A/N: INTRO OF DARKNESS, THEN REDNESS, THEN WHITENESS…then…slashy-ness? XD If you get that reference I will love you forever and ever and ever! Sooooo I promised there'd be another chapter and voila :3 hope you guys enjoy, thank you so much to any and all reviews, you guys are amazing xxxxxx

D/C: not true so don't sue x

Blaine looked upwards as he heard a knocking on the door. He fought to control his smile as he coughed and let out a gruff "enter". It was 6:30 pm on Monday, study period was over by a half an hour now and almost all of the teachers had left the school. The other educators usually left him alone anyway considering the young man spent most of his time in this room so…well he knew his 'detention' wouldn't be interrupted.

There was no sound other than the ticking of the clock that was hanging upon his wall and Blaine sighed. 6:35.

"Where is he?" He whispered and as if on queue there came a knock to the door. Blaine's chair almost fell over as he jumped up and staggered from behind his desk, the student letting himself in.

"You're late." Blaine said, not meaning to sound like some pain in the ass older teacher but it came out like that. He couldn't help it. The last five minutes had felt like an eternity.

"Oh I'm so sorry sir." Kurt said and Blaine was about to correct him, telling him to call him Blaine but he couldn't. Just looking to the boy who entered caused his mouth to go dry and he staggered back ever so slightly. Kurt was dressed in his Dalton uniform, hair gelled back with that single strand falling down over his forehead. He had his satchel bag over his shoulder there was a playful smile on his lips. He didn't wear the regularly grey trousers the school provided but a pair of jeans that were a much paler shade of grey. They were…form fitting to say the least, clinging along his endless legs and forming around his ass perfectly. Blaine felt a little light headed as he caught a glance of the most perfect rear he had ever seen in his entire life. The boy was currently standing with his back to the door and Blaine's eyes drunk in his form. A sound escaped him, something caught between a laugh and a moan as he noticed Kurt had unbuttoned his shirt and tied it up in a playful manner against his chest so his stomach was on display. His tummy looked fleshy but firm with a fine trail of brown hair dusted along his treasure trail. Blaine swallowed loudly, his head spinning and he knew he had to taste the boy.

"I don't accept apologies!" He snapped, walking around the desk and looking to his student, trying hard to maintain this role of a tough teacher. He couldn't help stretching back and picking up a ruler as he walked passed the desk and he could see Kurt's eyes widen and the smallest of smiles appear on his lips. "There will be no laughing in my classroom Mr. Hummel." Blaine snapped, feeling his body warm over as he got more and more into the role. He could see Kurt was into it as well, very much so if the bulge in his trousers told him anything.

"Please sir…I didn't mean to laugh." Kurt said, still fighting a smile as he backed up to the door. Blaine couldn't stop his eyes from drifting downwards along the young mans chest and stomach and he felt almost dizzy with arousal.

"But you did…and I believe I need to punish you to teach you not to do it again." Kurt whimpered, feeling his beautiful teacher approach, growing closer until they were almost chest to chest.

"How do you plan to punish me?" The teacher smirked knowingly and he cupped the boys cheek almost roughly, gazing into his eyes.

"I think there's only one suitable way to punish a troublemaker like you Hummel." He whispered, his voice so deep and husky and lust filled that it caused Kurt's skin to break out into goosebumps. He felt a shiver down his spine and he didn't say a word, just breathed slowly. "First of all…I think that these trousers need to go…" He stretched down with one hand, managing to pop the button of the skin tight jeans that got his heart racing. "They are against school regulation and I will not stand for you having them on in my class."

"Oh sir I'm so sorry." The young man said in little more than a whisper as he himself stretched down to pull down the trousers himself. Blaine couldn't help but smirk as the clothes were removed.

"I do not want to hear apologies Hummel…" He gulped and his words drifted off when he gazed down to the young mans tight boxer shorts. They clung to his lower body, leaving nothing to the imagination and Blaine felt himself grow light headed not for the first time tonight. "W-what is this?" It took a moment for the teacher to regain his composure, to remember his role and he shook himself, stretching out a hand and cupping the young mans boxer shorts. Kurt gasped loudly and he closed his eyes, head falling back against the door. His groin felt exceptionally hot right now as Blaine licked his lips, fighting to keep a somewhat stern expression. "I am appalled Hummel…how dare you display such lewd behaviour in my classroom."

"I'm sorry!" Kurt cried out, just a little louder than he had before, knowing Blaine had said not to but he couldn't help but hope that if he did what he wasn't supposed to he would be 'punished'.

"You realizes what this means don't you?" Blaine's breath fanned over Kurt's ear, causing the younger to weaken, it was a wonder his legs didn't give in. "I will simply have to get rid of this.."

"Oh god please touch me" Kurt couldn't help but plead, his voice faint and shaky as the elder smiled, shaking his head.

"No requests from you." He hissed, pushing the boy firmly against the closed door. "I am your teacher…I make the rules here."

Kurt squeaked when his teacher pressed him to the door frame and he gazed into Blaine's dark eyes, skimming over the angular jaw and beautiful features from the slender but plump candy pink lips and his dark, lust filled eyes. Oh god he was so beautiful.

"Please sir….c-can I kiss you?" He stuttered and Blaine frowned, glaring to the younger before he touched his chin with his thumb.

"What did I say?" Kurt's mouth opened and closed as if to answer but nothing came out. He was choked up with utter arousal. "You don't get to make any requests." The younger's teacher was so close to him. His dark eyes sent violent shivers along Kurt's body and he could feel Mr. Anderson's lips hover over his own. His breathing was coming out rapidly and he was shivering as his sexy teacher moved closer so slowly that he was going mad. He couldn't stop himself as his hands flung to his teacher's cheeks and he pulled their faces together, moaning as he kissed the elder with an intense passion, their tongues furiously battling. Blaine's head began to swirl and his stomach lurched with pure arousal and he placed his hands on either side of Kurt's head, palms pressed to the door as he opened his mouth wider, devouring Kurt's lips with his own.

Kurt's nails dug into Blaine's jaw line but that just seemed to encourage his teacher to kiss him rougher. One of the younger's arms hooked around his neck and they tilted their heads just right so there was more access. The student moaned, his head was spinning and his heart thumping. Oh god this beautiful, beautiful man was kissing him and as his hands moved from the door to Kurt's body and back and he ran his hands along his back and ass.

The young teen moaned into Blaine's lips, feeling the slender, elegant fingers run along his sides and clasp his ass, dragging his leg up so it hooked around Blaine's body and their erections crashed. Kurt's head flung back with a loud thump against the door and he moaned as Blaine held onto his elevated leg and continued to grind their bodies.

He feeling of friction between them was enough to make Kurt believe he would explode on the spot. His cock was leaking in his confined boxer shorts and his head rolled back so it was banging against the door behind him. He bucked his hips, wanting so desperately to ask him to do something, anything but he wasn't allowed to request anything.

The student suddenly squeaked, feeling his body be left down and his feet touched the ground. He gazed to the gorgeous and now silent man on front of him who sunk to his knees. A hardly audible squeak escaped the teen as this happened and Blaine smiled, seeing the young students hard erection straining against the fabric of his boxers. He licked his lips, stretching out and cupping his arousal, causing the younger man to moan loudly.

The student moaned as Blaine's hands ran tantalizingly slow from his groin along his thighs and he pulled down his underwear until the teens hard, dripping shaft and balls came into view. The eldest smirked and leaned in, his tongue sliding along the weeping, read head. Kurt moaned and watched as Blaine's hand wrapped around his shaft, tugging at the hard erection with one hand while the other moved from caressing his thigh to tugging at his heavy balls. Kurt moaned, feeling Blaine tease him by suckling on the mere tip of his hard, aching cock and he shivered. He wound his fingers in Blaine's hair only to feel the younger man remove his hand from his sweetly sacs and swat him away.

Because of that the younger panted hard and stood with his back to the door, hands pressed against the structure. He moved his hips forward and back, encouraging the dark haired teacher to take him deeper, to stop the teasing. Blaine licked his tongue along the younger mans weeping head, tasting his sweet juices and nipping with his lips along the pulsing veins of his erection.

Kurt was so sweet.

'Fuck, he tastes so good.' Blaine smirked to himself, wrapping his lips around the youngers erection and sucking properly, fitting as much of the thick, heavy erection into his lips as he could. 'Just like I knew he would.' Kurt whimpered and as much as he wanted to fist his teachers hair and force him to speed up he just remained pressed against the door, sweating and panting as Blaine moved his hand so one finger stroked the sensitive area behind his balls and sucked on his thick erection.

Blaine had his eyes shut and was taking in a fair amount of the students rather impressive cock, feeling it slide along his willing throat, hitting the back, velvet walls. Blaine didn't gag or bat an eyelid, he simply continued to deep throat the younger man. He could feel Kurt's legs tense and he smirked, knowing he was close.

Kurt's body was hot. He was light headed because all his blood was now focused around his groin and Blaine's actions caused pleasure to bubble throughout his body. He was close, so fucking close then Blaine pulled away and he whimpered. Blaine hushed him and kissed along the inside of his thigh. The elder male nipped at the flesh of the teenagers strong legs and every time he sunk his teeth into his skin he'd lick the area as if healing it.

Kurt whimpered, feeling Blaine's fingertips ghost along the outside of his legs and he whimpered when he his teachers lips ghost along his inner thighs. Blaine suckled on the skin, his mouth working wonders as one of his hands moved and he was stroking Kurt's erection. Kurt growled, his head rolling back and he whimpered how close he was.

Blaine moved his mouth away, wrapping his lips around the shaft once again and sucking harshly, feeling Kurt shiver and finally let go. The elder male sucked up the salty seed, eyes screwed shut as he bobbed his head forward and back, moaning at the taste of Kurt's essence on his tongue. The teen was shaking and whimpering, moaning loudly as he fell to the ground. Blaine smirked and licked his lips before leaning in and kissing Kurt who returned the act lazily.

"I am appalled." Blaine whispered between embraces, his own body humming with pure arousal as the lingering taste of Kurt settled on his tongue. He was unbearably aroused and he closed his eyes, hands moving so he was now undoing his trousers. Both laid on the ground, Kurt with his back to the class room door, eyes shut but the moment he heard the tell tale sound of a zipper being undone he parted his eyelids and gazed down.

"W-what are you doing?" he asked, gazing to his teacher who smirked, pulling down his pants to reveal he wasn't wearing any underwear. Kurt was at a loss for words as finally he laid eyes on his teachers prized possession. His hand stretched out with intent to touch the impressive erection his lecturer supported but Blaine slapped his hand away.

"No touching." He snapped, gripping the boys wrist and pulling both of them to their feet. Kurt staggered, unsure what was to happen. He wished desperately his teacher would let him taste that glorious cock but as soon as the elder pushed him against the desk he knew it wouldn't be the case.

Blaine crushed their lips together, his teeth lashing at the youngers plump lips and he fisted the brunettes hair. Kurt let out a loud whimper and his knees buckled underneath him.

"Wha…" He whispered, about to speak when the large, cool hands of his teacher gripped his sides, pushing him up onto the desk so Kurt was sitting upon it, his legs parted and his half naked teacher between them. The wood was cold beneath him and Kurt gasped, squirming slightly. "What do you want sir?" Kurt couldn't help but ask, his body humming in arousal and his eyes shut and flickered open repeatedly. "What do you want me to do?" Blaine smiled, his hands caressing Kurt's legs, parting them.

"Why don't you try sucking these first?" The teacher suggested, smiling as he raised his hand only for his fingers ran along the rim of Kurt's lips. The brunette dashed out his tongue, licking the three digits, the addictive taste of Blaine lingering on his tongue as the fingers plunged into his lips. His hands struggled with the decision as to whether they should grip onto Blaine's shoulders or his wrist and he screwed his eyes shut, opting for both. One hand stretched out, gripping onto his strong shoulder, the other holding onto his arm.

"You're so good at this my student!" Kurt moaned around the teachers fingers at his words, feeling the musical male lean in and begin to kiss the youths neck while he pulled out his fingers. There was an audible whimper from the student as he did so and he felt so needy and his breath stopped as Blaine suckled on his neck. The youngers body tensed as Blaine's saliva coated fingers ran along his stomach, hardly brushing against his hard shaft before reaching their destination. The younger spread his legs apart even more, sitting in a rather uncomfortable position to expose his aching ass and he choked back an aroused groan. He needed this so desperately.

"Ohh god!" Kurt felt anticipation erupt in his stomach as finally the talented pianist fingers touched his entrance. "Sir I want you in me!" He growled, no longer caring whether he was allowed to make requests or not. He couldn't think straight as Blaine teasingly ran his fingers along the soft flesh of his ass. His fingers were avoiding the puckered hole, rubbing and caressing along the valley between his cheeks and Kurt couldn't take it anymore. He clung to Blaine's hand and dragged it to where his entrance was. His eyes shut tight as he suddenly lowered his body, trying to give the teacher an idea of what he so desperately craved. He could feel the tensing fingers push against him and his eyes widened but the teacher didn't enter. He could feel the burning sensation of his hole stretching and his head fell back. More…more…he needed more….

"Fuck!" He cried as tears sprung to his eyes Blaine simply smiled, teasing as his student pleaded, whimpering out the word "more" in a symphony of moans and pants.

"I believe I informed you before Mr. Hummel that this is my class room and my rules." He whispered in his ear, tongue farting out to lick along the shell and he felt his student whimper. Finally he couldn't take it anymore and the teachers' fingers stiffed before ramming into his pupils ass.

"Ohh fuck…s-sir…." The student cried out as the elder rammed his digits inside. His entrance burned as Blaine's hand rode his ass. Kurt's muscles contracting around the fingers with each thrust.

The half-Filipino growled as he parted his fingers, stretching the skin. His erection was paining him so badly, he just wanted to fuck Kurt raw there and then. Bend him over the class room desk and ram his cock into the tight ass, screaming the name of his secret desire loudly as he came inside him, filling him with his essence.

But better judgement and strong will won out as he prepared Kurt, feeling the young man push against him, riding his fingers. Kurt tensed and crashed down hard on Blaine's slender digits, moaning loudly. It hurt so badly but pleasured even more. Desire raged in his stomach as he collapsed again and again on the invading fingers.

"Fuck me!" Kurt growled loudly, pants escaping his lips as his ass swallowed Blaine's fingers completely, blunt nails clawing along his insides. "Blaine...Ohh fuck I want you inside of me!" Blaine felt Kurt's hands cling to his shoulders, nails digging in as he bowed onto the digits again. "I want you in me so badly! Please...Please sir I'm begging you, I-I'm so empty!" His muscles tensed as he lifted off the elders hand.

Blaine groaned loudly as he felt Kurt lean closer, erection pressing into his stomach and soft ass brushing against the leaking head of Blaine's cock. The teachers hands gripped his sides, nose rubbing into the youths chest.

"You ready for this?" Kurt laughed as he brushed his ass teasingly against the leaking head which just missed his hole. They were breaking character but he was too hot to care.

"I think the question is are you ready for this Blaine?" He whispered, giving the elder no time to think. He slipped off the desk, griping his teachers collar and latched his lips onto his. Their tongues battled for some moments, Blaine quickly running out of breath and he couldn't take it anymore. His hands gripped onto Kurt's hips and he spun him around, slamming the boy into the desk and pressing his own cock against the younger's ass. There was a moment of silence other than panting and Kurt finally let out a whimper. "Please…" Was all he said before finally the teacher plunged in, his cock pressing against the young mans stretched entrance and he filled him up slowly.

"Ohh god!" Blaine moaned as Kurt pushed back against him. There was a moment in which the younger let out a strangled, aroused cry and pressed his forehead to the back of his neck.. He saw black at the edges of his eyes as Kurt's tight muscles contracted around his length. He threw his head back, his long shaft slipping out of the boys body only to crash back again.

"Oh god!" Kurt gasped. "S-sir...Uhh...you're so fucking big!" Blaine growled as Kurt pulled slightly away before pushing back, his knees buckling as his teacher sailed inside of him, his erection filling up the emptiness he had been feeling since he met the male.

"Fuck!" Blaine's eyes rolled into the back of his head as Kurt's ass plunged against his throbbing cock which slid powerfully inside the youth, sending bursts of pleasure throughout his system. Kurt's nails dug into the desk and the teacher knew he was already close as was he. It was all too much. Kurt felt beads of sweat coat him like a second skin as he pressed into Blaine. His erection was alive once more and aching desperately. He wished to touch himself so badly but he could only press his head against the desk and gasp loudly as the man of his dreams pushed even harder inside.

"Uhh...harder Blaine!" He moaned. "Harder!" Blaine thrust his hips forward as the youth collapsed fully on the table, unable to take the pleasure of his teachers erection buried so deeply inside of him. "Fuck!" Kurt cried out as the cock rammed into him, brushing against the sensitive nerves inside his body. Pain soon gave way to pleasure as Kurt writhed and moaned on Blaine's lap, body consumed in bliss which spread througout his body with each thrust.

"Kurt!" Blaine growled, arching his back, shoving the whole entirety of his length into the sexy, slim male. "He could feel himself sailing deeper and deeper and finally his impaling cock found that special sweet spot. Kurt's moans could possibly be heard all over the school but right now in this moment neither of them cared.

"Eugh! Blaine...Blaine! Ohh fuck Blaine harder!" He moaned. His erection was paining him so as the pre-cum trickled onto the carpeted floor. "Blaine please! God I want all of you inside me!" Kurt's eyes widened as Blaine's cock pushed fully in, thrusting madly against his G-spot.

"Ohh shit! Right there Blaine!" Blaine felt pleasure tingle throughout his being as Kurt cried out his name blissfully.

"Uhh, scream it Kurt..." He begged as Kurt leaned forward, plunging down again.

"Blaine!" His eyes rolled back into his head, he was seeing stars. "Fuck Blaine! Uhh I want you to cum in me so badly!" He could hardly breathe as his teachers cock almost exited his ass, his body tensed but finally Blaine pushed forward once more, entering him completely. "Uhh! Sir cum in me! Please!" He never wanted anything as badly. He was just there, a few more thrusts perhaps.

"Uhh! You feel so good Kurt!" Blaine cried out as his back arched. "Dammit...I'm gonna fill you up…t-this will teach you…to never be late for my class…." Kurt groaned as he crashed into Blaine's erection, pleasure causing him to feel light headed.

"Cum Blaine! Uhh, come on! Fucking do it!" Blaine couldn't see as the flames in his stomach raged.

"Kurt...call it Kurt, call it…call my name!"

"Blaine! Fuck Blaine!"

"Uhhh...Kurt!" Blaine came in a burst into his student, crying his name out as he coated the younger's insides in life essence, his hips unable to stop, bucking madly of their own accord as he rode his orgasm out.

"Blaine!" His student screamed as the liquid ecstasy poured freely inside him. The teacher continued to press in and out of the younger as Kurt came all over the desk and floor, completely untouched. He broke into a loud medley of moans and pants, entire body quivering desperately with arousal as his teacher partially collapsed on top of his slender body.

For some seconds the both of them just laid there against the desk, Blaine enveloping his young student. He couldn't believe he had done this, taken this risk, there was every chance they could have been heard. Blaine's heart thundered in his chest and he closed his eyes, panting loudly.

"fuck.." He whispered quietly and finally he slipped out of his young student. Kurt had to take another few moments to straighten himself and the moment he did he whimpered. His ass hurt desperately and he closed his eyes, having to cling to the desk to steady himself.

Everything was silent as they dressed themselves, Kurt was so tempted to say something, anything…he wanted to tell his teacher he was falling for him, how he was sure that he was in love with him but Blaine wouldn't even look to him. He bit his lip and ran his fingers through his hair before picking up his boxers and trousers and dressing acceptably. Everything was silent and Kurt could feel an awkward tension fill him up. Was this it? Did his beloved teacher just use him for sex?

Once he was dressed he looked to Blaine who sat behind his desk, flicking through papers and not even saying a word. He tried to silently coax a goodbye or something but no…there was nothing.

Kurt sighed, tears filling his eyes and he turned his back to leave when he heard his teacher clear his throat.

"I expect you back here tomorrow at 6:30." The voice said and Kurt spun around, his eyes wide.


"detention." the reply came and Blaine fought not to smile as he glanced to the mess he and Kurt had left behind. "You cant expect to create a mess like this and just to get away with it…I except you here at 6:30 sharp." There was no stopping the huge grin that was now plastered across Kurt's face and he nodded rather atheistically.

"I promise I'll be here on time…sir." He said, his voice a little deeper on the last word and without hesitation the boy left, his steps much lighter, clearly excited. Blaine couldn't help but smile as the boy left and he licked his lips, still tasting his sweet essence. He had no idea what on earth he was getting himself into….but he was damn looking forward to finding out

The End

A/N: sooooooooo…yea…. Erm hope you guys liked that :) I love you guys so much xxxx don't be afraid to read some of my other stories, all Klaine, all AU, all the time xD

I know some people aren't into AU and that's cool but…what can I say, I am XD