Okay new chap is up.

Sorry going to NIACC now so I wont have as much time to update my stories!

However, I will try to to keep it updated

From Youikina

"Again," said Harry as the Hyuga's in front of him were trying to getting the stances down to use his attacks.

"Hinata, Neji, you are doing great and I hear you are thinking of doing the chunin exams," said Harry with a smile as the two smiled at him.

"I want to prove I am not weak," said Hinata with a grin. Somehow, spending half an hour with Harry and George, she would start talking without the stutter.

"Yes Harry-Sensei," said Hinata and Neji before heading to their rooms.

"Hanabi, what is wrong," asked harry at the younger girl.

"I am not a good as them," she said before Harry gave a sad sigh.

Going over the girl, he kneeled down, so he was at her level and looking her right in the face.

"Hanabi, you are still young. Do not force yourself to do something your body is not ready for. To be a perfect shinobi you need many things and one of them power in certain situations. However, you must know your limits. No matter how you were taught before I arrived, you are still human and have all the faults of one. Now think about what your limits are and we will work on them, after the chunin exams," said Harry with a smile.

"Your going to be participating in the exams," asked Hanabi in shock.

"Yes I will, don't worry, I will make the genin work to pass," said Harry with a smile before standing.

"Now let us go bug your father about the prank George just did," laughed Harry before Hanabi ran to the room, where her father is, before she started laughing so hard, she was rolling on the ground.

Harry walked over to the doorway and looked into the room.

Hiashi was covered in pink and he was hog tied, with an apple in his mouth, making him look like a very skinny pig for a feast.

Harry started to outright laugh.

"Hanabi, untie your father, I need to go meet my team,' said Harry before vanishing, leaving the very laughing girl and very embarrassed Hiashi.

Sasuke and George was working on a fire jutsu. George has been a slave driver on Sasuke since he noticed he was an avenger.

Sasuke was smack every time, he tired to be cold. However, when he did something really bad; George will treat him like a young child. He would end up over George or Harry's leg, getting his but spanked just like a child.

The worse thing is that they would do it anywhere.


Sasuke started making fun of Naruto at the Ramen stand. He was getting really mean and Naruto was getting angry with him as well.

It was Harry who grabbed him as a chair appeared. He was bent over Harry's leg. Sasuke turned back to glare at the older boy, who looked coldly down at him. He really did not like that look, for some reason.

"You will not speak to your teammate like that Sasuke. Since you are acting like a child, then you shall get a child's punishment. You will count every strike it will be to twenty. If you don't count then it will not count," said Harry before slamming his hand down on his bum very hard.

He refused to count the smack.

Harry smacked him at least fifty times before he cried out," One!"

He counted each strike as tears started to pour down his face.

As soon as he was at twenty, he was down right bawling. Harry pulled him up and began to rub circles in his back.

"You are stubborn Sasuke but if you treat your teammates like that, then I will punish you," said Harry before he nodded dumbly into Harry's shoulder.

Ayame brought a wash cloth out to clean off Sasuke's face.

"Finish your Ramen and we will go home," said George as he ate another bowl of Ramen.

End Flashback

"We got to head to the bridge," said George at him as he waves his hand in his face.

"Sorry," said Sasuke before shaking his head and he started to head to the bridge.

He gave a laugh as he remembered the day Harry found out about Naruto Sexy- Jutsu and Harem- Jutsu.

That was weird that George nearly glomped Naruto asking how he did it. Harry beat both of them senseless.

He gave another chuckle before he heard screams from girls heading his way.

"Fan girls," was what George said before they took off running to the bridge.

Naruto waved as they others showed up. Haku was helping with the exams. Zabuza was their teacher now, so he could rest easy as they did the exams.

"Where is Harry," said Draco to George.

"He needed to speak to the Hokage," said George with a shrug.

"Remember when he snapped at the old man," said Naruto with a smile.


Harry stood in front of Sarutobi.

"You are flawed man Sarutobi,' said Harry looking at the old man.

"Flawed," asked Sarutobi.

"You are the strongest man in this village but you allow these people to walk over you. You are no longer the Hokage, I saw in Kakashi's memories. You are a shadow of your former self. Grow your back bone back and get rid of that damned council and become the Hokage, you once were," said Harry before walked out of the office.

That night, The Hokage was back and kicking.

End Flashback

Harry appeared right next to them, scaring Sakura, who screamed at him.

He ignored her and said," Okay, let us go to the chunin exams."