Demi's POV

I shook my head repeatedly back and forth refusing-absolutely refusing to let Nick be a person I'd cry over. No not him, not ever him. His words echoed in my head over and over again. How could he? I stood in the middle of my room just staring out into space thinking about what had happened. There wasn't much to think about, it was simple. Nick hurt me, simple as that.

I told him, when we first met, I made it clear. I told him not to ever let his words hurt me. He lied to me. I watched my clock as it stroke 7:30am. Tuesday morning and it was time for me to get to school. Today I decided to take my own car. Driving is a good way for me to think to myself right before I get to school.

As usual my head pounded once I stepped foot outside into the cold. I hate the cold, especially that freezing cold that can make your nose feel super dry. My hair was all over my head when I finally reached my car. I sighed resting my head on the steering wheel for a moment. I hope my day goes smooth. As I pulled up to the school parking lot, I spotted Joe and Nicole sitting on a bench talking. I smiled and walked up to them.

"Bestie!" Nicole screamed hugging me.

I smiled. I have no idea what I'd do without her. Joe stood giving me a kiss on the cheek. So far this day is perfect but I'm not stupid, perfect only lasts for a moment. Just ask Nick...

And as if on point I was right. I really don't see how one class can make me hate myself so much but gym class never fails to do so. If you're wondering why I'm 18 and still have P.E, then know that I failed it my freshman year. I decided that I'll just take the class over during my last year thinking it'd be better that I'd be comfortable with my body. I was wrong. I should have listened to my uncle when he said

"Think of it this way, if you do it once, you'll never have to do it again."

And for a while that actually did help me get through school. I'll always remember that from my uncle if I remember anything else in my life. I walked into the doors of the gym room and spotted cones lined up and down the floor. Immediately I knew what we were doing. The Pacer Test. This is one of the worse running tests ever. You run back and forth from cone to cone as the bell rings, the further you get into it, the faster it goes.

It can go so fast as to where you don't have enough time to even stop and breathe. If you don't reach the other cone at the beep then that's one out. Two and you're done. I held my head down and walked to the locker rooms to change. I hate this test, I know that I can't do as much as everyone else. But I also remember my mom always telling me to just try my best but I'm 18, best is no longer good enough.

I would rather do the mile if our track wasn't so huge. I mean, it goes around the football field. You know it's huge if that's the case. Plus to make a mile, we'd have to go around it 4 times. When I was done putting my uniform on, I walked back out and was greeted by a guy named Bradon in my class. We actually have this and History together. He's new to the school.

"Hey Demi." he smiled.

I slightly smiled back "Hi Bradon."

"Soo like why don't you ever say hi to me?" he asked

I felt myself blush "Um I'm...sorry? How about a hug?"

He opened his arms wide without another word. I smiled again. He's so sweet. To my surprise the Pacer test didn't seem all that bad today, I did what I could but by the end I felt like I was gonna puke up a lung. I only did 21 but that's good for someone my size, I actually pushed myself, my body is going to feel like shit for the next few days though.

At the end of the day Joe and Nicole walked me to my car. As we were all walking out of the door, I spotted Nick waiting for me. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets while he watched everyone pass by. My body frooze until Joe pulled me over to the side.

"Do you want me to take care of this?" he asked

I looked at him then to Nick "No, I'll handle it. I'll see you and Nicole later." I said kissing him.

"Be careful babe."

Be careful? What does he mean by that? I thought about it but soon found myself standing infront of Nick. He jumped off of his car and ran to me.

"Demi!" he said trying to grab my things.

I gently stopped him "I drove my own car today."

"What? But I-I always pick you up."

"Well that's not needed anymore. And I don't feel like working out today, I've had enough of one in gym. So I'll see you later Nick." I said, I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm turning me around.

"Demi listen about the other day, Joe set me up! If you're acting this way because of that then know that I didn't mean it!"

"Joe set you up? What bullshit! Ugh Nick get away from me."

"But Demi-"

"But Demi! But Demi nothing! Joe didn't say it Nick! You did! Joe didn't hurt me! You did! Joe didn't lie to me! Nick, you did! You said you'd never say anything to hurt me! You lied and I believed you! I believed you were different!"

"Demi I am different! In more ways than you know! I'm sorry that I hurt you, I didn't mean to do it! Please believe me. You have too." he said taking my hands into his.

I slipped them out of his grasp and shook my head.

"Nick I-I just need some time away from you. We've been spending almost everyday together, maybe that's the problem right now. I'll call you later."

He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again. He ran his hand through my hair before giving me a soft kiss on the cheek. I slightly smiled before walking away. I know that Nick didn't mean what he said but in order for me to get past it and not hate him for it, I need to be away from him for a little while. Nick isn't someone in my life that I want to lose but hate while having. Not Nick, never Nick.

Nick's POV

I stuffed my hands in my pockets walking around the city with my head down. I hadn't seen Demi in a few days and all I've been doing is thinking about her. I thought about how I hurt her, I am so stupid. Why would I say something like that? Just to get her asshole of a boyfriend to leave me alone? Stupid, stupid, stupid! She told me that we needed some time apart, so I'm giving her that. You know, when I first met Demi I knew that she was special, but I didn't know that she would be having a major affect on my life.

But what am I saying? I'm 24 years old and going crazy over some 18 year old teenager. I can have any girl I wanted, any girl would do anything to please me. But even though all of this may be true, I'm finding myself walking to the Flower Shop for HER. I'm hoping the flowers can be a start to us getting back to normal. Well my normal is thinking about her 24/7. What's she's doing, who she's with, who's making her smile, laugh, blush. It angers me to know that the person who's making her do it all isn't me but...Joe.

I'm just not understanding how all of this is happening. At this point in my life I should be looking for a wife, someone to settle down with and raise a family. Even if I were to have Demi, she's way to young to even be thinking about children and a husband. And there we have it, another reason why her and I wouldn't work. So that's that, I'll be her trainer, from time to time her friend. Nothing more, or nothing less.

I opened the door to the shop hearing the little bell ring above it. I smiled looking around. My eyes landed on some beautiful soft pink roses. I knew that she'd love them.

"See anything you like son?" the lady asked.

I smiled at her, she was aged, her grey hair shone in the sunlight that came through the windows. Beauty hadn't left her features not one bit, she reminded me of my grandmother in a way.

"Yes, ma'ma I'll take a dozen of these." I said pointing to the roses. She nodded her head gathering the roses, as she clipped them, she spoke to me.

"Are these for a special young lady?"

I smiled "You could say that."

"Ah well my boy, a word from the wise. True love is hard to find, but once you find her, make sure you never let go."

I bit my lip roughly "I don't plan on it, thank you ma'ma." I said taking the roses. I smiled walking out of the store down the street. I stopped briefly as my phone buzzed. I was searching around for it in my pocket when something caught my eye. Through the coffee shop window, I spotted...Joe...and Nicole...kissing! My mouth dropped but soon enough anger filled my body. What the hell does he think he's doing to Demi? No wonder they're never at school, while Demi is there looking around for them, they're somewhere sucking faces. I looked away feeling sorry for Dems, she loves him so much. So, so much. And Nicole, her best could they?

I started walking away thinking about what had just happened but stopped as I heard my name being called. I turned around to see that it was Joe, a low down dirty cheating bastard.

"Hey Nick! What did you see?" he yelled.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Don't act dumb with me, I know you saw me and Nicole!"

I huffed "Damn right I saw, and I can't wait till Demi hears about this. She'll finally dump your sorry ass."

He laughed and I stood confused "I wish you luck with that, but think about this. I'm Demi's first boyfriend, first love, I was her first time. Do you really think she'll believe you? Oh and let's not forget how much she loves me Nick. She's willing to drop down to her knees and beg me to stay with her. Nick, you have no chance against me."

I balled my fist up knowing he was right. Demi was crazy about him. "She'd believe me! And you won't get away with this. You're such a man whore, I mean come on! Her best friend Joe!"

He shrugged his shoulders "Don't think about telling Demi. Remember Nick, it'd only break her heart, and you wouldn't want that would you?" he said walking backwards.

I sighed as he went back into the shop. Now I find myself slowly walking nowhere. I'm stuck in the middle of this but who it's going to hurt the most is Demi and Joe is right, I'd never want that. But would she even believe me? Her beloved boyfriend over her trainer who basically insulted her by calling her 'too much to handle'?

So now I'm here, asking myself. Do I tell Demi and hurt her, or do I say nothing and let her continue to think everything is perfect between her, Joe, and Nicole? Either way the person who gets hurt in the end is...Demi.

Nothing to say. Just...tell me what you thought?