Later that night, Antonio lay in his bed and stare up at the ceiling. Lovino hadn't come out from his room the rest of the evening and Feliciano had stuck to Ludwig like glue the rest of the evening.

Antonio still couldn't get that hurt look on Lovi's face out of his mind. His eyes had been glistening with unshed tears, though his frown just showed annoyance. What had he been thinking? Antonio just couldn't answer that question.

Though he also kept thinking back to the conversation he had been having with Feli just before that. Did it mean he actually did have feelings for him? But he had never shown any signs of liking him before. But the things Feli had brought up made sense.

He hadn't left. When Antonio had gone to him to say he was going to move to Spain, Lovi had looked at him and said, "It'll be nice to have a change of pace." And immediately went to start packing. That had surprised Antonio, but he hadn't protested against the younger man coming along. Only acted like that was what had been expected.

And he did get mad, really mad. For no reason at all. Was that his way of trying to get his attention? Antonio had looked back and thought on the times when the two brother had still been children. Whenever he got mad with anyone he would throw a bit of a tantrum and maybe hit them. But even back then whenever he got mad at Antonio he would go all out, yelling, hitting, cursing, throwing things at him. His parents had even said it was just his way of getting attention.

But then that brings up… Did Lovi really look at Antonio differently when he smiled? He couldn't ever remember a time when he saw Lovi watching him. Unless he was working out in the garden and Lovi came out to try and help or steal one of the freshly picked tomatoes. But then again he had never been watching for a sign like that.

Then he started thinking about his own feelings. He had always known he was gay. And at one point had been attracted to the younger one, but he had forced himself to look away. But when he really thought about it… Antonio wouldn't deny that Lovino had gotten even more attractive now that he was a little older. He also couldn't deny that he was still very attracted to the other male. But he wouldn't act on it. He couldn't.

But what if Lovi were to be the one to… No. Cross that out. He couldn't do anything to Lovi. He didn't break promises. He wouldn't get in the way of Lovi finding the person he was really meant to be with. He wouldn't be the one to be with Lovi, it wouldn't be right. At least that's what Antonio thought.

These thoughts made Antonio very sad as he lay there. His heart ached, but he wouldn't admit why. So he just curled up underneath the sheets and fell asleep.

The next morning, Antonio walked into Lovino's room, like he always did, to wake him up. But he paused before trying to shake the man awake. His face was buried in the pillows, so Antonio couldn't see him, but his thoughts kept going over what he had been thinking the night before.

Before he could even stop himself, he was leaning over the other body and placed a light kiss to the side of his neck. Antonio pulled back suddenly and covered his mouth, mentally kicking himself. He took a deep breath and nudged the sleeping body.

"Hey, Lovino, wake up." he whispered, heart still pounding.

Lovi moved slightly and swatted at the hand trying to wake him. "Shut up, bastard…" he mumbled.

Antonio chuckled and started calming down. "I guess you can sleep a little bit longer." he said quietly and moved to leave the room.

As he walked toward the kitchen he heard the sound of the coffee machine going. Walking in, he realized Ludwig was awake. "Morning, I hope you don't mind. I always need my coffee in the mornings." Ludwig said when he saw Antonio walk in.

"I don't mind one bit, I was just about to come in here and make some anyway." Antonio replied with a smile.

There was a silence then, as the two of them waited. Ludwig cleared his throat. "Did you ever speak to Lovino?" he asked cautiously.

Antonio stared at a point in the floor. "No. But um… did Feli say anything last night about when he talked with him?" Antonio asked.

"He said that he was acting pretty depressed. But he didn't say much." Ludwig answered.

Antonio frowned. "That's not like him. Lovi always has something to say about everything! And I've never seem him depressed, he pouts but he hasn't seemed sad since right after their parents died!" Antonio brought up.

"Say what you like, but he was depressed last night." the two men in the kitchen turned and saw Feliciano coming, rubbing his eyes. He walked over to Antonio and gave him a hug before walking over to Ludwig and latching onto him. "Good morning!" he said lively, even in his just-woke-up state.

"But… but that's just not like him! Why would he be that sad anyway?" Antonio asked, sitting at a barstool near the counter.

Feliciano giggled. "Because he's in love with you, of course!" he stated matter-of-factly.

Just then a watch flew towards Feliciano's head. He managed to doge it just in time and the object hit the cabinet behind him with such a force it left a noticeable dent. Everyone looked towards the hallway then to see a red faced Lovino heaving large breaths.

"Lovi!" Antonio exclaimed and jumped up from his seat.

"Just shut up, you f*cking b*stard! You too, Feliciano! Keep your nose where it belongs, not in my f*cking business!" Lovi shouted before running towards the back door and outside, slamming the door shut behind him.

Antonio was frozen. He had to wait a moment for his brain to process what just happened. He looked towards the wide-eyed Feliciano and the bewildered Ludwig. Then to the dent left in the cabinet. A light had finally turned on in his brain. After that it wasn't even a second later before he was running towards the door after the angry Italian.

Feliciano giggled. Ludwig looked down at him, confused. Feliciano smiled slyly and kissed the larger man quickly before going to raid the fridge for breakfast food materials.

"You knew he was standing there, didn't you?" Ludwig asked.

Feliciano looked over at his boyfriend with a knowing smile. "So what would you like for breakfast?" he asked innocently.

Antonio ran outside, looking for any trace of the other male. When he didn't see him anywhere close he started running towards the far-end of the property where the untouched mass of trees grew. He ran around somewhat blindly, not really knowing where he was going seeing as Lovino was the one that did all the exploring out here. Then he heard a voice. He listened for a moment before slowly starting towards, finally coming within hearing distance.

"What can I do Alvero? I don't know what to do. That freaking b*stard of a man would never see me like that. Why do I even see him like that? He's so stupid and dumb. He forgets he's cooking and burns the meal. He trips over nothing and then laugh about it. And that stupid smile of his…. It's so f*cking bright! It could block out the freaking sun! And the way he is with those stupid tomatoes of his. Their the only love in his life. He cares for them so much… He stays out there for hours on end tending to them. His big hands look like they would just crush them! Yet… he's so careful…"

He paused. Antonio stepped closer and he could now see Lovino sitting at the base of a particularly large tree. Alvero had his head in his lap and leaned back up to lick his master's face. "Why did I have to fall in love with that idiot, Alvero? Do you know? Do you know when it happened? You've been here with us. Why did I even follow him here to Spain? Italy was my home." Alvero barked. "Maybe I am wrong…. My home has been wherever that b*stard has been all along." Lovino smiled sadly. Silent tears rolling down his cheeks.

Antonio stepped out from the shadows then. Alvero stood up and plopped back down a little ways away. Lovino saw him and looked away. "Go away." he demanded weakly.

But he didn't. Antonio walked in front of Lovino and dropped to his knees. Lovino was about to yell at him but before he could the older male brought him in a tight embrace, hugging him closely. "I have no more hope. Sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Vargas. But I couldn't do it." he whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Lovino asked, still a little shocked that Antonio was holding him, sitting there dumbly with his eyes wide.

Antonio pulled away, still with his hands on Lovino's shoulders. He smiled. "I fell in love with you anyway." he said simply.

Lovino sat there in shock. Antonio chuckled and brought his hands up to either side of Lovi's face, wiping away the tears. "Stop lying to me." Lovino finally whispered out. Though he leaned into Antonio's caress, bringing his own hands up to cover the others.

"I have no intention of ever lying to you, Lovi. I'm in love with you." he said softly. Then he leaned in close and brushed his lips over the others ever so lightly.

Lovino burst out with new tears as he wrapped his arms around the older male's neck and kissed him full on. He pulled back, laughing. "Remind me to thank Feliciano when we get back." he said with a smile.

"Of course." Antonio smiled and kissed him once again.

Antonio and Lovino walked back to the house hand in hand and both smiling like idiots. They stepped inside and the scent of a full breakfast greeted their noses. Feliciano looked over from inside the kitchen and smiled brightly when he saw they were holding hands.

"See? I told you, Ludwig!" he said happily.

Ludwig chuckled and continued eating his breakfast.

"Shush up, Feli." Lovi said somewhat harshly, though went into the kitchen and whispered as he walked by his brother, "Thank you…"

"You're welcome, brother. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later." he said.

Antonio looked over towards Ludwig. "So what happened to what you were saying yesterday?" Ludwig asked him.

Antonio shrugged. "It's what he really wants, so he's still technically living his own life, right?" he offered.

Ludwig smiled.

A/N: This is not over yet. There will be one more update before I can put this in the completed section. I do not edit, and I know it was quick. Sorry. But I just now had some time to come back and really look at this again so, yeah. Sorry it took so long. It's almost over though. And I think I'll go ahead and start writing that chapter. And probably finish and post it tomorrow. THANK YOU MY READERS! PLEASE COMMENT/REVIEW! Whatever floats your boat, tickles your peach, semes your uke. Yaddayadda.