Thankyou to everyone for the reviews (: I really appreciate them all. Just thought i would start this story off with a quote.

"Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends."


She stepped out of her house, her hair curled to perfection, her make up kept to a minimal, giving her that natural look, and her black mini dress fit her perfectly, hugging her in all the right places.

She smiled when she saw her friend pull up her driveway. When Mickie heard the car horn beep, she made her way over to the car, once she got in she received a hug from Katie, before departing towards the new nightclub.

"So you excited to go out tonight?" Katie asked, keeping her eyes on the road while making conversation with the petite brunette.

"Yeah, it feels as if I havent been out in so long. Im looking forward to it." Mickie replied, a smile forming on her lips.

"That's because you havent been out in so long Micks. Don't get me wrong, I love your music and your career is soaring sky high, but you need to get out more" Katie glanced at Mickie long enough for her to see her friend nod.

"Tell me about it" Mickie sighed "Thanks for bringing me, its about time I get out."

"No problem. This club is going to be amazing" Katie smiled while turning her car so that they could find a parking space.

"Hey, who owns this club? I have heard of it before, there are two others I think." Mickie enquired. She stepped out of the car once they had found a parking and waited for Katie to lock the car.

"Hmm, Someone Phoenix" Katie said while moving towards Mickie, they began walking and Mickie couldn't fight of the smile and shock that came to her face.

"Beth Phoenix?" Mickie asked.

"Yeah, that's it!" Katie smiled, clicking her fingers to indicate that Mickie was right. "you know her?"

Mickie looked down for a bit before smiling once again "Yeah. I do" was all she said before walking towards the entrance of the club. She heard Katie sigh in frustration as she saw the line outside of the club. It was at least One hundred meters long. "Come with me" Mickie said, she made her way up to the front, much to the displeasure of anyone else, but then they realized it was Mickie James, the famous singer songwriter, they started screaming, well, the girls did anyway.

"Mickie James. Always a pleasure to see you" said the bouncer.

"You too Mason" Mickie smiled, she watched as Mason opened the door to let herself and Katie in.

"You know him?" Katie asked, confusion dripping from her voice.

"Yeah, he was my bodyguard once when I had a concert" Mickie laughed. She grabbed Katies hand, only to have it removed and Katie told Mickie to make her way to a table for a bit and that she would get the drinks. Mickie nodded and watched her friend walk towards the bar, Mickie glanced around the club and was in total awe. On the ceilings was white silk like material, elegant yet sexy, and Mickie guessed that by the way the material kept changing from Orange to yellow to other various colors, that there were lights behind it. She then glanced around, hoping to find a familiar face, mostly Beth's face. But her eyes caught on a bar that currently had fire surrounding it, and the bar tenders behind that counter were doing all sorts of different types of tricks, no only with the alcohol but with anything they could get there hands on.

"Wow. She made one heck of a club:" Mickie smiled, she then started to make her way towards a free table she saw. As she was walking, she didn't watch where she was going, she then found herself colliding with something solid. She closed her eyes, waiting to feel the impact when she landed on the floor, but it never happened. She felt arms reach behind her waist and another on her upper back, she opened her eyes to see who she had ran into. She gasped in surprise as she realized who it was.


Standing in awe at the way the room was decorated, and the way everything seemed so unreal, Natalya smiled. She had always remembered Beth wanting to open up a club, and she was damned happy that she did. She felt another hand clasp over hers, she instantly knew who it was. It was the only man who could send chills up her body, other than the famous Randy Orton. Smiling as she glanced at him, he saw her offer her a smile in response to hers.

"Its amazing here, isn't it?" Natalya mused as she continued to look around, only stopping briefly as Tyson handed her a drink. "Vodka on the rocks. How did you know?" she smirked.

"Oh I don't know.." Tyson replied playfully, giving her a playful shove while he was at it "Maybe it's the fact that you always order this drink every time we are out"

The blonde just sent a big smile in response to her boyfriend before glancing around. She didn't realize Tyson was asking her something until she saw his hands wave in front of her face.

"you looking for anyone special there babe?" he asked, as he looked in the direction she was looking.

"Yeah actually" the Canadian said as she glanced back at Tyson "The owner of the club. I-I know her. We went to college together and I want to see her again. She was like a sister to me"

Tyson was struggling to hear Natalya as the music started to increasingly get louder, but he managed to catch that she was looking for the club owner.

"You know Beth Phoenix?" Tyson asked, He had to raise his voice in order for Natalya to hear him.

"Yeah. Can you help me find her?"

Tyson nodded briefly "Yeah I will. But after that, you owe me a dance Ms Neidhart"

"Oh, I will definitely dance with you after" Natalya couldn't fight the smile off her face as Tyson gripped her hand and the couple made their way around the club, in search for the person that people say could be Natalya's twin. After a few more minutes, from checking the bar, to the private areas of the club, the duo could not find Beth anywhere. Giving up for now, Natalya placed her, now empty, glass back on the bar and took Tysons hand. "Lets look for Beth later. Lets dance"


Taking a hold of Johns hand, Beth led John up the stairs into her office part of her club. To say she was excited to see this man would be the understatement of the year. The joy she got from seeing her, once, best friend again didn't really surprise her. Once she had sat down, she saw John glance around her office, before finally settling down in a chair opposite her.

"Nice club" was all John said, he glanced at a picture that Beth had on the back wall, one of herself and him during college. He ignored that photo for now, and just focused on the woman in front of him.

"Thanks" Beth replied. As she felt that uncomfortable awkwardness suddenly approach, she was about to say something, but once she opened her mouth, she couldn't think of anything to say.

"How is life?" he asked her. Making small talk now was not one of his specialties. Yeah, he could engage in conversations when he wanted, but now a days, it seemed as if he didn't have time for anyone, and now that he is sitting in opposite someone who he considered his best friend all those years ago, he didn't know what to say to her.

"Life is good" Beth simply stated. She watched intently as she noted the fact that John had not once looked at her since he had sat down, and every time she spoke, it was like he was not paying attention to her at all. "John. Are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah, you said life was good. I was going to reply, but you interrupted me" John shrugged. For the first time since he sat down, he glanced up at her and noted the hurt look in her eyes at the tone of voice he had directed at her.

"Oh, okay. Listen John, I have missed you and everything. But you cant just go around and dis-respect my staff like that. That girl you yelled at is only 22, she has nowhere else to go so I took her in, she stays and works here. I cant have you scaring her off just because she got your brand of beer wrong"

"Its not that hard to know what kind of beer I like you know" John rolled his eyes in displeasure. He hated being told what to do, a bad thing he had picked up from the life of Hollywood.

"Well im sorry" Beth scoffed, standing up for Alyssa, a girl who she has considered to be a good friend of hers now "Sorry not all of us read your magazine interviews, sorry some of us don't watch your interviews on television. Not everyone knows what you like John! Some people actually have lives…"

"Well they should care. I am JOHN CENA. A world famous actor. I have set a record by being the only actor to have ever become a multi millionare in my first 6 months of acting. People should know what I like" John sneered. Once he stood up, he looked down at Beth. He towered over her, which was nothing new seeing as he was always tall growing up.

Beth wasn't going to be intimidated, but she did not want to yell at John either. Tonight was supposed to be a good night, tonight was supposed to be the night she opened her third bar and had the night of a lifetime, but instead she was here arguing with someone she once considered a friend… someone she does not know anymore.

"What happened to the John Cena I fell in love with during high school and college? What happened to the sweet, kind John Cena who always smiled and would have never done that to Alyssa.? Did he change when he got to Hollywood?" Beth asked, but then she shook her head as she answered her own question "He obviously did"

Staring into his eyes one last time, Beth shook her head and looked down "You know your way down" was the last words she said to him before walking out the door and descending down the stairs.

John stood there with shock written on his face, he glanced towards the picture that was situated on the wall behind Beths desk and he sighed. He knew he had changed, sometimes he liked the change, most of the time he didn't. He had an attitude problem, he had been told many times, but he was not going to change for anybody. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, he pictured his life back in college, when things seemed so much easier for him. Now, there was not a day that went by where he wasn't stressed. Yeah, he loved acting, it was his passion. But he missed having a normal life at times.

Opening his eyes, his gaze fell, once again, on the picture of himself and Beth. He had always promised himself that he wouldn't change for anyone, absolutely no one… but if he has changed in a bad way, which he figured he had, he would change, and not because someone asked him too. But because he doesn't think he could stand to loose Beth again. He was not going to let her walk out of his life this time. He has already lost her, he isn't about to do that again.

Racing down the stairs, he glanced around the club which was now over crowded with people. He couldn't spot any sign of Beth so he made his way back over to the bar. He glanced across the bar and saw the girl he had gone off at before. Even though he didn't feel like it, he knew if he wanted to try and change, he has to atleast go and apologize to the girl. Making his way over, he saw the girl look to him with a confused expression. Once he got there, he looked at her and sighed "Im sorry" was all he said before departing onto the dance floor. Hoping to find someone to dance with, or, maybe even better, hoping to find Beth so they can talk again. This time, with no arguments.


Wrapping one arm around her waist and placing his hand on her lower back to stop the woman from falling over completely, he closed his eyes momentarily before opening them back up again. Once he opened his eyes, they revealed to him the one and only Mickie James. Watching the look of shock that washed over her face was enough to make Randy realize that she had no idea that he would have been here.

"Randy?" Mickie said, just loud enough for Randy to hear over the music.

"Mickie!" Randy smiled. He placed her up right before lifting her in his arms, not minding the slight bad pain that shot through his shoulder. "Oh god I missed you"

"I cant believe youre here" Mickie smiled. She hugged Randy tighter until she realized his shoulder "Oh shit! Your shoulder" she said, releasing herself from Randy and letting him put her back on the ground.

"Don't worry about it" Randy beamed "How are you?. Loving the music by the way"

"Thankyou. Thankyou" Mickie smiled, doing a curtsy in the process, only adding to the smile on her old friends face "Im good, everything is great for me actually, what about you.. Legend Killer?" She took the time to stretch her arms out in the pose of her friend.

"I see you have adapted to the ways of the Legend killer" Randy smirked, copying the pose that he does in the ring, only stopping mid way for the pain in his shoulder was a little bad. "Im glad to hear youre doing good. Im great too, well, aside from the injury. I should be cleared to compete in about a month and a bit, so I am eagerly waiting." he paused for a little bit more to take in this moment. A smile crept to his face once again and he wraped his arms just above the shoulders of Mickie, brining her in for a hug which she happily reciprocated.

"Oh god I've missed you Randy. I have missed everyone" Mickie sighed, pulling away from him to find a table, as she remembered Katie telling her to do so when they got to the club.

"I miss everyone, but I make sure to keep up with what everyone is doing. The only one's I have not heard anything about lately is Layla and Evan. I kow Lay went out on injury, then she retired, and same with Evan." Randy said. He let Mickie slide into the booth and he sat opposite her.

"Im still amazed at the fact that all of us can live our dream, or have lived our dream." Mickie smiled, she glanced around the club just in time to see Katie coming up to her with her drinks, but the man on Katies arm did not go missed. Someone Mickie truly despised at this moment, Wade Barrett. Katie would say Mickie didn't have good enough reasons to not stand the kid, but Mickie would argue otherwise, always keeping in the fact that Wade had tried to get with her a couple of times, while still dating Katie.

"Mickie. Here's your drink" Katie smiled while she rested the drink before Mickie, she didn't notice Randy in the corner until she glanced at Wade and saw him staring at the World famous wrestler.

"Hey, you're Randy Orton" Katie beamed with excitement "Im not much of a wrestling fan, but Mickie here insists on watching it every chance she gets"

Mickie shook her head, kind of embarrassed, but when she snuck a glance at Randy and saw that he was smiling, that all went away. "Katie, this is Randy Orton, one of my closest friends from college…" Mickie smiled "and Randy, this is Katie Lea Burchill. She actually helps me with my outfits and stuff before I do anything for the public"

"Ah, I see" Randy smiled, he extended his hand to Katie, which she gladly accepted "Nice to meet you Katie.."

"You too Randy." The English beauty removed her hand from Randy's and turned to Wade, "Oh Mickie, you forgot to introduce Wade. Randy, this is Wade Barrett, my boyfriend"

"One stupid ass boyfriend if you ask me" Mickie muttered under her breath, it went missed by Katie and Wade, but not by Randy as he saw her head turn to the side.

"Nice to meet you Wade" Randy said, extending his hand to the Englishman, who reciprocated.

"Well, me and Wade are going to dance. Micks, you have fun catching up with him. You know where to find me" Katie smirked, she gripped Wade's hand and ran towards the dance floor.

Once they were gone, The Legend Killer glanced at Mickie and laughed "Something tells me you don't like that Wade guy?"

"He's a pig" Mickie stated, "Anyway…how about we catch up more? Lets say over another drink?"

"That sounds like a plan, maybe I could introduce you to some of my other friends later on tonight" Randy smiled. He stood up and extended out his arm for Mickie to grab a hold of "How about we catch up outside, this pace is amazing, its got an outside part of the club which is a bit quieter than here"

"I like your thinking Orton" Mickie mused.


Walking into the club, Evan smiled slightly as he gripped onto the hand of his fiancé, yes, fiancé. They had gotten engaged a week prior and were planning on getting married as soon in Febuary 14th next year. It may sound corny, getting married on Valentines day, but Evan didn't mind.

Making his way through the crowds of people, Evan made it up to the bar, his hand still tightly gripped around Gails hand. His whole mood brightened when he saw her smile back at him. After signing an autograph for the bartender, Evan ordered a drink and waited.

"Thanks man" Evan smiled at the male bartender as he handed a drink to Gail and taking a sip of his also.

"So, what do you want to do? Its just all about me and you tonight" Evan mused, he wrapped an arm around Gails waist and pulled her in close.

Downing the rest of her drink, Gail shook her head as she felt the alcohol rush to her head, to say she was a lightweight when it came to drinking, proved it after just having that one glass.

"I want to dance" She smiled, she watched as Evan downed the remains of his drink. After that, she felt his warm hand enclose around hers as he pulled her onto the dance floor.

As the music blasted through the room, Evan let his eyes fall shut for a brief moment. He was amazed at how put together this club was, everything was so mesmerizing about this club. He made a mental note to come back here. He wrapped his arms around Gail as she turned her back to him. Evan moved his hips in time with hers, which happened to be in time to the pounding of the music. He gripped her hands in his and span her around.

He watched as Gail span and then collided with another female. He ran over to Gail and picked her up off the dance floor, he could see the look of madness in Gails eyes, and he wanted to calm her down before she done anything stupid.

"Gail.. Calm…" He glanced up at the female who looked at Gail apologetically… "Lay?"

"Evan?" The British beauty smiled, she ignored the look Gail was currently giving her and embraced Evan in a hug "How have you been? Its been so long?"

"I know. Im good, and yourself?" Evan beamed, he felt Gail latch onto his arm, but ignored her for a brief second, just so he could hear Layla.

"Im great, I have a new job and I loved it" Layla yelled over the music.

Evan was about to respond until he head a loud cough in his ear. He shook his head and smiled "Oh lay, this is Gail, you remember her from College right.?"

Layla looked at Gail and nodded "Oh yeah, you graduated a year before us. Nice to see you again" Layla smiled before extending her hand for Gail to shake. Once Gail shook her hand.

"You too" Gail nodded.

"She is my fiancé, we got engaged last week" Evan smiled, he frowned a bit though as he saw Layla nod her head slowly, almost as if she didn't approve.

"COngratulations" Layla smiled "We should catch up. I mean, if you don't mind that is?"

Gail couldn't help but feel a little hurt as she saw Evan nod his head eagerly. Tonight was just supposed to be about them, and no one else.

"Looks like that's not gonna happen" Gail muttered to herself, she followed Evans lead as himself and Layla walked out of the club.

As they made it to the secluded area of the club outside, Layla gasped as she saw two familiar people currently in deep converstaion, occupying a nearby table.

Evan stopped once he found himself nearly colliding with Layla, but this action caused Gail to collide with him.

"Whats going…" But Gail was interrupted when a scream escaped Laylas mouth..

"MICKIE" Layla screamed. Mickie turned around and a huge smile lit her face, she ran towards Layla and embraced her in a hug.

"Oh god Lay. I have missed you" Mickie smiled, she felt the tears of happiness come to her eyes.

Randy walked over to the small group and shook Evans hand before bringing him into a hug.

Mickie pulled away from Layla and looked at Evan, her heart skipped a beat when she saw him smiling at her. "Hey Evan"

Evan noted the whisper of his name that escaped Mickies lips. She hadn't changed, apart from the fact that her hair was a shade different and the way her body was curvier than before, which he found adorable.

"Hey Mickie…" He smiled, he had to make sure his voice wasn't going to break just from seeing her, he felt Gails grip tighten around his arm "Oh Mick, Randy, you remember Gail right?"

Mickie nodded and judging by the way Gail was holding onto Evans arm Mickie could guess that the two were currently dating. It hurt a little to see Evan with another woman, but she was happy for him, after all, she cant be mad about it, even though there was a little jealousy there. She was the one that ended things those years ago.

"Hey Gail" Mickie smiled, she embraced Gail in a hug.

"Mickie, its been so long. Im sure the last time I saw you was when we ran into each other at the park…" Mickie nodded with Gails statement, remembering that exact day. She saw a flash of guilt run through Gails eyes, but she let it pass. Gail has nothing to feel guilty about.. Well, she doesn't, does she?

"How are you two?" Randy asked, he moved closer to Mickie as he felt the uncomfortable silence that was about to approach.

"Well.. Ummm" Evan looked at Mickie and sighed, but he quickly covered the sigh with a smile, but he still kept silent over those little words he said.

Gail, knowing that Evan wasn't about to say anything any time soon, pulled her left hand from her pocket and slightly lifted it in the air, revealing the diamond ring that was placed firmly on her ring finger. "Evan and I are engaged"


Sorry for the late chapter. I lost the ideas for this, and then they came back to me. Plus, I found this chapter harder to write, seeing as it was just them meeting up with each other. But never the less, I hope you enjoyed it, and don't forget to hit that reviewbutton. xx