Dear Readers,

Wow, it's been so long that I'm not sure if you even remember me. :/ My absence is quite unpardonable and I truly am sorry for that. College really took me away from writing for a while. However, there is good news: I am working on re-writing this series! I have gotten so many people asking me when I'm going to update again and as I went back to look at this series, the writing made me cringe. Granted, this series was written back when I was in high school so it's okay that my writing was immature because I was immature. However, it's been almost four years since I wrote this story and it's time for an upgrade. The story will remain relatively the same (character pairings, character personalities, major plot lines, etc.) but I am working on making the storyline more realistic. Alex was (as loathe as I am to admit it) a Mary Sue. I am trying to make her a well-rounded character with evident flaws. Also, the pacing in the first few stories was way too quick so I am beefing things up. That means more chapters for you guys! :) Thank you to everyone who sent me PMs asking when I would update the story. It was because of your badgering that I went back to look at the stories and decided to make this huge edit. The first chapter for the new first book will be up very soon so please go take a look! Enjoy!

