Chapter 6: Chapped Lips and Alleyways
The halls of Degrassi filtered out as students headed home, to after school activities, or to hang out with friends at the local hang outs. Anya was doing none of the above. She had an agenda, as did all addicts. She needed to find Bianca DeSousa. Bianca was her ticket into the real world of drugs. The occasional snort wasn't doing it for Anya anymore.
Anya grabbed all of the books she would need for homework and shut her locker door. As she turned to head out the double doors, she felt a firm, welcoming hand grab her waist.
The hand quickly turned her around, and before she could even say anything, Owen's lips were tangled with hers. She slowly melted into him, forgetting her important agenda to find Bianca. Kissing her, Owen trapped Anya against her locker, his hands on her waist.
Owen finally pulled away, leaving Anya feeling bittersweet, because she didn't want the moment to end, but being able to breath was nice too.
"Hi," Owen whispered, his forehead on Anya's.
"Hi," she whispered back, eyes beaming into his. She couldn't help but smile like an idiot when Owen was around.
"So, I wanted to let you know that I had a great time watching whatever it was we watched yesterday at your place," Owen flirted, alluding to the fact that the two hours that the movie ran were not spent watching the movie. Anya and Owen found making out a much better use of their time.
Anya chuckled. "Well, there's more where that came from," she teased, leaning in for another kiss. Oh my God I could do this all day, Anya thought as they kissed. Then she remembered her plan. Suddenly she straightened up, pulling away from Owen.
Confusion flooded Owen's eyes, as he wondered why Anya would possibly pull away so abruptly.
"My lips are feeling kinda chapped," Anya said, grabbing the first excuse that came to mind. At least it was kind of believable.
"Ahhh, my bad," Owen joked, running his thumb over her lips. The goose bumps on Anya's arms were so prominent, she was sure students across the hallway would be able to see them. "So what were you planning on doing after school today?" Owen asked.
Anya froze, hoping Owen wasn't going to suggest that they hang out. She really didn't want to waste any time. She knew where Bianca hung out after school, and she didn't want to miss her. Think of an excuse Anya! Come on, think!
Anya began to open her mouth, when Owen continued.
"Cause I gotta practice my fight moves with Drew and some buddies. Gotta be able to protect my girl," he winked.
Anya let out a subtle sigh of relief.
"Awww, how sweet of you," Anya replied, slipping her arms around his neck. "Well, while you're bulking up your muscles, I'm going to be bulking up my brain at the library. Gotta study, study, study!" And there's my alibi, Anya thought.
"Mmm, put on a pair of glasses and you'll have that sexy librarian thing goin' on" Owen joked, using his very effective flirty eyes. Anya would swear on her life that he used them to his advantage.
"Ha, ha. So, now I see what you like," Anya replied, hitting him playfully on the arm. They both laughed.
"Yeah, you should be taking notes!" Owen teased. "Ok, in all seriousness now, I gotta go, or Drew is gonna go all Jackie Chan on me."
Owen gave Anya a quick kiss goodbye, and headed towards the gym.
Waiting until Owen was out of sight, Anya slung her bag over her shoulder and headed out into the bright sunlight. Anya knew exactly where Bianca would be.
Everyday after school, Bianca would head over to Above the Dot and hang out by the stairs in the back alley with a bunch of sketchy people. The exact kind of sketchy people that Anya needed to get cocaine from.
Anya cautiously walked into the alley leading to Above the Dot. While Anya was already nervous about taking to Bianca and her "posse", the fact that it got ten times darker when she walked in the alley made her want to turn around and forget about this preposterous idea.
She slowly approached the old, creaky stairs that led up to Above the Dot, but none of the group of around five people noticed her. Anya stood there and thought out what she was doing and the odds of them actually giving her her fix. Before she even had time to change her mind and go home, one of them noticed her.
Wearing a t-shirt and the baggiest grey sweatpants Anya had ever scene, the guy towered over her, making Anya feel like a little mouse being cornered by a lion.
"Eh, look what we got here, guys!" he smirked, giving Anya a full body scan. Suddenly, Anya regretted wearing her khaki skirt, concluding that she should have opted for pants. "What'chu doin' here, princess? Got lost or somethin'?" he asked, nodding his head toward her, prompting Anya to speak.
"I….I uh…..well…" Anya muttered, her mind racing for something to say. Come on! Not only did Anya feel like a mouse, she also felt like a stupid mouse. Anya stepped back, but he stepped forward. He was so close Anya was sure he could hear her heart beating as fast as she should have been running.
"Hey, back off Vince!" Bianca yelled, coming out from behind him. Anya let out a sigh of relief seeing someone she knew. Although Bianca still frightened her, she didn't frighten Anya as much as this Vince guy did. He seemed like bad news.
Vince turned around, now towering over Bianca. "And what if I don't want to? You better not talk to me like that again, bitch," Vince threatened, poking his finger hard into her chest. Anya saw the fear in Bianca's eyes. Something was telling Anya that Bianca and Vince weren't friends, and Bianca didn't freely choose to hang out with him. What's going on here, Anya wondered.
"She's my friend, and I say, leave her alone," Bianca shot back. Her voice was firm but it still had a touch of fear infused in it. Anya was taken aback by Bianca's response, because both of them knew that they weren't friends. They had hung out at a club once, but Anya was pretty sure that didn't constitute friendship. Bianca turned to Anya. "What are you doing here?" she asked, crossing her arms.
"Well," Anya cleared her through. "Well, I was wondering if you could uh, hit me up with some cocaine," Anya requested. She made an effort to whisper cocaine, not wanting the others to hear her. Bianca chuckled.
"Girl, you don't gotta whisper," Vince said, shaking his head, looking at Anya like she was nuts. "We all part of the same game, princess" he continued, motioning his arms towards the entire group. "I know guys who could hook you up," he winked. Anya had a feeling "hook you up" meant more than giving her cocaine.
"No, Vince. She's not getting involved with you or any of your people," Bianca spat. She turned back to Anya and pursed her lips, smiling in a know-it-all kind of way. "So little, goody-two shoes Macpherson has become a coke-head? Never thought I'd see the day," she laughed.
Anya plucked up some courage. "Look, I just want some coke, no questions asked. And I'm not a goody-two-shoes. Not anymore, at least."
"You sure you know what you're getting yourself into?" Bianca asked, "cause it could lead down a bad road," she warned.
"Man, just give her the damn coke, B!" Vince yelled. "Look who's bein' a goody-two-shoes now!" he scoffed, taking a hit of what Anya thought was weed.
"I know what I'm getting into, and I can handle it," Anya said sternly, holding her ground. Her palms were getting sweaty from gripping her bag so hard.
Bianca rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Let's see how long you last, Macpherson. I have a strict, deal pot only rule, but I know someone who could hook you up. You got a pen?" she asked.
Anya quickly opened her bag and sifted through binders and notebooks, finally finding a blue pen. She handed it to Bianca who proceeded to write a phone number down on Anya's palm.
Once Bianca was done, Anya looked at her hand, and saw the name "Chloe" scrawled above the number.
"Just give her a call," Bianca nodded toward Anya's hand. "Set up a time and meeting place and you're good to go. And bring cash, she ain't cheap." Bianca pressed her lips together, hands on her hips. After standing there for a good ten seconds, she gave Anya an impatient look. "What are you still doing here?"
Anya took that as her cue to leave. She quickly said thanks and got out of there as quick as she could.
"Yo, princess, why don't you come back and give Vince a visit," Vince yelled after her, giving Anya the chills.
Finally glad to be out of that alley and exposed to people who could be witnesses if she got murdered, Anya looked at her hand again, dialing the number into her phone.
Placing the phone to her ear, she listened to the phone ring, her insides craving for another fix. Ring, Ring, Ring.
Aren't you dying for more? Let me know what you think! Sorry for being so bad about updating, I've been working and getting ready to go back to college. And who thinks that Ownya is one of the cutest couples ever? I thought Monday's episode was ADORABLE lol. So, I hope you've been enjoying the story so far! I promise, I'll be better about updating xoxo