to turn in paperwork," he replied suspiciously. "Are you trying to avoid Castle?"

"What? No, of course not." It was an obvious lie, they both knew it but she felt ashamed to admit the truth.

Yes she was avoiding her injured partner. It had bothered her to see him hurting like he was so she'd turned tail and ran to the only place she thought could give her an appropriate distraction – the precinct. Okay, so that wasn't the only reason; she also worried what would happen if she spent too much time around the man. Funny things happened to partners that were attracted to one another when one of them was hurt and she didn't want that happening to her and Castle.

"Uh-huh," the Captain disbelievingly agreed. "Well, in that case, you are to go home and rest until the day after tomorrow," he said, making sure to enunciate each and ever word of his command.

"But sir-"

"-no 'buts' Detective," Montgomery cut her off. Stubborn though they both were, Kate knew that the Captain would win this argument for no other reason than he was her boss as well as her friend.

"Could I at least give you the report on the accident?" she asked, admitting defeat with her question.

"That's fine," he answered, holding out his hand for the paperwork within hers. She handed it to him somewhat petulantly then strode away.

Just as the elevator dinged, he called out to her, "Oh and Detective? Give Castle my regards and tell him I'll stop by to check on him later."

Kate had to stop herself from growling at her friend as she stepped into the elevator. They both knew she was going to go back to visit Castle, hell the entire precinct probably knew that, but that didn't mean that she had to admit it out loud. After all, she couldn't have everyone knowing how much she needed her partner.


I know, I know! I said that I wouldn't get them together but it seems these two have minds of their own and demand to be put into a relationship! What can I do? You can't say no to them when they're that insistent, can you? ;)

Review! PLEASE?