Nobody's perfect

New York City, who would of thought, I Elena Gilbert was here, finished college, getting ready for my big break as a journalist. Although my life has had its ups and downs I'm finally happy, I moved out from Jenna's, right after graduation, to come and live in the New York getting ready for college with my two best friends Bonnie Bennett and Caroline Forbes. After finishing college, Caroline went in to event planning for huge celebrities and is doing great and is currently dating Tyler Lockwood, Bonnie decided to take the law pursuit and is know a big hot shot lawyer, dating my brother Jeremy, weird i know but if she's happy then so am i, and then there's me i date sure, but know one has caught my eye as of yet, but hey maybe that can change tonight, all i know is that I'm happy my career is doing great, I'm top of my current line of work.

"Come on Elena, move you butt, otherwise by the time your ready all the clubs are going to be closed and i wanna part-aayy" Caroline whined.

"Right, Right ok, i don't know what the rush is, it's not as if your single or anything" i replied

"Yeah, maybe not doesn't mean i can't have fun"

" Ha-ha, so how do i look"

I decided on a super short black bandage dress that, showed a lot of cleavage and hugged every curve of my body, curled hair, and some really cute ankle stilettos.

"Well Elena quiet frankly your gonna be turning alot of heads you look H-O-T!"

"I certainly hope so, i wish Bonnie was here though"

"Well, blame your brother; he planned some huge suprise date for her"

"Ah well come on lets go, before i decide to change again"


We reached the best club in town, 40/40, as soon as we set foot outside the cab a whole lot o whistles, went down. We were let straight in, and made are way to the bar. First of all starting off with shots, and then we ended up drinking straight vodka, with 30 minutes of being there we were already majorly buzzed and decided to dance, and that's when i spotted him, he was sp hot it was unbelievable, he literally took my breath away, he had the most beautiful, smouldering crystal blue eyes. And to top it all off he was staring straight at me. I turned to Caroline and slurred " Don't stare but there's a beyond hot guy staring at me".

But of course Caroline being Caroline stared right at him,

"Go talk to him, like now you can't miss out on a chance with some one that hot"

"Fine i'll go are you sure you'll be okay on your own though"

" Stop, stalling and go already"

So i walked over to the bar right next to him getting a quick shot, and then turned to him, a suddenly was breath taken i just stared and was stuck for words.

"So did it hurt..."

"Did what hurt?" I asked confused

"When you're fell from the sky"

I giggled "Surely a guy with looks like yours, can come up with better pick up lines then that"

"Sure I can, but what's the point, my looks do all the work for me"

"Cocky much, I'm Elena"

" can I buy you a drink"


We talked for a while and the drinks started flowing heavily, and before i knew it we were on the dance fall grinding together, kissing, flirting and generally having a good time. I was in a drunken haze, i blamed in that, that i couldn't keep my eyes of him , and neither did his eyes ever leave me, i felt a connection to this guy and i didn't even know his last name.


It was past 1 in the morning when we stumbled out side of the club, and decided, to catch a cab together, Caroline had decide to leave a couple of hours ago after Tyler called, asking to meet him at his place, so i was left with Damon the whole night, not that it was a bad thing.

"So back to my place or yours" he raised his eyebrow


"Alright then, I'm guessing mine then"

"Ummm...Sure no funny business though"

"Yeah, right okay" he chuckled


The cab arrived a few minutes later, his place wasn't far from the club, it was in a fancy Apartment block, as soon as we stepped out of the cab, we were on each other instantly, I had truly never been kissed or kissed anyone with so much passion, and it was undeniable that there was a spark between us. His tongue swiped across my lip and instantly gave him access to explore my mouth. We made it to the elevator without stopping to even breath, and as we rode up, I ended up backed into the was while he passionately attacked my mouth, and I did the same in a frenzied hunger of lust and desire, I wrapped my legs around his waist and I realized all at once it was going to happen I couldn't control myself, and by his actions neither could he, I was never the type of person to do one night stands but with the rush of alcohol and desire. We made it to the top floor, i realized his suit was the penthouse; I was kind of awestruck, I'd never seen one before it was kind of cool. We continued to kiss and I suddenly felt the back of a bed hit the back of my knees and I fell backwards, and before I knew it, I was attacking his clothes and he mine, its a good thing I'm the type of girl who likes to dress well underneath as well as on top. I was completely consumed by him.