Disclaimer: I do not, I repeat, do NOT own the character, plot, world, storyline or anything else from the anime Inuyasha. Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.

Chapter 1: The Truth Comes Out

Kagome gasped as strong arms encircled her. She shivered as his warmth seeped into her chilled body. Blissfully she leaned back to capture more of the heat radiating from him. He smiled at her reaction, a knowing and somehow pleased smile. With a contented sigh, she turned and kissed him briefly, softly. He caught hold of her when she pulled back and lowered his mouth to hers...


Inuyasha's mind was reeling...he couldn't believe what he had just seen...Kagome...his Kagome and...and HIM! How could this have happened? HOW damn it? Why Kagome? WHY? WHY? WHY? Why did this have to happen to him of all people? Why was he destined to loose both the women he loved? WHY DAMN IT ALL WHY? First Kikyo had poisoned his mind against Kagome, making him say all those horrible things to her, and now he had lost Kagome...now that he was finally free of Kikyo...now that he was free to love...now that he had lost his love...again...

Crystalline droplets fell unheeded as Inuyasha made the lonely trek back to Keade's hut...walking down the well traveled path of heartbreak...again.

Later that day...

Kagome skipped back down the familiar path to Keade's without a care in the world. Humming softly to herself, she failed to notice the presence of a certain half-demon.


"Huh?" She looked up startled. "Oh hi, Inuyasha." She said brightly.

"We need to talk." He said in a subdued voice.

"Uh...okay sure." She replied a little puzzled by his tone.

"Come on we'll talk at Keade's. Sango and Miroku need to hear this too."

"Okay." Kagome chimed.

She frowned slightly when Inuyasha turned and began walking calmly back to the hut instead of offering to carry her as usual. Shrugging off her unease she fell into to step with the unusually calm and quiet half-demon.

*At the hut*

"How long have you been mated to my brother? And don't lie. I can smell when you do." the half-demon asked calmly, and perhaps a little sadly.

"How did you..."

"I can smell his scent all over you." came the indifferent reply.

"I...we...that is to say...well...four months the day after tomorrow." Kagome said quietly waiting for Inuyasha to explode.

...but the explosion never came all that she heard was a defeated sigh followed by her friends stunned exclamations of "How" and "why". Kagome took a deep breathe and began explaining.

"He was in heat...and um...his Inu like the way I smell...and I kinda had a...*blush* a crush on him for a while and...we um..." Kagome trailed off stammering unable to finish her explanation.

"You mated." Inuyasha stated hollowly. "Just...just tell me one thing."

"Inuya..." Miroku started to interrupt his friend not wanting to upset Kagome.

"No don't interrupt me. I just...I just want to know if he makes Kagome happy. I wasn't going to say anything mean."

"Well...I'd like an answer to that question too." Sango declared looking at her sister expectantly. "Does he make you happy?"

"...well yes...he makes me very happy."

"Does this mean your not gonna be my mama any more?" asked the little fox demon, finally finding his voice.

"Oh Shippou of course I'm still gonna be your mama and you'll always be my little boy!" She said hugging him tightly.

"So...I get to be best man right?" Inuyasha asked half-heartedly.

"Oh Inuyasha! You're really okay with this? You're not gonna fight with Sesshoumaru?"

"Feh. Like I would waste time fighting that loser when I could be eating a perfectly good cake!" He said indignantly. "You are gonna have cake, right?"

Kagome laughed happy that her best friend was taking this so well. "Of course! We may even have two cakes."

"Two cakes!" Shippou exclaimed happily.

"What are we waiting for, let's go!" Inuyasha cried jumping up and pulling Kagome off in the direction of his brother's palace. With Shippou gesturing vigorously at the others to come on from the half-demon's shoulder.

"Come on you guys, hurry up!" He exclaimed happily.

Sango and Miroku just shook they're heads at their friends' antics.

Rising gracefully to his feet Miroku offered his hand to Sango. "Shall we catch up Lady Sango?"

"We better hurry those two are cake-crazed." she replied laughing at her own joke.

Miroku laughed heartily, shaking his head occasionally at the odd looks Shippou and Inuyasha were getting.

*At the Palace*

"Hey Fluffy open up!" Inuyasha hollered banging on the gate.

The gates swung open to reveal a slightly peeved Sesshoumaru.

"What is it you want half-"

"Cut the crap, I'm here for the food!"

"Hey!" Kagome pouted.

"Yeah, yeah, and for your wedding-thing...now which way to the kitchen?"

"Inuyasha!" Sango exclaimed, " is that any way to"

"Oooh looky human types." Exclaimed a nearby voice.

"Who are y-" Miroku started only to be interrupted.

"Oh, hello Kagome's friends, I'm Kari." The golden blond wolf hanyou stated.

"Hi I'm-"

"Shippou, I know and you're Sango and he's Miroku and he's Inuyasha and the kitchen's this way come on." she said in one breath before dragging Inuyasha off into the kitchen.

"Well that was..."

"Odd? Weird? Unnatural?" Koga piped up. "You gotta forgive Kari she forgets not to read minds sometimes."

"She can READ minds?" Sango cried eyes like saucers.

"Yep." Koga replied unfazed.

`So if I were thinking about...*drool* Omg I never knew Koga could...WAIT! Where did...bad Sango! No! Down girl!'

`Sango, Sango, Sango...I never would have never suspected YOU would want my dear cousin Koga so badly.' Kari said in her mind.

"Hey get out of my head!"

"Huh?" Miroku gave Sango a concerned look. "Lady Sango are you feeling well?"

"Uh?" Sango looked around and noticed the odd looks she was getting. `Did I say that out loud?'



`It isn't my fault you were fantasizing about Koga.'

The others watched in fascination as Sango turned three shades of red.

"I was NOT fanticizing about Ko-" Sango turned yet another shade of red when she realized she was speaking out loud. "Uh...I um...erm...bye."

Sango took off toward the kitchen beet red much to her friends surprise. `Oooh that girl!'

`Yeah, I know I'm bad!'

"Oooh I almost said I was fantasizing about Koga because of you!" Sango scowled.

"Was I good?" came an amused reply.

Sango turned cherry red and prayed to every kami she could recall that HE wouldn't be standing behind her...unfortunately for Sango the Kamis have a sense of humor. She turned around and there was Koga smirking his tail off.

"..." Was all Sango could say. `What are you waiting for? Kiss him! Kiss him!' Kari encouraged gleefully.

"No way am I kissing that wolf!" Sango cried edging away.

"Well! If you won't, I will!" Koga grinned before his mouth came crashing down on hers.

Sango gasped in surprise allowing Koga better access to her mouth. She just stood there eyes wide standing shock still until he decided to play with her tongue...

Miroku excused himself, picked up Kirara, and went off in search of Sango...needless to say he was a little shocked to see Sango and Koga trying to devour each other by the entranceway of the dining hall.

Hearing a startled gasp Sango leaped away from Koga.

"This isn't what it looks like!" She gasped.

"The hell it isn't!" Koga countered.

Miroku just stood there mouth hanging open. Kirara looked at Sango then at Koga then at Sango again and `mew'ed her confusion.

"Hi guys what's up?" Kari called cheerfully pulling a now stuffed Inuyasha behind her.

Sango blushed furiously, Koga smirked, Kirara `mew'ed and Miroku stared, mouth opening and closing like a fish.

After a few moments he managed to say. "."

"What?" Inuyasha exclaimed. "I thought you two but...they...? What the Hell is going on here?"