Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Puck was pissed and upset. His mother had just kicked him out because he had told her that he was also interested in boys as well as girls. She already knew the rumors that he had slept with almost every woman in town and yet she had never said anything. Even when he had told her he had gotten Quinn pregnant she had only yelled and grounded him. Now that she knew he was also into guys, she wanted nothing to do with him. He did not understand the logic in that; probably because there was none. What pissed him off, though, was that his mom had not even let him pack anything. She had simply thrown him out telling his she wanted him gone before his little sister got home. He had nowhere to go. He knew that no one in town would help him.

Looking up, he realized that he had parked across the street from the Hummel-Hudson household. Killing the engine, Puck climbed out of his truck and crossed the street. Kurt was the last person he expected to open the door after he knocked.

"Can I talk to Carol?" Puck asked a little harsher than he had meant to but he was not going to apologize. He was nearing his breaking point and he really needed to talk to someone who would not judge him or try to fix him.

Kurt moved aside to let the jock into his house, glaring at the larger teenager. Puck walked into the living room where Carol sat watching television with Finn and Burt. He felt his defenses cracking at the sight of the woman who had always been more of a mother to him that his own. Carol stood up when she saw him, concern on her face.

"Noah what's wrong dear?" she asked worriedly. Puck broke then. He had never been "Puck" with Carol; he had always been just Noah no matter what he did. Tears just started streaming down his face as the last of his masks crumbled. Carol hurried to Noah and pulled the teen into a tight hug.

"She kicked me out, Carol. I told her that I'm bisexual and she kicked me out. She wouldn't even let me say good bye to Sarah," Noah sobbed.

"I'll talk to her Noah. You can stay here with us until you figure things out," Carol comforted the Jewish boy. Burt left the living room and walked into the kitchen, motioning for Kurt and Finn to follow him.

"I know that neither of you like this boy very much but he needs our help. We need to figure out whose room he's staying in," Burt said.

"I don't want Puck staying in my room. We haven't gotten along since last year," Finn said a bit petulantly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Noah can stay in my room, dad. I can try and talk to him a bit about what's going on," Kurt said. He shot Finn a disappointed look that the taller boy did not see. Noah used to be his best friend and now that he needed him, Finn was not willing to help. Kurt might not like or trust Puck much but he was still willing to help the other boy.

Kurt went downstairs to try and straighten up his room, waiting for Carol to send Puck down. He turned when he heard the basement door open. Noah walked down the stairs wiping at his face. Kurt did not comment on it, deciding to save the other teen some pride.

"I hope you don't mind sleeping on the couch; it's actually rather comfortable. My dad will set up the air mattress tomorrow," Kurt said a bit awkwardly.

"Thanks Kurt, you really don't have to help me. After everything I've done to you I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted nothing to do with me," Noah said a bit sheepishly.

"I may not understand exactly what you're feeling right now, Noah, but I do understand the fear of telling others about your sexuality. I'm here if you need to talk," Kurt said. He put a hand on Puck's arm for a moment to try and comfort his classmate. They simply stared at each other in an awkward silence before Kurt retreated into his bathroom to do his nightly skin care routine.