I draw! :O big shock huh? (especially since I told you a few chapters ago) I can draw you your characters if you'd like ^^ I already drew some for a few people here on FF.

Tango-Oscar, Sassymag42, Ayara012 :D you know them? awesome X3 (If you don't you seriously have to go out and find them in cyberspace)

"I said I was sorry!"

"And I said I wasn't angry."

It was dark. The two hylians had little to no light in this cave and were stumbling over their own feet. One might wonder what their business was in a cave. Upon first impression, seeing a teenage girl and boy alone in a dim cave would give off an... inaccurate assumption.

"I'm sorry!"

"I'm not angry!"

"You are now!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"I said I'm not!"

"You're yelling!"

"So are you! And yelling doesn't mean I'M ANGRY! ah..." Recht stopped himself slightly surprised he raised his voice at his... for the lack of a better word 'companion.' He drew an uneasy breath and to restore his composure, brushed off the rest of the lingering dust on his shirt and cleared his throat before addressing his companion.

"Ahem. I have no reason to be angry. Therefor I am not." He tried for his most convincing voice. It failed.

"You spent the entire night in a stuffy hole! How can you not be angry?"

It was true.

Serena had left Recht in the hole until morning light came to help him out. Sleeping outside the exit to keep an eye on the hero until he can get out on her own. Strange enough, Recht was actually comfortable in that little tunnel. It kept him somewhat warm at night and believe it or not he slept in a hole like that before. If anyone was uncomfortable that night it was Serena.

She could have gone to Link's house and slept there but she was stubborn about the strangest things. Her loss.

Recht sighed. "It takes a lot more than that to get me angry."Recht tripped over a bulging tree root but caught himself before he fell to the ground. Serena didn't notice. "Remind me why we can light our lantern?"

The two had almost exactly mimicked Link's footsteps. And doing that earned them a free lantern from Coro. But Serena had refused to use it inside the tunnel, putting it out ever time Recht tried to sneak a light.

"The echo in this cave allows us to hear him but not the other way around. But if we light out lantern he'll see it and know that someone's following him." Serena hurried forward and she too tripped over a root except she was unable to stop her fall, unlike the certain reflexive person to her left.

"What's wrong with that? Then we wouldn't have to creep around so much." Recht stepped over Serena's fallen figure and leaned on the walls of the tunnel as he waited for her to get up.

"What's wrong, is that he's supposed to go through this quest alone! Sorta. You know except for his guide. All of you bloody heroes seem to have one."

She dusted herself wherever she thought there may be dust and carried on. "He's the goddesses chosen hero. I know you were but that was over 100 years ago. You can't play the role anymore, so don't interfere."

Maybe it was something in her voice when she said the words 'Don't Interfere' but from there, Recht decided to fight back, if only for this moment.

"Perhaps you're right." He said, appearing to be giving in which he was, but he had one little thing he wanted to make clear.

He reached out his hands. "However if I do not deem him worthy of being the new hero of Hyrule," His fingers found her shoulders and turned her to face him. It was still dark but she could see his glowing blue eyes stare through her. His tone changed to something serious and commanding.

"I will take over. I will defend my home. And I will take on the role of Hero once more, no matter what you say or do." Recht let her go and continued on.

Serena felt chills go up her spine and those chills didn't leave her when the cause did. She felt bad, but she also felt angry. She didn't like being told off like that. Her fists were clenched with fear and anger. (Why do I have to follow such a troublesome person) she thought before feeling her way along the walls.

With that aside it didn't take long until they could finally enter Faron woods and resume stalking Link.

The new Hero of Hyrule walked on through the Forest of Faron.

His newly acquired Hero's clothes fitted on his shoulders. New wouldn't exactly describe this attire. It was certainly not new, only new to him. There was dust and signs of wear and tear on it's woven surface. 'Whoever last wore this sure was reckless' Link thought.

The state the shirt was in wasn't the only hindrance. Heavy chain mail was something the Ordonian had to get used to. That and his returned state as a human. It was quite a sudden change really. From a wolf back into a Hylian. How did that happen without him noticing?

Oh well. That was a question for another time.

For now he was to concentrate on the task at hand, which is at the moment, navigating through the purple fog with this monkey who had stolen his lantern. Why the monkey stole his lantern he did not know, all he knew was that he had to get it back. Retrieve the lantern, avoid this funny looking fog, and fight monsters that seem to pop out of no where.

Easy right? It might have been if it wasn't for his witty guide, Midna.

She wasn't exactly supportive. If you call all the commands and insults she spat supportive, then you could say she was picture perfect. Why he had to have such a demanding guide was beyond him, however it would seem he would need her as she had helped him out of the castle's dungeon and through Faron forest. Not to mention her aide in the Twilight. Those twilight beasts would have kept on reviving if it wasn't for her energy field.

That move did need some getting use to, moving at such a speed was tiring but it was very effective. She may be short of a nuisance but she's good to have around.


Link jumped and quickly took note of the fog closing in on him. He quickly ran over to the lantern wielding monkey.

"What are you doing? Daydreaming?" He didn't answer. "Well this fog aren't clouds. It's poisonous. You know potentially life threatening if you get it into your system? I'm not sure what the exact effects are on humans but they can't be good."

Link nodded. He took one step and got hit by a keese from behind.

"Did you get all of that, wolf boy?"

"I got it." The hero took a few swings at the bat before finally hitting it. 'I need to get more practice in with this thing.' Link thought holding his sword close to him. It was heavier than the wooden swords he practiced with and he could feel the stress when he used it too much.

'I wonder if Rusl would help me practice when I get home.' He thought. 'wait...Rusl's injured isn't he.' He remembered sadly. 'Guess I'm on my own.'

He then continued to follow the female monkey.

The primate seemed to be taking the long way around this fog. It was getting quite annoying actually. It was a relief when they finally reached the other side. Link's two followers couldn't cross the fog as he had as they had no monkey guide and though Recht suggested it Seri would not take up that role. ("I'm not a freaking monkey you idiot!")

The Fog would be difficult to maneuver around. As Serena reasoned, if they did attempt to follow that over complicated route Link took, they would have no place to hide. Their clothes stood out from the fog and if the Hero suspected something they would not have much to cover themselves with. Unless they intended to duck underneath the fog and perhaps die in the process, then they should go ahead and wait.

Which was exactly what the two did.

Since their lantern was not stolen by a monkey, ("For the last time, Recht, I am not going to be the monkey!" "Aw come one. You could even put a pretty flower in your hair like she did" "Do I want to have a flower in my hair?" "Don't girls like flowers?") -they made their own simple and straight path to the other side. There was no cover to behold at the gate so the two jumped over it, one with much more difficulty than the other, and hurried ahead.

"Where is he?" Recht said. He sounded more worried than impatient.

"Who?" His so called guide called back.

Serena wouldn't be as so worthy to be called a guide as she doesn't seem to be giving him any advice, but the word partner would be even less fitting. "Recht, give the boy some credit. His lantern got stolen from a flower-head monkey (Get that flower away from me) in which he has to protect from deku babas and keese in order to move on. He can't exactly go at his own pace."

"I suppose. However I can't give him anything for getting it stolen in the first place."

"Oh please, stop your whining." Serena let out a high pitched groan before backing up against a wall. They were out of sight from the entrance from the fog swamp.

"I'm...not whining..." The boy gave a small chuckle "As it looks to me, you're the one who's whining." He stated plainly.

The whining girl stuck out her tongue and crossed her arms.

The monkey came running into a fray of bokoblins Link following shortly after. He took down the small group of bokoblins save the one that had already fled with the monkey in tow. Link, being the growing hero he is, ran after the monster. Recht was tempted to strike it down himself with a well aimed arrow. Unfortunately Serena got in his way and accidentally aimed it at Link. It hit the ground beneath his feet

When he turned to look the two ducked. To their luck, rather Recht's luck, it seemed that the monster called reinforcements, one of them being an archer. While Link was dealing with them the bokoblin escaped with his prisoner.

"Why did you stop me?" Recht asked curiously.

"WHY? You're not to interfere remember! I told you what twenty minutes ago."

"It was only five."

"WHATEVER! You still forgot!"

"No I didn't. I only chose to ignore it."

"Why you little-"

"Hey look! Link's moving on let's go."

Recht left Serena to groan in frustration of the abruptly cut conversation. From there on they closely followed the Hero. They followed in silence until the dark haired girl decided to break the silence. Which she did quite loudly

"Alright! Where in the sacred realm are we going?" It was a shame too, such a nice silence it was. She and Recht have been following Link around the forest for what seems to be half an hour. They could speak normally since Link was busy revisiting the other areas of the forest after ignoring Midna's advice about something they couldn't hear.

"I can't answer that."

"And why not!"

"Because we're not in the sacred realm, this is clearly a forest."

"You know what I mean!"

"And unless someone renamed it something more original, the temple in the forest is still called the forest temple."

"I know that much," She muttered irritably "the only thing that bothers me is that we're not there yet! It's right there and we're not inside yet!" The temple was indeed only a few yards away. The problem was there was a great chasm surrounding it making it impossible to get across. How the bulbins from before got to it was beyond either of the few.

"Why don't you tell me." She then turned to Recht and gave him a strange look along with an eye twitch...charming.

"If I could tell you I would have tried to fix it by now." She growled. Recht only sighed in response and nodded his head to the fallen branch hanging by feeble vines above the chasm.

"That would make a magnificent bridge don't you think." He smiled at his hint and folded his hands behind his back. He breathed. His new clothes felt quite refreshing as they were very light and flexible. Not that his tunic before wasn't but these Ordon clothes were an improvement over the ones Serena gave him.

Recht stopped relaxing and turned his attention to Serena, who was at the moment, pathetically trying to shoot down the obsessively large piece of wood."What about all that about not interfering?"

"I'm not interfering I'm just making things faster." Her fingers released the arrow and it flew...for a while. Then it missed the vines and branch package completely and flew straight at the afro blue bird's stand.

"Nice shot."

"I almost hit Trill!" She cried. That bird was one of the few people who got along with her. Funny how it wasn't a person.

"I know I was being sarcastic, ever heard of it?"

"I invented it!" She pulled back another arrow.

"Are you sure?"

"No! I was being sarcastic!" She pulled it back further.

"Oh really?"

"YES! Really!" Her fingers tightened.

"I don't believe you."

"WHAT?" Serena let got suddenly. "Why the Heck do you not believe me! You-"

"Nice shot"

"Oh, we are not going over this again."

"No really, you hit it." Serena directed her attention back to her target. It hit the log and was lodged at the point where the vine wrapped around. "Now just do what you did before and you can hit the others."

"Arguing with you furiously while strangling my bowstring?" that didn't sound half bad.

"heh, No. But if that's what you need to do I think I'll do it." Recht took out his own bow, which was a lot better considering that his was nicely decorated and while her bow...her bow was stolen goods. He took down the other vines except for the few farthest from the temple and the some he weakened.

"Aren't you going to get the rest?"

"No I'll leave them there for him to shoot down himself." He put away his bow. "Besides I doubt he'll use his slingshot much after this place."

Link returned and was having a little heated debate with his own guide. He looked silly talking to no one, but they both knew that his words were directed at his shadow. The being residing in his shadow brought up the reason why he was going on this little quest and the boy quickly shut up. The twili then let out a little laugh at being able to control her sidekick well.

"Look," Link raised his head and found the to be bridge hanging just above the crevasse. "I tried telling about it before, but you don't listen to me." He didn't say anything more and instead brought his slingshot out. "That's why you have to do everything I say, you little beast. I can't trust you to do things on your own."

Link tried shooting it from where they were but even up close the deku nut wouldn't reach the height.

"Your little slingshot won't reach it right now. We'll have to get to a ledge of high ground to make it get to that."

The hero didn't say anything and found a high enough ledge to make his shots get in range. He just shot down the few Recht left for him after than. Once those were down the weakened ones fell as well, as they could no longer hold up the log. It crashed nicely making a makeshift bridge across the cavity and to the forest temple.

Not all of the log stayed up however.

Having aged in that one position the wood broke apart around the outer shell. When it came into contact after falling from such a height, the layers came loose and feel into the bottomless division and left the hardened widened inside.

That overly sized tree discard did make a good bridge. surprisingly clean and free of splinters. Oh how Serena hated splinters.

"That went better than I thought I would." Recht whispered to Serena as they hide behind some vegetation.

Her eye twitched again and whispered in return "What do you mean 'better than I thought' how did you think it would have gone?"

"Well if the vines were too weak or too strong the bridge would have either fallen into the pit or crashed into the forest possibly squishing that animal down there."

"Animal? What animal?"

"That one right there." He pointed "I think it's some kind of dog, probably a wolf. I can't really tell. It looks like its... glowing."

"A glowing wolf?...Please don't tell me it's sparkling. What is it a strange mix between Edward and Jacob, bet their 'teams' would get a kick out of that.?"

"Who? Edward? Jacob?"

"Some characters in a stupid book that the fangirl trio were chatting about. oh, hey! Guess what the name is."

"I don't think I want to."

"Twilight." She held her middle as it was heaving in suppressed laughter. "Ironic isn't it? With all this twilight around and all."

"I still don't get it."

"Well you're no fun."

"I think that all the time."

Link was making his way down the ledge and below awaited a golden wolf (which was glowing, not sparkling). It waited patiently and didn't seem to move. Recht wasn't even sure if it was alive since it didn't move.

"You know I am sick of not being able to see these things. All you're seeing are golden animals right?"

"They glow too."

"Wonderful." She muttered. The soon to be hero of twilight pulled out his sword and seemed to be attacked by nothing. "I feel better about not seeing them. It looked too good to see him fall over for nothing." She put on what looked to be a grin of some sort.

It didn't take long for Link to recover from the golden wolf's bite. He looked a bit hesitant at first but he shook it off.

"Something wrong?" Midna asked.

"No. It's nothing."

"Then get going already. You're wasting daylight." Not like she cared for daylight.

He entered the forest temple after defeating a few guard bulbins with an epic move ("Aww, That looks cool!" "Don't even think about it, Recht." "But I wanna try~") and then setting the entrance on fire. Standard procedure to entering anyone's house. Rinse and Repeat if not satisfied.

The two followed them inside after they waited a good minute and was able to witness the green clad teen free the flower bearing monkey. They waited until Link and the she-monkey and went into the next room before emerging from the shadow cloaked rocks they hid behind.

"Come on he's leaving." Recht said practically dragging Serena by the arm across the room despite her protests.

The temple has changed since he had seen it last but that just means that he'll have to go through it all over again. A trickle of excitement found its way to his face in the guise of a smile. The former hero of hyrule practically threw Serena on the vines above them since she seemed to be having some trouble getting on them herself. She scrambled to hold onto the slick vines.

"Woah! Hey, what do you think you're doing!"

"If I really tried, I could have thrown you on the ledge above." He got on the vines himself. "Though I don't think you'd like that." That remark earned him a dirty look, but what else is new?

Serena snagged her arm onto Recht's shoulder. "Why are you in such a hurry anyway? You can't possibly think you're going to reach the end before he does."

"I could always try." He said with a chuckle while helping Serena up from the vines. "I have more weapons at my disposal than he does. I bet I could beat the boss before he can."

"I bet you can but you know what? I bet there's a special weapon in this temple like always and you know what? I bet it's the key to defeating the boss."

"Cool, let's go find it then."

"Fff-No let's NOT find it. Link needs it for his quest of worldly importance~!"

"I'll give it back when I'm done playing with it."

"Argh! Stop you!" She jumped on him.

"Hey, I was only kidding."

"...I hate your humor." She let go of him. "I thought you were serious."

"hmm maybe it's because-I AM. Let a' go!"


"I'm joking, I'm joking. ow!...You can stop hitting me I stopped." She gave him a little shove.

"For good measures."

They headed to the next room a little too soon. And as quietly as they did enter, Link still noticed and turned around before lighting the last torch. Recht dove into the grasses while Serena leaped behind a rock. Link gazed at the strangely quite scene.

'Am I imagining things?' He thought. When he declared the room uninhabited he continued on over the raised wooden platform that had just been raised and entered the next room without much thought.

"Phew. That was close." Serena sighed though they weren't that close to being caught she didn't like the tension. "We should wait a little longer before entering another room." She rested against the stone wall while Recht walked around the room. He pulled himself up to the middle of the room.

"How did that get up there?" He wondered out loud. He was referring to the large chest he was staring at several feet above. It was suspended by the strand of a spiders web. Last time he remembered, spiders didn't make webs that strong. 'Hmm looks like the monsters evolved a bit.' Even though he was sure the web would hold the pots and chests well he steered clear of their shadows.

The former hero made his was around the room and found another familiar object, one that was not hanging from the ceiling.

"He missed this…" Recht said opening the chest in the left corner. It was the Forest Temple's Dungeon map. Just out of habit his blue eyes scanned the map taking note of every room and their location.

"And what are you doing?" Serena asked snatching the map out of his hands. She quickly stuffed it back into the chest, carefully in putting it the way it was. 'Oh well, I already memorized it anyway' Recht though before answering.

"I was just taking a quick look at it. No need to be all snatchy." He said over his back already starting to open the stone door. "Besides we might need to-"

Two sharp snaps was heard from behind the door and the voice they knew belonged to the shadow spoke a few words from behind it. The stone door rumbled as it started to open. Serena froze, startled at the sound and panic of Link returning so soon. Recht on the other hand wasted no time. He had pulled the hesitant Serena down the ledge to hide against the wooden platform all in the moment of the opening temple door.

They heard a chest open. A pause.

"You can look at that later, keep moving." The Link's shadowy companion said sternly.

"Fine, fine" Link said putting it away.

Serena held her breath as Link walked across the platform. Recht just stared him down, his eyes unwavering. The monkey he freed earlier came into view. She jumped onto the single line of rope and swung upside-down beckoning to Link. He then swung over the the west side of the room using the monkey as a swing of some sort. Recht felt Serena flinch in his arms when Link landed on the ground.

It wasn't until Link and the she-monkey left through the stone door did she release her held breath.

"… now that was close." Recht said getting up. 'In this confounded area there is only a few places we can hide. We'll have to be careful.'

"A little too close..." She looked irritated, as usual. "You can let go now." His arms were still holding her against the wooden contraption. He let go without another word nor thought. His eyes rested on the door his descendant just went though.

"So how are we going to follow him?" Serena asked. The couldn't use a monkey swing like he did. As they were in the fog, they were short a cooperative monkey. "When will you stop suggesting I fill in for the monkey?"

"Don't worry I'm not. Here," Recht took out his hookshot, the one he got from Termina, and held out his hand "We can get around find with this though, I will to need to hold you again."

"Yeah, sure whatever."

"Hey at least I'm asking this time."

From there they just followed Link through the temple. Though they had to be patient with themselves. The two couldn't follow him everywhere since some of the doors locked itself. They really didn't miss too much. Link was just collecting monkeys. As they waited to be reunited with their hobby of hero stalking, Recht decided to entertain himself with the whatever he could find around the area.

There was not much to look at. They were just inside a tree that seemed to have had a building for lunch. Wood, stone and dust diet.

How healthy.

Recht did run into some trouble with the red deku babas. Well not exactly trouble.

"They never did this before." The former hero said calmly running (walking) away from from the severed deku head chasing him around the grass. The boy never really seemed to get into trouble.

"Just hit it again it'll die." Serena said a few feet away searching through the grass for rupees.

"Good idea." He followed her advice and striked at the deku baba splitting it in half. He finished off the other respawned deku baba and a door was heard to be unlocked. They quickly went after Link and walked in on him hitting his head against yet another totem pole.

"You'd think he'd get a concussion from all this head banging."

"pfft. Head banging." Serena laughed to herself.


"I-it's an inside joke."

"With you, yourself and..."

"That phrase doesn't work well that way does it."

"No it doesn't" Recht frowned and made a fake tearful face, like it actually bothered him. His face brightened immediately with a smile.

They stayed by the door since this room didn't lead to any others. At least that's what Recht had told her. Having only looked at the map once he had already memorized the simpler forest temple. At least in his opinion it was simple. ("It's only one floor nothing to hard") There was a lot of things Recht thought were simple that weren't.

Link continued across the room and got knocked over by a tile worm. He sat up rubbing his head while ignoring the taunting remarks coming from his shadow.

"Hmm that looks like it hurt." Recht said. Link then got thrown around by a couple more tile worm. "That must really hurt." He sounded disappointed in his descendant. 'Don't get done in just yet' He thought.

"I'm not going over there…." Serena said eyeballing the tiles. Her eye twitched as she stared.

"What are you scared of a few tile worms?"

"I hate worms." She growled. "How are you even supposed to beat them? They only come up when you step on them."

"Well, like you said before there's probably a weapon somewhere in this temple, which will probably bode well against these worms since, in most cases, certain weapons can be used to defeat monsters or expose their weaknesses. However at the moment neither Link nor I have that weapon."

"Uh-huh... So what are you supposed to do in the mean time?"

"The only thing you can do. Try to avoid them. See that's what Link's doing now." Recht said that a little too soon. Link took one wrong step and got thrown around by yet another tile worm.

"How lucky. He landed on that platform. Now he won't have to climb those time consuming vines to get to that chest." Serena said grinning at the time saving method.

"Odd what you call lucky." They got up as soon as they were sure he wouldn't see them. "We should go. Don't want him walking in on us again."

The two left and waited out of sight for Link to come out.

Recht and Serena were strangely quiet waiting for him.

The girl didn't care much about what Link was doing in that room. She really didn't want to be in here in the first place. All this adventure was a pain, not to mention it reminded her of that blasted book. Her only forte was the very topic she disgusted. Despite what she choose to think, going on this little follow the hero adventure was her choice. Though, she was never one to admit her actions. She preferred to blame others when things went wrong. Serena was never the responsible one.

However she still had to keep Recht from getting seen by Link. Since the adventure driven boy wanted to keep an eye on his descendant she has to keep an eye on him. No matter how bad that eye may be. Not to mention the sand that's been getting in them. Where the sand was coming from puzzled her. Maybe it was just dust. Dusty sand? Sandy dust?

Recht, on the other hand, wasn't think of such complicated matters.

He was simply reminiscing his own time in his forest temple. Course it wasn't fun the first time he went though it. He plowed his way through it to find his life long friend, Saria, only to have her disappear on him to become a sage. He only really enjoyed it when he revisited the place. There was something about the serene quiet and earth real that appealed to him. Then again, what forest related things didn't he like?

Was being raised in the woods have anything to do with it? nah, couldn't be.

"Hey what's that!" Recht yelled suddenly. Serena jumped a the broken silence.

"What is it now?" She growled back.

"A fairy, I think. It's over there." He pointed across the room where there was a faint glow floating along the walls.

Recht made his way over to the alleged fairy and sure enough, it was a glowing ball of light with wings aka a fairy.

"What are you doing now, Recht?"

"Nothing" He fished an empty bottle out of his fairy pouch and pried it open. "Just getting some life insurance."

"w- ah- Huh? What was that? I didn't hear you!" Recht just ignored the fuming girl. 'What she was so mad about?' He shrugged at that thought and gentle scooped up the fairy. It was strangely cooperative. Compared to the teasing fairies he encountered that lead him on tiring chases this one practically flew into the bottle.

"You never know. We may need one even."

"I don't think you'd be as stupid enough to get yourself in the line of danger."

"Even I can get hurt, Serena. And for the record I wasn't specifically talking about me."

"Oh, are you saying that I'll get hurt. Is that it?"

"When I'm not around," He paused. Could she really fight? or do anything for that matter? "It's a possibility, you know-WOAH!"

"Dang it! I missed! Stupid rock."

"Yeah you should really work on your aim. But hey how can I complain? Ha Ha- Ow!... Hey you actually hit me. Good job."

"Stop smiling and hide. He's coming back."

They both found cover before he entered the room. He brought another monkey with him. It was a lot more jubilant than the she-monkey, doing a little dance where ever it went. Link went back through the temple to the place where he got the map. And left through the same door that almost got their cover blown. The followed him quietly, slipping through the door after a few seconds. The monkeys' had spread across the stretched rope.

"Think we can get across the same way?" Recht asked as Link jumped from monkey to monkey across the divide. Serena didn't answer. She was even paler than before, staring down into the white fog that hid the bottom. "I didn't think so"

He took a dubious glance at the extending monkeys. Even if the monkeys did let them across, he doubted Serena wanted to go that way, so he took out his hookshot.

"This won't carry us all the way…" He looked to the right toward the platforms on the other side. "But we can go that way. Is that alright?"

Even though it was safe, it was not "alright" for his untrusty guide. Serena held onto him for dear life, even though it was unnecessary since they had a less chance of falling into the chasm, while Recht used the hookshot to jump from platform to platform.

"You can let go now..." Funny how the tables have turned, and so soon too. They ducked behind an odd looking wall.

"Watch out for that bulbin." Serena whispered cautiously. Recht waved her off. She dug her nails into his arm.

"Yeah, yeah. Oh look a monkey." He said pointing to the caged creature. A squawk was heard and the bulblin came foreword with its club.

"Looks like the monsters are a little more self aware in this time" Recht thought aloud drawing his sword. He could have dealt with it easily but since the shaking Serena advised him that Link would get it, he left the monster and monkey alone.

"What ever you say miss."

'Miss' seemingly recovered from platform hopping and took a swipe at the boy. He then ran to the other side abandoning his guide. "Well Serena, what are you waiting for?"

"I-" She looked uneasily at the monster. It appeared to be deciding which one of them to attack. The heavily armed and physically fit blond or the scrawny unarmed scribe girl.

Gee what a tough decision. But hey, these monsters were stupid.

"Hurry up. I'm not going to leave you so just get over here so we can go watch Link's fight."

"How do you know he's in a fight?"

"I can hear him 'Hyah HUT ha Yah!' from over here." He gave her a glowing smile and beckoned her over. "Come on, the bulbins are stupid and slow just run around him."

"Gyeh..." Serena sneaked around the still contemplating monster and met up with her patient hero. Lucky for her this one was excessively stupid.

They tried the door but to no avail, so they climbed up to the opening on the side.

"You want some help?" Recht called at his struggling guide.

"ugh... do we have to watch your damn descendent's bloody fight?"

"Well I'm going to."

"Fine." She climbed up to where Recht was waiting. He was already watching his kin fight.

Link was battling some baboon with a boomerang that taunted more than it fought. Whenever the baboon threw his boomerang at him Link rolled into the totem he was on. Then the boomerang would hit the primate on it's return trip and then comes the chorus of 'Hyah huts'.

Link repeated this several times, whacking the baboon with his sword every time he fell down.

The baboon soon couldn't take it anymore and ran into one of the totems. A parasite fell out of the animal and shriveled pathetically into dust. A confused baboon stood up. It suddenly froze and slowly looked behind him. He jumped apparently started by the sword wielding Link. It leaped to the middle totem pole and left through the opening Recht and Serena were spectating through.

The animal nearly missed knocking Serena off and into the room. Then it got even more startled after seeing the also armed and blue eyed blond.

"Where are all these people coming from?... That's what its thinking" Serena stuck out her tongue.

"What you're a monkey whisperer now? You should have told me earlier, then we could have asked the caged monkey for directions to the boss room- ow!"

"Shut up boy." Recht waited for more from her but none came. 'It was a baboon' she could have said. But she didn't and Recht was a little disappointed.

"No argument this time?" Serena grunted. It seemed he had a break for the time being. He didn't know if he liked it. Later on he'll learn to appreciate the quietness.

Mean while Link just stood there and after a few more painful seconds he finally noticed that the baboon left it's boomerang. Before he could reach it, the boomerang sprung to life and introduced itself as the Fairy boomerang. Recht could hear it's voice loud and clear, but Serena who was leaning closer to see why there was a mini whirlwind, slipped off the edge of the rocks opening.

"Oh Sh-!" She tumbled down into the room, Recht just barely missed her outstretched hand. The ungraceful sheikah mix rammed into one of the totem poles face first. Her failed savior flinched when her face made contact.

They may need that 'life insurance sooner than he thought.'

Link turned to see what that noise was but quickly turned his attention back to the fairy boomerang coming towards him. Link's shadow pulled itself from the ground and spoke the Link. Serena, who decided to try and get the best out of her situation, sneaked closer to hear what they were saying. She hid behind the totem pole she slammed into.

"We already found something good, so let's keep searching places we haven't looked yet." Midna chimed.

"Alright but let me test this out first." Link responded taking out the Gale boomerang he had just acquired. He threw it around the room messing up the piles of fallen leaves and Serena's hair.

Recht chuckled at Serena's wind blown look. She cast him a glare to which he only shrugged. Could you blame him? Her hair made her look like Koume and Kotake's twinrova form... backwards.

"You've had your practice, now how are we going to get out of here!" The shadow snapped from beneath him.

"Calm down Midna. I'll figure a way out." Link looked around the room. Recht ducked behind the rocks. He already saw his descendant's way out. The little wind machine above the door was obviously meant for something.

Though, from Link's view it's probably not that obvious looking. Recht-Link did have more experience with what to look for so he shouldn't be expecting too much.

The shadow, named Midna, sighed impatiently.

Link went back to the door and finally noticed the machine above it.

'Was that always there?' Link thought to himself. He then threw the gale boomerang at it a few times and each trip raised the wooden grid a little more until it finally freed the door.

"What are you doing, just staring at it?" Midna asked the idle hero.

"I'm just wondering why that was there, and who put it there."

"You can think about that later, just go already." The hero rolled his eyes and put away his boomerang.

Once Link was out the door Recht jumped from the opening and landed lightly on a patch of leaves.

"I think that all the time, Link" He said to the new hero who had just left the room. His alleged partner was still behind the pillar, probably fixing her hair. "Should we follow him?" He asked.

"Yeah, just a minute." She was heard fumbling with her tangled hair. "I don't think he'll be coming back like last time." Serena emerged finally getting her hair under control.

"You should really comb your hair more often."

"Hey! It was boomerang's fault."

"Not all of it." Recht shook off Serena's badly aimed punch.

They resumed their stalking. Link went back the way his stalkers came in. He also freed the monkey they had left in the cage. Midna made another appearance and said something about freeing the rest of the monkeys.

"There are more of them?" Serena said a little surprised. How many monkeys live here?

"This is a big tree, not to mention a big forest"

"tch, I know that. These Din forsaken trees make a maze! We probably would have gotten lost if we weren;t following Link."

"You mean you would have gotten lost."

"What do you mean by that?"

"There's no way I would get lost in a forest. I grew up in one remember?"

"SO? You spent around 1/2 of that in a stinky old temple-"

"Sacred realm"

"WHATEVER! You spent half of you life in a ' oh-so-Sacred-that-you-have-to-interrupt-me-realm' and back!"

"Those seven years don't count. I wasn't conscious."


"I think we went off topic."

"You think, Sherlock?"

"Who's Sherlock?"

"Certainly not you." Serena ended that pointless conversation there with a growl. Recht assumed it was a book thing and let it go. They had to catch up to Link who was already back inside the ginormous tree. Serena thanked Farore for the already set platforms. Nayru forbid if they had to use the hookshot again.

It was smooth sailing from there.

As smooth as it could be for the two sets of Hero and his guide, that is.

For the Link and Midna pair, they had a working system. Link took care of the monsters, puzzles and getting around the temple while Midna provided the snappy remarks, encouraging whip words and advice all from the safety of Link's shadow.

For the Recht and Serena duo, they had a rather dysfunctional procedure. Though they were only just following the hero, that alone had enough complications to keep them busy. Monsters still lurked in other renown places of the temple, places they were forced into when they were hiding from Link. Serena, who doesn't have the luxury of hiding in a hero's shadow, was the victim of most of the remnants.

She was sized up as an easy target, not to mention she looked the part.

"For Farore's sake! Help me already!" She was currently being chased by the severed red deku babas.

But Recht didn't let her deal with them alone.

"No I think you're doing great. Keep it up, book girl."

"Shut up, hero boy."

"Isn't this nice? we already have nick names for each other."

"For the Love of Nayru-! "

He did come to her aid on several occasions.

"I Am Going To Kill You!"

But most of the time he waits and enjoys the chase scene.

"Good. If you're capable of that then you should be capable of dealing with those badies."

"The word badies is dead you know!"

"Since when?"

"Since a hundred- oh yeah...-that still doesn't change the fact that I'm being chased by monsters~!" She could out run them but didn't have any stamina to keep going. Too bad. She looked like the sprinter type and that would've been helpful.

The monsters weren't targeting Recht for the same reason the bulbin from before didn't. He didn't look threatening but there's just this feeling when you meet him that if you face him, you would't win.

"Alright I guess you had enough exercise." He said finally jumping in to help. He game the deku babas a nice clean cut across it's head just as it lunged to bite Serena's nose.

"Did you have to cut it so close! You could have cut my hair."

"Not like it's anything to be proud of. You keep it in tangles I might have done you a favor."

They've had several close calls, mostly from Serena's inability to balance herself wherever she chose to hide, but for the most part they've been able to tail him without him knowing.

Link was just using the gale boomerang to reach new places, free more monkeys, explore the temple. That is until they reached the most worn down part of the temple. It was so worn down that the used-to-be-stretched-to-the-other-side platform wasn't stretched to the other side. That left a massive cavity between the hero and the boss of the temple.

Now Link had already left the room when it happened. Recht being the former chosen hero of the goddess Farore had conveniently stepped over a weak part of the floor, letting him continue walking unscathed. Serena on the other hand... Let's just say that particular spot of flooring was determined to retire then and there.

"OW! AURGHH! Damn it Din and all that is Farore Born! %*#&!"

"You okay down there?" Recht asked ignoring her language.

"Okay? OKAY? Why was I the one who had to end up in this mess. Why couldn't you fall? I weigh like half your weight and yet the floor just decided to give way under me."

"What can I say? I'm lucky."

"Save it gremlin. I'm still hoping you'll join me."

"At least you landed on something. Most of the holes around here end up being an endless abyss."

"I'm still in a hole over here. I can hardly see anything. I might as well be at the end of the abyss"

"I can fix that. Here."

"Ack! What was that?"

"the lantern"


"You're welcome."

Serena yelled in frustration aiming one particular syllable of that shout at Recht, and angrily lit the lantern than had just nailed her head. It lit up the space around her. Now she could see that she hadn't just fallen in a hole. She'd fallen through a hole and into a whole other level of the forest temple.

"Auh kaff kaff"

"What's wrong? Are you drinking the lantern oil?"

"Why with all the wisdom in the world would I be doing that?"

"You're crazy enough."

"I am not crazy! kaff kauph, urgh You don't know me enough to think I' crazy." She squinted her eyes. "It's just so dusty and musty down here. It seems I've fallen in an older part of the temple. tch I didn't know that was possible. This place is as old enough as it is."

"Do you see a way out?"

"other than towards the light, I don't think so."

"Maybe you can get out the same way you got in?"

"And how would I do that?"

"You could climb."

"not going to happen"

"I figured. Or you could use this."


"It wasn't thrown. It was tossed." Something pink stuck out from the lower middle of her face. From this height he couldn't see but assumed it was her tongue. Not a very effective taunt from this distance.

"Oh eff no... I am not using this!"

"If you're not going to climb then you have to use it. Unless you have a better idea." He considered coming down to help her but that would defeat the purpose of his incredible luck.

"Fine." It was hard to see what she was doing. "How do I fire it?"

"Grip the handle with your left hand."

"I'm right handed."

"then with your right hand. And support it with your left. There should be a switch on the side so when you find a place to shoot you should-"


"Hold on tight..."

:D A.N Active reader/reviewer count! if you are reading this tell me who's your favorite guide in LoZ. Like Navi and Midna :D

Writing this chapter made me realize I have no idea how to write Midna. I can't make her mean or anything very well, I need help... any helpful hints?

Say, do you think I should change the title? I think Hero of a Different Time rolls off the tongue :3

-My stories run off of Reviews. Want the next chapter? Review and it'll get here sooner.

if i get no reviews for a chapter I'll be discouraged :( so review please even if it's small it matters! I'll even take a writers pledge. Ever review I get I'll write 100 words on my next chapter per line. And don't you all cheat by total space spamming =3= I want real reviews okay... alright maybe not. I just want a few that lets me know someone is reading this.