It was the first day of school after a long summer and Luka was hesitating on the door of her new class.

Well, this is the first day; it's normal to feel nervous she thought, fiddling with her thumbs. And it's a new school anyway, so I'm new and.. she started pacing and stopped, took a deep breath, and blew it out loud.

"Here goes," she mumbled then took a step forward

Luka slid open her new class' door and the teacher was nodding at her, giving her the cue to step to the front of the class and introduce herself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Luka Megurine, you can call me Luka, I just transferred here to Ohio 2 weeks ago, from my hometown, Maine. That means I'm kinda new here so I hope you can tell me anything I'd need to know," she bowed, and the class murmured 'hello's and 'okay's.

"Luka, you can take the seat over.." the teacher, Mrs. Neru, circled her finger around the class, looking for an empty seat, "There," she stopped and pointed to a seat in the middle of the class, between a pretty green-haired girl and a guy. Luka walked slowly over and sat on the chair. Turning left, she saw the girl smiling at her.

"Hey, I'm Gumi," she lifted her hand from the table for Luka to shake.

"Hi," Luka smiled timidly, shaking Gumi's hand back.

When the day ended, everyone in class spent some time introducing himself or herself to Luka. Everyone, except the blonde guy sitting on her right. Luka didn't mind, but she was confused. Maybe he forgot. Or something, she thought.

"Sis, I'm home," Luki Shindou said as he stepped in his house. His golden retriever, Pepperoni padded over. "I'm home, boy, oohh ya miss me?" he ruffled its ears and she licked him.

"Hey honey, I'm in the kitchen!" his mom answered.

Luki kicked his shoes off and put them tidily on the rack. He scratched the back of his head then walked over to the kitchen.

"How's school, hm?" his mom asked as she chopped the carrots into small, thick circles

"Eh, nothing much, a new girl just came in," Luki answered, popping one of the sliced carrots in his mouth, and kissed his mom on the cheek

"Oooh, new girl! Is she pretty? Do ya like her Luki?" his mom teased.

Luki sighed and rolled his eyes. "Mom, you always do that. She's-" Luki gasped, "Oh my God! I forgot to introduce myself!" Luki clutched his head in a how-in-the-world-could-i-even-forget-that-kind-of-thing way. "Mom! I'm going to her house!" he grabbed his jacket and ran out the door before his mom even said a word.

"That's Luki. Feels guilty for a little thing. He could've done it tomorrow," his mom shook her head, the corner of her mouth twisting to an amused smile.

Luki actually ran all the way to school. He was completely breathless by the time he arrived. He sat down for a while behind the water faucets outside, swiping sweat out of his brows and taking deep breath. Glancing at his watch, he saw that it was four-thirty already. He groaned miserably and ran upstairs to the teacher's office.

"Mrs. Neru!" he called out as he opened the door.

"Luki? What are you doing here so late?" Mrs. Neru raised an eyebrow at him.

"I need the new girl's uh, what's her name, oh! Luka's address!"

"Oh?" Mrs. Neru's eyebrows shot up, "Whatcha gonna do? Hit on her? You might just win her with your looks," she snickered at him playfully.

"Mrs. Neru, you're just like my mom," Luki sighed.

"Okay, okay, it's somewhere.." she scrambled around his table, "Here! Maple Street two-oh-seven"

Luki thanked Mrs. Neru and ran down the stairs to the school gate. He saw Uncle Kei's bicycle rent nearby and asked if he could borrow it for a day. The rent owner, Uncle Kei, knew Luki very well and winked, "Oh, go on, fine lad! It's on the house today!"

"Madame, it's dinner time, do you want me to bring it to your room, or?" Luka's butler asked from the door.

"No, it's fine Gakupo, I'll be down in a moment," she answered

Luka was reading her two thousand page Etiquette Book. It's a secret, but she doesn't want anyone to know that she's a famous landlord's daughter, who owned so many companies. She never bragged around about it, except if someone found out on his or her own. But in a good way, she was thankful for what she has and often shared it to an orphanage she asked her father to build for homeless and orphaned children who lived in the streets. The children there loved her with all their hearts, and feel so delighted when she decides to visit them, or even stay with them for a couple of nights. They would fight over who sleeps beside or with Luka, and it would end up sleeping all together. Luka smiled at the thought of her favorite place in the world. It was the only place she had no worries, no confusion, and no secrets.

"Madame," Gakupo called out again, starting to feel impatient, "You'll get sick if you don't eat now,"

"Okay, Gakupo, I'm coming," He's such a worrywart, but a sweetheart, Luka smiled. She took off her pointed reading glasses, folded them carefully and tucked it in its case then slipped off her turquoise chair. Lifting her cream nightdress a little bit to let her walk well, she slipped into her low, thin-heeled, cream house mules and stepped down the circling stairs to the first floor hall. The only sound she could hear was the click of her mules. She walked down her house's long, marble corridor with pillars on the left and right and 7 rooms later, the dining room was open and her maids and butlers were all waiting for her.

"Good evening, milady," everyone murmured and bowed.

"Evening," Luka smiled at every one of them, even asked how they and their family were doing and sat down on the red plush chair on the edge of the dining table.

Food in silver platters and tea in perfectly polished silver teapots were served, not too much, but enough for one person to eat. Luka had Stroganoff on the plate directly in front of her. It was her absolute favorite, and she started eating it with flawless manner.