Morning. Masamune enjoyed laying there for a few minutes before getting up, listening to the sounds of the house. The shuffling of feet down the halls, the fragrant tea that Kojuurou liked, the birds chirping merrily outside his window. This brief moment before the world was conscious of him, and he could go unnoticed. No demands on his time or his effort…

Familiar heavy footsteps making their way down the hall, and the rap of knuckles on his door. "Masamune-sama, it's time for breakfast." Of course. Maybe if he didn't answer… A louder knock. "I'm coming in."

The door opened, and Kojuurou stepped through the door. He hadn't buttoned his shirt up all the way yet, the collar laying open uncharacteristically. Masamune turned his gaze towards the man, blinking once, slowly.

"Good morning Kojuurou."

"Good morning Masamune. Breakfast is ready, and you'll be late if you don't get up…" His tone was gentle, but insistent. Always the image of a perfect retainer, though it was old fashioned. Masamune made a show of groaning, rolling over, and finally sitting up, but he wasn't as loath to do so as he acted.

Kojuurou left the room with a vague smile, and closed the door. Masamune almost got up, to pull him back into the room, and maybe tug him over to the bed to sit together with him for a few minutes, reveling in the warmth of another person, especially that person. But he didn't, and then the moment was gone.

Heavy sigh, and feet swinging out of bed onto the soft carpet of his floor. Morning routine, so routine that he shuffled about it only half-consciously, pulling on his school uniform and gathering his things in his school bag, to the bathroom to brush his teeth and run some product through his hair before he'd gathered himself enough to go into the kitchen. Toast and eggs, and a small bowl of miso soup, with a glass of milk and a cup of that strong green tea Kojuurou liked so much, and so Masamune had grown to like it as well.

He slid into the seat, and started to eat, surreptitious glances towards Kojuurou's face as he read the morning paper (business section), and sipped at his own mug of tea. In the time it had taken him to get ready, Kojuurou had buttoned his shirt the rest of the way and put on a tie. He glanced towards Masamune, finally setting the paper down.

"I trust you slept well, Masamune-sama?"

"Mmh," was all the reply he gave, the vague affirmative enough for Kojuurou though, it seemed.

And so the conversation went, quiet, routine. Comfortable. Habitual.

One of those moments that Masamune didn't want to end, lingering over his breakfast for as long as he could.