Hey! I replaced the authors note with a filler, so read that before this!

Hermione point of view

My eyes slowly opened as I groaned and rubbed my head. Memories started flooding into my brain. One stood out, her last few moments with her father.

"Alibear, please be careful! I don't want to take you to Poppy again," said a younger Severus trying not to laugh. A younger Alison was crawling around her father's potion room. Every now and then, she would sit by her father's feet and yank at his robes. Finally, he picked her up, and sighed.

"He's started to figure out about you Ali.." he held her close. "If he finds out, either when you get older, he makes you his, or a Death eater whore, and I cant have that for you sweetheart," murmured Severus into her black ringlets.

The scene disappeared and another took its place.

"Sir, I don't understand. You want to give her up for adoption, but want to know who adopts her?" asked a confused agent.


"Mr. Snape, I am sorry, but we don't do that, for anybody. Especially since this child is so young," explained the agent. Severus was starting to get pissed.

"You will tell me whom takes my daughter," he sneered as he pulled out his wand.

Hermione sat up quickly and looked around. She realized for the first time how many pictures of her as a child, and even now, are hanging on the walls, and sitting on the mantle. Her first days of school, her first muggle boyfriend, her first everything. Things her father missed, things she wants him to see, and hear, and experience. Slowly standing, she was attacked by a mob of three red heads.

"Mione! You're awake!" Fred exclaimed.

"We thought you were going to sleep through the party," George said.

"Why is Snape here?" Ron asked, getting right to the point.

"Boys, p-p-please, I can't talk now. I just, need to find someone," she stammered avoiding Ron's gaze.

"Mione, if you are seeing Sna-"

"Ronald! That is ridiculous! He is our professor!" Hermione nearly shouted. And my dad.. She thought.

"Just making sure Mione," Ron said as he kissed her cheek. Her shudder was unmissed by George and Fred, who were starting to look at her with weird glances.

"Uh, boys, I need to go get ready," with that she raced upstairs. One she was out of the boys hearing range and eyesight, she fell to the floor in a heat of sobs.

Snape point of view

Severus was sitting in Hermione's room with her dress, and everything else she needed for her party tonight. He wanted this day to be wonderful. Even though he has known her for a few years, he still sees her as his baby girl who was loved watching him work and loved crawling around his office and occasionally yanking on his robes. His face slowly turned into a rare smile. The thought of her having a 16th birthday was, well, horrible. The last birthday he celebrated with her was her 2nd.

He was yanked out of his remembrance by a sobbing noise in the hallway just outside of the door. Standing and going out to check on the noise, he saw the last thing he would ever want to see. His baby girl crying.

It's short, I know, but writers block sucks. I have the big chunks of this story together; it is getting it down on my laptop, and putting in minor details that kills me. I'm trying. Make sure to follow me on twitter and check designs on polyvore. The information is all on my profile!