Characters: Derek/Stiles (Slash!)

Length: One-shot (possible two shot if reviewers are so inclined.)

Warnings: Fluff, slash, love.

Disclaimer: Teen wolf isn't mine, nor is taylor swift!

Okay, I am not a fluff writer. Despite what my other story may have seemed like. I am a dark angst person and my story for Derek & Stiles fest is a little dark and in order to ensure I didn't drown in depression I wrote this random bit. Please excuse it if it's short, not well described or anything. I really only did this because people were so supportive of my other fic (little red riding stiles) that you can consider this a reward. Oh, and I may make a oneshot about something on the list if you request it and I can do it. Also Stiles MAY have his own list, who knows...hmmm.

Derek sighed and added one more thing to his list as he rolled his eyes but otherwise showed absolutely no reaction to the scene playing out next to him. This was one more thing about Stiles that he hated and Derek really didn't understand how he had managed to put up with these things for so long without wolfing out and going crazy. Well…there had been that one time when…shaking the thought off Derek tried to find himself in the list, it hadn't been conscious at first but there were just some things about Stiles that Derek couldn't take.

* His breath ALWAYS smelled like peppermint. Even after eating or getting up. It drove him WILD because Derek loved peppermint.

* The boy ate whatever he wanted and still looked good. Sure, Derek was a wolf but still…

* He would push Derek just to see his eyes turn blue.

* He wouldn't let Derek help him with his car. No matter how much he begged.

* Stiles ate with his mouth open.

* He talked infinitely.

* His eyes were better lie detectors than Derek's hearing.

* Derek made him cry once. He could still feel that pain.

* The boy was DEADLY smart.

* He was annoyingly punctual. All. The. Freaking. Time.

* He liked twilight.

* He insisted that Derek wear his clothes. He walked around horny all day smelling Stiles on him.

* He couldn't see a baby without making them stop.

* The boy loved to cook, but hated to clean up afterwards.

* His handwriting was incomprehensible.

* The boy had the worst sense of timing ever. Standing a distance away from him and talking dirty when he KNEW it wasn't the time.

* He seemed to believe that English could be forgone while you were texting. Leading to many embarrassing miscommunications on Derek's part.*

* On second thought: He'd gotten Derek texting.

* Hell, he'd stolen his phone and changed his ringtone. Now, whenever Stiles called some cheesy love song played. (*Love Story Taylor Swift)

* He liked Taylor Swift.

* He borrowed his Camero. Frequently.

* He was still best friends with Scott. For unknown reasons.

* He ate ice-cream out of the tub, with his fingers. Although that one often led to extremely inappropriate licking…

* He reads out loud.

* He had a system of color co-ordinated clothing that he tried to get Derek to follow.

* He sang OBNOXIOUSLY to every song on the radio. Ruining an otherwise awesome voice.

* He played the drums…at night.

* He was a morning person.

* His father was nosy.

* Hell, STILES was nosy.

* Patience was a foreign concept to him.

* He insisted on calling Derek by these ridiculous nicknames. Sour Wolf, dog boy, lassie.

* He kept BEGGING to be turned. Or at least to be introduced to a vampire instead.

* He wouldn't believe there were no such things as vampires.

* He knew Derek's favourite meal and burst it out whenever he wanted something (which was frequently.)

* He WOULDN'T let Derek protect him by breaking knee caps but he insisted on sparring with him.

* He made fun of Derek for his howling.

* He chewed gum at school and didn't tell Derek. Thus, the first time they kissed had nearly killed him. Werewolf dead by choking on a piece of gum…embarrassing.

* He couldn't fire a gun to save his life but he had learnt EVERYTHING else from his father.

* He loved being the "big spoon."

* He kept talking about joining Derek while he worked out but instead all he did was watch…

* He could answer a riddle in twenty seconds flat, but tell him you love him and SUDDENLY things are confusing on his front.

* Lydia.

* Lydia.

* Lydia.

* He calmed Derek down by giving him a simple look.

* He ALWAYS knew when Derek was going to do something…morally questionable.

* He wore yellow ALL the time because he had somehow figured out that Derek loved that colour.

* "Quiet please," was a suggestion.

* He had a pet cat about three years before Derek met him. His room STILL smelled.

And now to add to that list, he threw popcorn at Derek whenever he thought he wasn't paying attention to him. Derek rolled his eyes again as the boy gasped in surprise. All Derek had done was time the angle of his last throw and opened his mouth at just the right time. What was the point of watching a movie together if he didn't expect him to focus on said movie? Especially when said movie was some silly werewolf film that was filled with inaccuracies. Deciding that he'd had enough he turned his gaze slowly to the love of his life and inclined his head and opened his arms a little. Signalling the boy over Stiles smiled happily as he came over and sat in his lap.

Derek hugged him securely and ignored the smug noise of satisfaction that he made. So that had been his plan all along. Staring at the movie screen as it finally went blank he wasn't surprised that those bright, brown eyes turned to peer up at him. God…



"What were you thinking about so intently…?"

Of course he had noticed. Thinking carefully on his answer Derek smiled and kissed him softly. He poured all his love and affection into the kiss and then when they finally broke away for oxygen he said.

"Oh, the 50 something or so reasons I love you." He blushed as he said it, he the great Derek Hale, but as he searched deep inside himself he realized he was in fact telling the truth. He might be annoying sometimes but he was in love with Stiles, every single part of him. For better or for worse. It was BECAUSE of this stuff that he had listed that he loved stiles, not in spite of the. He had become quite a sentimental sap.

"Good because if...when we get married you'll need to write your own vows."

Derek smirked at that, how long would his list of reasons he loved him be by then? By god did he have a feeling that he knew JUST what he was going to say when that time came. He'd be sleeping on the couch for weeks, and it'd be worth every minute of it...