"Vernon!" Petunia screamed, placing Dudley, who she'd been holding, on the bed, dashing down the stairs, trying to reach him.

James grabbed her wrist and tried to pull her back into the room. "Petunia don't! He'll kill you!" He hissed. But she yanked her wrist out of his grip.

"I don't care!" She yelled back and barreled down the staircase into the kitchen where her husband had been blasted into.

James started after her but Lily stopped him. "Don't." He stared at her but didn't argue.

They suddenly heard a voice begin to rasp from the doorway. "Potters. I know you are here. Hiding is useless. I will tear apart this house and kill anyone to get to you. You wouldn't like that would you?" They knelt behind the stair banister as Voldemort stepped into the house.

"How dare you enter my house? Who do you think you are?" Vernon shouted, striding forward. A shotgun weighed in his fist, his face scrunched into a red ball.

"Idiot!" James muttered but Lily couldn't take her eyes off her brother in law take on Voldemort with a muggle gun.

Voldemort studied Vernon for a second and then laughed. His sickly, hypnotic filled the silent house. "You know where they are. I know you do," he drawled, his red eyes twinkling in the blinking light of the entrance hall. Suddenly the cry of Dudley could be heard from the room behind the hidden Potters. "Oh, who's that?" Voldemort asked, chuckling. "You wouldn't me to go up and…check on your son would you?" Petunia gasped and Vernon cocked the gun, pointing it straight the Dark Lord. "I see not," he continued, walking forward once more. "But if you told me where your precious relatives where at the current moment I don't think I would have to do that, do you?" The Dursley didn't answer but Vernon lowered the gun slightly.

"That bastard," James muttered. "He's gonna…" but he was cut off by Voldemort's yell.

"Avada Ka-" he started but the spell was rebound back onto the wall.

"Protego!" Lily screamed, sending a shield shooting around the Dursley's.

"Lily!" James shouted, pulling her back to the ground. However, Voldemort had seen them.

He laughed and disappeared as soon as he'd appeared. "What the hell happened?" Vernon screamed, outraged at the fact his sister-in-law saved his life with magic.

"He apparated!" James explained shooting down the stairs. Lily followed but stopped. "Lily, come on!"

"Harry!" She screamed, realizing he was still in the other room.

"Dudley!" Petunia gasped. She sprinted to the stairs and followed her sister into the extra bedroom.

As she did the door shut behind them with a click and locked immediately. She turned and saw the man who had been standing in the hallway minutes before. Lily stood against the door beside her, Harry and Dudley weighing in her arms. She took her son in her arms and stared up at the wizard in front of her. Her eyes widened in fear as a smile grew on his face; his red eyes twinkling like the blood he hoped to soon spill.

"I see I have stumbled upon a family matter is that it?" He hissed. Petunia didn't understand why her sister didn't just hex him or whatever she did. However, she soon saw Lily's wand lying on the floor beside Voldemort's feet. Lily nodded in response to his question, holding Harry tightly her arms, trying to cover him as best as she could.

Their husbands then began to knock and bang on the door. "Let us in, you bastard!" Vernon screamed, hitting the door with the hilt of his gun.

"Back up," James commanded. Normally Vernon would've gone on a rant about being ordered around under his own roof but he did as he was told. "Alohomora!"

James expected the door to burst open but nothing happened.

"Worthless fool," Voldemort called through the door. "You think I would allow you to burst in?" He laughed and walked closer to the pair of siblings. Petunia squeezed her son tightly in her arms.

Lily reached her hand behind her back and pulled Tuney's hand into hers, gripping it hard for comfort. Voldemort walked closer to them, his wand held precariously by his fingers.

"Well, now that I have you…who shall die first?" He asked, raising his eyebrow- if he had them. Lily straightened up. Fear shown on her face but she knew she had to be strong for Tuney. "Trying to be strong are you?" Lily gulped as he seemed to read her thoughts.

Vernon dropped the gun from outside the door and scrunched his meaty hands into fists. "What the bloody hell can we do?" He asked James, who was trying to stay calm.

"I'll be right back," he finally said, drawing his wand from his pocket.

"What are you doing? Giving up on us, are you?" Vernon cried, kicking the door again. However, before he could say another word James disappeared into thin air. Minutes passed in silence while Vernon stared at the space where James disappeared. "Petunia? Petunia can you hear me sweet?" But she didn't answer.

Suddenly, he heard a scuffle from inside the room and a ton of yelling. He hit the door and it finally came tumbling down after being hit so many times. He ran in to find the room in distress. James was holding Lily, Harry cradled in between them. He found Petunia sitting on the bed, holding Dudley in her arms. He walked over to her and sat beside her, holding her tightly. Two other men stood in the room as well.

The first was tall lean man with light brown hair, flecked with grey. His dark eyes swept over the room, his wand out still looking for death eaters. Faint scars covered his long face, looking as if he had a hard past behind him.

The second man was looking out the window. He turned, his grey eyes taking in Vernon sitting on the bed. He had dark black hair and light skin. He was skinny as well but had a gleam in his eye that showed a childish gleam in them.

"Are you okay?" He asked James who looked up and smiled at him.

"Thank you so much," Lily whispered, hugging him with one arm. Petunia stood, after giving Dudley to her husband, and walked over to the window. Outside the night was cool and stars were just coming out. To everyone else this was just another autumn night. Voldemort had been in their neighborhood and they were none the wiser.