The Prequel to Anniversary Surprise.
Chloe POV:
I awoke to the sweet aroma of bacon. Uh-oh. This meant something was up with my mom. I rush downstairs, seeing what it was she was sorry about this time. Whenever she made me bacon for breakfast, it never boded well.
"Ok, mom. What is it this time?" I asked, cutting to the chase.
"Well, I have to go to Montana for a business trip for a week or so." She started. This wasn't so bad. "And I couldn't find anyone to stay with you. Do you think maybe you could stay at Jasmines house? I know you 2 have been getting along quite well. I already tried Amy, but her parents are in a fight and they don't really want to drag you in to the mix… And Jasmine's mom said it was okay…" She trailed off, looking hopeful.
A week or more at Alek's house? Fine with me! "Yeah, mom. I will be fine don't worry!" I reassured her. "When do you leave?" I asked, trying not to seem too excited about it.
"Well, I will be gone by the time you get back from school.. So you need to go pack! Quick! Don't be late for school!" She yelled, while I was already bounding up the stairs.
School was boring and uneventful. Fortunately I didn't have work today, so I could go straight home, pick up my suit case, and then Jasmine would drive to her house. I got held up at home for a bit, because I realized I didn't pack any make up or pajamas. I had to go back upstairs and get some pajamas, which Jazz helped me pick out, telling that their apartment was frequently hot, and I would likely be sweating. Then I ran to my bathroom and got my make-up and hair brush.
When I got to their apartment, I was shocked by the sight I saw. Alek was passed out on the couch. Shirtless. With the perfect muscles and a 6-pack, it was hard not to stare. Jasmine looked over at me, smirking. "I'll just leave you 2 alone…" She said, taking my bags, walking off towards the guest room, where I would be sleeping. I trailed behind her, not wanting to sit there gawking at Alek.
By the time I got everything packed away in a dresser, it was 7. Alek had awoken from his cat nap. Jasmine suggested that we watch a movie. We watched serveral movies, during the beginning of the 3rd movie, I fell asleep. Jasmine woke me up telling me it was time to go to bed. Alek had already gone to bed, before he fell asleep on the couch.
I realized, minutes too late, that I had no idea where my room was. I wasn't paying much attention when she had brought me there. I was thinking about a shirtless Alek. I was so tired, and my vision was so blurred, I stumbled my way in to a room with a bed. That was good enough for me. I got under the covers, falling asleep quickly.
Little did I know I fell asleep right next to Alek. In his bed. In a pair of short shorts and a skimpy tanktop. With a once again shirtless Alek.
Now if you read Anniversary Surprise you will know how they got where they are. Of Course, I could still write more if you are wondering what happens inbetween this and Anniversary Surprise. Want me to? Or is this enough?