Dizzy Up the Girl
"Thanks for helping us move in, Lukas."
Dropping a box onto the hardwood floor, the Norwegian groaned and shrugged. "Well, at least Tino found a girl he actually bought a ring for." Birgitta laughed, examining the large rock on her ring finger and smiling.
"Well, I guess I bring out his better side."
"When is this wedding?" Lukas leaned against the nearby counter. "Your wonderful fiancé has yet to tell me."
"You're his best man and you don't know?"
"What can I say?" Lukas chuckled. "He's a bit flighty. Haven't you noticed?" The Swede released her hair from the confinements of its bun and laughed again.
"It's in December… Christmas Day. We wanted a winter wedding because it just sounds appealing." She sighed, obviously dreaming of a true, Christmas time wedding. Tino had been persistent to wed someone on Christmas Day because he said it'd be the best Christmas present.
"Well, I'll definitely be there."
"I would expect you to." She smiled and grabbed a bottle of water. "By the way, I hear your book made the bestseller's list."
Lukas shrugged and looked at the spotless countertop. "I'm shocked it sold so well. People write me all the time, telling me how it 'changed their lives' and how I was 'so brave and loyal to her' and so on. I mean… yeah, it was a deep novel… but I never expected it to have this big of an effect on people."
Birgitta sighed, and her eyes fell onto the Norwegian. "When's the next book signing?"
"Next Tuesday at Matthew's shop."
"Peter's been trying to make it to one," she mumbled. "I'll have to tell him." They chatted briefly and Lukas yawned, grabbing his light, autumn coat. "I'll see you around! Thanks again for helping move!"
"No problem," he waved it off and opened the door. "I'll see you around." Birgitta leaned against the doorframe as he walked to the edge of the curb, glancing both ways.
The Swede closed the door behind him.
Emil sighed and downed the rest of his beer, smirking as Lukas watched in amazement. "Do they not offer you booze in Boston?"
"It's the first time I could drink here. I intend of taking full advantage of it." He pushed the empty glass away and turned to face his older brother. "How are you, Lukas? How are Tino and Birgitta fairing? And Peter, too?" Lukas chuckled and set his cobalt eyes on the dingy wall across from them.
"I'm great, in case you haven't heard."
"I figured."
"And Tino and Birgitta are finishing the last minute wedding touches before December rolls around." It was the end July, but Birgitta wanted everything ready and chaos free way before that. Besides, between now and then, they'd be busy with all of Peter's activities during the school year. "And Peter's doing great. He's an honor roll student and he's active and he's just the kind of kid everyone should be like…"
"How are things at the bookstore?"
"You mean," Lukas smirked a bit, watching his brother's gaze slowly drift from him to the bar patrons playing pool. "How is Kiettisuk?"
Emil's face turned bright red and he slammed his next drink down the moment it was placed in front of him. "If you must know," Lukas frowned as he softly spoke. "He quit that job. He got his shit together, got clean, and left last year with some guy from his support group."
"He just up and left?" Emil spat the question, in complete awe that Kiet even left the city at all. Lukas nodded, and Emil clenched his empty glass. "Why would he do that? You don't up and leave the people–!"
"You did."
Silence followed Lukas' monotone statement, and the Icelander set the glass down. "You left him when he needed you. You just up and moved halfway across the country. He at least travelled to Michigan – a lot closer than your departure."
"Does he hate me?"
Lukas paused, trying to contemplate a satisfactory answer. "He may be more disappointed than… hateful, Em…"
"And the guy he left with?"
"All I know is that his name was Kyle and he had recently graduated from the police academy." Emil's frowned deepened and Lukas had never seen his brother look like that before. "Did you miss him?" Emil slowly nodded, and Lukas placed a hand on his shoulder.
"He missed you, too."
"Obviously not if he ran off to Michigan with some guy."
Lukas sighed and they left the bar in complete silence. They did not talk for the rest of the walk back to the hotel Emil was staying in.
Birgitta sat on the bathroom counter top, a deep frown outlining her face. Peter leaned against the wall, a cross look on his face. "How much longer?" he asked, watching his mom look over at the sink next to her.
"I'm sure it'll be done… it was like, what, twenty minutes?"
"I guess."
Birgitta had waited until Tino had left to bust out the little, shady at home pregnancy tests. After doing the initial process by herself, she called her son in to wait with her for the results. Peter thought she was being a drama queen – Tino had said himself he wanted to have kids with her – but he knew that he was living proof that someone can up and leave.
And sadly, Birgitta couldn't grasp the concept the ring on her finger meant that Tino wasn't up and ditching her so easily.
Watching the Swede slowly reach for the little stick, he watched her flip it over and make a noise of distress. "Positive?" he asked, quirking a bushy brow.
"…how do I tell him?"
"Shove the test into his chest when he gets home?" Peter suggested, but Birgitta was too caught up in her own thoughts to care. "…what would you name it…?"
"If it's a girl… I want to name her Mathilde…"
The bathroom door clicked open and the cheerful Finnish man shot them a confused look. "Name what Mathilde?"
Clicking his tongue, Peter looked over at his mom and she flushed. "My- our baby."
"…baby?" Tino blinked after asking.
Tino slowly nodded, before looking over at Peter, a smile creeping onto his face. "I see a lot of room decorating in our future, Skip."
The tense atmosphere lightened.
"Are you sure you're going to be okay?"
Emil watched as Lukas slowly made his way toward the door and the Norwegian forced a smile. "I've been perfectly fine. What makes you think otherwise?" Emil shrugged and Lukas smiled. "Besides, it's not like I'm driving. My cab should be here soon. I'll call you tomorrow morning."
Lukas pulled the thick, door open and closed it. He walked to the lobby and out the revolving front doors, before approaching his cab. "Take me to Ohio Avenue, please."
He settled into his seat, leaning back as they came to a halt at a stop light. The streets were pretty vacant, save a few passing people and some cars. He sighed, rubbing his head to try and avoid the pounding headache that was forming. "Fuck."
"Rough night?"
"A bit too much to drink."
A bright green light shone through the windshield and the driver took off. Lukas didn't see it coming.
All he felt was the hard smash.
Pacing the waiting room, Emil bit his thumb. He was tired waiting for Tino to get there. The place was deserted, save the few late night staff. He inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to calm his nerves, and turned on his heels to resume pacing when he rammed into a doctor.
His breath hitched and he stepped back, violet eyes examining the man before him. "I heard you had left and went to Michigan…" Emil muttered, watching the Thai glance away, flushing slightly. "So why are you here?"
"I did a year of internship in Michigan, and then I applied here. I wanted to come home." Kiet's face fell. "How are you doing?"
"What's it to you?"
"You better sit down."
They walked over to the empty, uncomfortable chairs and Kiet frowned, adjusting his glasses. "Emil, Lukas… didn't make it. He died after he got here. We couldn't do anything…"
"Bull shit."
"I'm sorry for your loss. I know," he began, slowly – as if he was trying to keep Emil from blowing up. "It must be very hard for you… and I want you to know I'm here for you." Emil snorted, standing straight up and stepping away.
Emil was frustrated. He wanted to feel remorse over Lukas, but for some reason, it was like he couldn't. He was angry. "What happened?" he asked. "With Lukas."
"A man in a truck ran the red light. His breaks went out. He slammed into the taxi. None of them survived." He inhaled sharply. "I'm so sorry, Emil…" Kiet stood up and placed a hand on the Icelander's shoulder. Emil turned around, giving the Asian a dirty look.
"You at least get to go home to a boyfriend. I get to go back to some hotel room and try to plan a fucking funeral… and then extend my stay here."
Kiet frowned and drew his hand away. "I'm single, for your information." He turned on his heels, before snarling over his shoulder, "And for your information, I'm not the bad guy. I didn't kill your fucking brother. And I sure as shit didn't up and leave you when you were stuck between a rock and a hard place."
Emil froze, but Kiet kept walking. "I'll be in the room. If you need anything or if you decide to act like a mature adult, find me there."
Tino entered just moments after Kiet left, and the Finn walked into the occupied room. After ten minutes, Tino exited and return to the waiting room. "Emil, do you want to see…?"
"Kiet says he'll even leave if you want to be alone."
"No, I will…" he mumbled, slowly standing up and making his way down the darkened hall. He pulled the curtains slightly to see the Thai and nurse talking, the nurse cleaning the bloody and bruised face of the Norwegian.
"Do you need to be alone?"
Emil nodded and Kiet watched the nurse set her supplies aside, walking out of the small room. The Thai began to walk by, but Emil grasped his arm. "Stay. Please. I need someone. Anyone."
"I can get Tino and he'll be in here as soon as…"
"I don't want to be alone at all."
Kiet stood there, but did not walk out. Emil squeezed his arm and slowly stared at the motionless body that was lying there. "At least he's with Mathilde. He had a good run. He really did. I think he wouldn't want to have lived life any other way… I'm just shocked…"
"I had asked him if he was alright… because he had been off since we left the bar…" Emil bit his lip. "Like he knew something. Maybe it's a coincidence…"
"There are no such things as coincidences," Kiet mumbled, turning to face the body. "I've told you that." Emil frowned and wiped the corner of his eyes. Kiet grabbed his shoulders, turning the younger male to face him. "Emil, are you okay?"
"No!" he shouted. "My fucking brother is dead and my ex-boyfriend is acting like everything's okay! You're being insensitive! You're being a fucking prick!"
"I'm not trying," Kiet managed to say. "It just seems that way. You're mad. Can I do anything for you?"
"Do not leave me alone tonight, please…"
"So, Lukas for the boy, and Mathilde for the girl?"
Peter was curled up on the sofa, listening to his parents quietly talking in the next room. "I can't believe that he's dead…" Birgitta whispered. "When's the funeral? How's his brother?"
"Emil is a basket case."
Birgitta wrapped her arms around his neck, and Tino frowned. The whole house was silent after that, and Tino sniffled. "Fuck… I can't believe he's dead. He was like the brother I never had… and now he's fucking gone."
"It's hard, I know…"
Tino frowns. "I'm sorry… I'm making it sound like this only ever happens to me. I'm just so…" Birgitta pulled him in for a kiss and nuzzled his neck. "I've never had to deal with someone so close to me die. Like…"
Peter heard a choked sob and his mother whispering to him. He sighed, rolling onto his back and staring up at the ceiling. He hummed a song to himself, trying to distract his brain from thinking about death. It seemed all too common these days. Everyone close to home was dying, and he feared that it could be his mom or Tino or himself or his baby brother or sister.
No one's going to leave you, kid. I promise.
He shot up, looking around the room.
His heart raced and his body shook.
I'll protect all of you guys, me and Lukas both.
Peter smiled and stood up, walking over to his mother and soon-to-be stepfather, embracing the man tightly and comforting him with, "Everything's gonna be fine."
Lukas' eyes opened slowly, the hospital room spinning around and around. "Until death do we part…" a sweet voice called out, and the Norwegian sat up, looking across the graveyard. "And then after." He slid off the cart, watching it roll away slowly, creaking in the background.
"Now I lay me down to sleep…" The voice was practically singing. "I pray the Lord my soul to keep."
Pushing the fence open, he inhaled sharply. "If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take." He followed the sound of the voice, before approaching the headstone with his last name on it, a figure bent over placing a bouquet of roses on the ground.
"If I should live another day…" The female stood up, light blue eyes locking with cobalt eyes and a smile creeping up to her face. "I pray the Lord to guide my way…"
Lukas stood there, unable to form words. "Hello, Lukas…" Mathilde whispered, stepping forward until there was hardly an inch of space between their bodies. "I've been waiting. I expected a longer wait though…"
"Mathilde… am I…?"
"You died." Her voice was smooth. It wasn't rough and she sounded healthy. She looked healthy. "You're here to decide… do you want to go back?"
Lukas blinked, mumbling, "Elaborate?"
"People think that sometimes, they haven't lived their lives fully…" she began, slowly bringing her warm hands to his clammy face. "They come here and plead their case to Death. I begged him to let me come here to see you. Marcus begged him to let me be here for you…"
"Marcus… as in… my father?"
"He was there when I died," she explained. "And now, I'm here for you. Now tell me Lukas, how has life been these past… two years?"
"Emil went off to Boston and left Kiet…"
"Ah, yes. I believe they're still in the room, and Emil's a bit of a mess."
"And then Tino's marrying Birgitta."
"He's grown on me," she admitted, laughing as she pulled him in for a kiss. "But I wish I could see her in a big, white dress. She always liked that idea of a big, fancy wedding like the queens and kings have…"
"And I became a successful author."
"Sounds like you led quite the life."
"And I wouldn't change any of it for the world," Lukas said, pressing his forehead into hers and smirking. "I'm happy with things. I'm ready for a new adventure. I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you."
She held up her left hand, the wedding ring still on her finger. "Isn't that was this means?" Lukas nodded, and pressed a tender kiss into her forehead.
"Now I want to spend the rest of eternity with you."
She grabbed his hand and pulled him up a hill, watching him gaze at the warm, inviting light at the very top. "Once you go, you can't come back."
"As long as I have you I don't care."
And they slowly walked, hand-in-hand. At the bottom of the hill, a large sea of people, all in black, gathered around as the casket was buried into the ground. The novel of his life had drawn to an abrupt close. He didn't know what would become of Tino and Birgitta's stories, or what would happen in Peter's unfolding story. He was uncertain of the chapter of Emil's relationship.
He was only certain that once he entered this life, it was time for a new story.
And Lukas knew – even in death – that what lied straight ahead of him…
Well, that was a whole other story.
"We grew up way too fast
And now there's nothing to believe
And reruns all become our history
A tired song keeps playing on a tired radio
And I won't tell no one your name
I won't tell 'em your name."
Hmmm… I don't know. I am happy with the way this ending is. It's odd. It's different, but it leaves so many open endings…
But I like those kinds of endings. OTL.
And now lovelies, this story is finally done. One year later and… boom. Finished.
I love everyone who reviewed, followed, favorited, ETC. Thanks for your support, patience, kindness, advice, love, and everything else!
Also, a huge kudos to Strawberry07, who is translating this story into Spanish! So…if anyone wants to relive these memories in another language, go ahead and do so.
Uhm. Yup. That's it.
I will still be around, answering PMs, reading stories, replying to reviews, but as far as posting goes, I'm strictly posting on AO3 (Archive of Our Own) now. If you want to, you can read some… err… stuff there. My name is the same is on here, abiirosee.
Also, you can find me on Tumblr. My main one is .com, and I have a writing one (usually saved for angst writing and shit). .com.
Uhm… yeah, I guess that's it.
I'm having a hard time letting go of this.
But it's time to end it…