As always, I don't own anything except a heart that loves suits and an imagination!

Harvey stood stock-still. His hands remained in his pockets. His cocky smirk remained on his face. He blew air out of his nose in a short laugh.

"You can't be serious."

Trevor shakily aimed the gun at Harvey, and wiped the sweaty palm of his other hand on his jeans. His breathing was heavy, creating the soundtrack to the room they stood in.

"It's the only way."

Harvey turned his head to the side.

"So let me get this straight. You're going to shoot me, because the people you stole from, who not only shot your "best friend", but kidnapped him from the hospital, and took you and me as hostages as well, told you that if you commit murder, they will help Mike."

Trevor nodded, nervously.

"Well, here's a prime example of what drugs can do to a person. Either that, or you're a natural born idiot. Why don't you do yourself a favor kid, and shoot yourself. Maybe that way you'll get out of the ass kicking you're not only going to get from me, but from the people upstairs." Harvey laughed. "Better yet, why don't you shoot Mike." He motioned towards the unconscious man behind him. "Finish him off, put him out of his misery, which you put him in, because there's no way in hell the people who are keeping us here, are going to just let him go, because you kill me."

"No." Trevor said, taking a step closer towards Harvey. "They will."

Harvey still stood with his hands in his pockets, not the least bit unnerved by Trevor, or at least he didn't show it if he was.

"You just hope they will, but deep down you know it's only a matter of time before they come down here, kill Mike, then do whatever the hell they want to with you, until you give back whatever the hell it is you stole from them."

Trevor had tears in his eyes, his hands shaking even more than before.

"No!" He shouted, then laughed angrily. "This is all your fault!"

"My fault?" Harvey asked, incredulously.

"Yes. If you hadn't shown up at the warehouse after Mike, this wouldn't have happened! None of it!"

Harvey waited a moment, then took the bait.

"What are you talking about?"

Trevor threw his head back and laughed.

"You were so quick to judge, thinking it was my ass that needed to be saved, but really it was Mike."

"Come again?" Harvey inquired, dipping his head to the side, his eyes squinting slightly.

"Mike wasn't coming to help me out. I was there to stop him."

"Stop him from what?"

"From selling."

Harvey stared at him, long and hard.

"You're lying. Mike wouldn't sell. He has a job, one that pays him a substantial amount of money."

"Not enough." Trevor replied, dropping the gun to his side, but keeping his attention on Harvey. When the older man didn't say anything, he continued. "His grandmother is in a nursing home, but she isn't doing well. They are going to move her into a state facility, if Mike doesn't pay them an extra two thousand. He doesn't have they money. He gives them practically all of his pay check. He needs two thousand dollars by tomorrow, otherwise they are going to move her. It's the last thing Mike wants. He didn't know any other way."

Harvey swallowed. The kid could have come to him, but then Harvey realized he was all the time telling the kid he didn't care.

"I told him about this job, but then I found out from acquaintance that the man running it was dangerous. I came to stop him, but somebody had to show up, so I went in for him, but somehow they already knew who we were, what we looked liked. They thought that Mike had sold them out, and that I was about to double cross them."

Harvey turned slowly towards Mike's unconscious form, then back to Trevor.

"Why did you go in for him?" Harvey asked.

"Nothing to lose." Trevor replied, holding his arms out to the side. "But Mike does. I don't want him to lose it, because of me. But now he actually might if I don't get him out of here."

"No." Harvey's voice was firm. Trevor was about to protest but Harvey held up a hand to stop him. "He will lose it if we don't get him out of here. You can kill me, and maybe give Mike a few more suffering hours, or you can kill me and save all of our asses."

Trevor twisted his face in doubt and confusion.


"Those two guys, they are coming back down here after you kill me, correct?"

Trevor shook his head. "Y-yeah?"

Harvey nodded once, and smiled.

"So, kill me."

Trevor nodded his head and lifted the gun.

With one slight jerk of his index finger, the bullet fired from the gun.

Trevor stood, breathing heavy and staring at the blood on his shirt and hands. He held the gun loosely, as he took a step back from the door, when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

The door opened, the two henchmen, one of them being Carlos, the man that shot Mike, stood in the door frame, smug smirks on their face.

"Trevor, my boy. You followed through?"

Trevor nodded nervously. "Now, please help Mike!"

The two men looked at each other, the one in the back leaned against the door frame.

"In due time, kid." Carlos chuckled. "Now, where's the body?"

The man craned his neck to look around the room, and only spotted Trevor and his unconscious friend.

"H-he's...It's behind the door." Trevor stammered, keeping his head down. "Now, are you going to help Michael or not?"

The man smiled, taking a step inside the room.

"I don't think so, kid."

Carlos grabbed a hold of the door to pull it towards him to get a look behind it, but that was as far as it got. Before he could register what was happening, the door came swinging towards him sending him to the floor with a bloody, broken nose.

"That was the wrong answer." Harvey said, his voice dripping with anger as he stepped out from behind the door.

Trevor took this opportunity to take his shot, the only one he had since the gun only had one bullet left. His hands shook, but by some miracle he hit his target, though it was in the leg. The man started hobbling towards the stairs, but Trevor ran after him, stepping over the other man on the ground holding his nose. Trevor reached the man by the fifth step up, and grabbed him from behind, sending them both rolling down the stairs. Trevor ignored the pain from the fall and maneuvered himself on top of the man. He pulled back his fist, much like the way he did in high school when he had caught one of the several guys that bullied Mike on a regular basis, but this time he punched his opponent with ten times as much force, knocking the man out cold.

"Y-you're supposed to be dead!" The man nasally shouted, as blood poured between his fingers.

"Funny how things don't turn out the way you want them to." Harvey shot back, now standing over the man. "You see, that shot you heard, was a diversion."

"Bu-but what about the blood?"

"I got a splinter from the door." Harvey answered, showing the man a gash on his arm that clearly wasn't made by a splinter.

Carlos smiled. "You got me. Now, what do you want?"

Harvey smiled down at him, his smile wide as he realized he managed to knock some of the guy's teeth out as well as break his nose.

He bent down, once again grasping the material of the other man's shirt in his fists and pulling him up off the ground by a few inches.

"What I want," Harvey spat, his voice dangerously low. "is to teach you a lesson."

Carlos swallowed thickly, holding up a shaking hand in surrender, while holding his nose with the other. "Wh-what lesson would that be?"

Harvey smirked and leaned in close.

"That when you steal from me, " He said, nodding his head towards Mike. "I steal from you."

The man's eyes widened, as he realized those were his exact words before he shot Specter's associate.

"I-I-I d-didn't...I-I" Carlos started to deny, but he didn't get to finish as Harvey Specter's fist connected with the side of his face, sending him into oblivion.

Trevor stumbled back into the room.

"Okay, that guy's out cold with a bullet in his leg."

Harvey briefly looked at him, then slapped Carlos's face a few times.

"He's out, too." He said shaking his hand a bit. He stood up, and glanced at Mike.

"Okay, we don't have long." He noticed Trevor's nervous trimmer. "You're sure you can go through with this?"

Trevor broke his gaze away from Mike. "Yeah. Yeah! This is for Mike. I have to do this for him."

Harvey looked at him, a bit of respect shining in his eyes. "Alright. Remember, you're a diversion, not a suicide mission. Okay?"

"Yeah! Got it. Just get Mike out as quickly as possible."

"I will." He nodded, as he made his way over to Mike. He tapped the side of his face a few times to see if he would, even though he knew it was a long shot. He gave a long sigh, and rested a hand on top of Mike's head.

"Are you ready?" He asked, Trevor.

The younger man nodded his head as he wiped his hands on his pants.

"Here we go." Harvey confirmed with a tip of his head.

He gave Trevor one last look as the kid took off up the stairs, before putting an arm under the bends of Mike's knees and the other behind his shoulders, and picked him up in a fireman's carry with a grunt.

"For your physical shape to be equivalent to your skinny ties, you're heavy." Harvey mumbled, as he made his way up the stairs.

By the time he reached the top, he was breathing heavy and his arms had taken on a slight burning sensation, but he ignored it. He poked his head into the hallway and found the coast was clear. Quietly as he could, he walked down the hall. Halfway down, he heard footsteps and slid into an open room, accidentally hitting Mike's feet against the doorframe. He placed his back against the wall and listened for the person he had heard. After a few seconds, he heard retreating footsteps and blew out a breath. He felt the weight in his arms shift and he noticed Mike was waking up.

He sat Mike down carefully.

"Mike?" He asked in a whisper as he watched the younger man's eyes open sluggishly. His associate stared at him for several seconds.

"Harvey!" He shouted, taking the older man by surprise. Harvey blinked and quickly covered Mike's mouth with his hand, while putting his index finger on the the other hand to his lips to tell the man to be quiet. He waited till Mike nodded in understanding to remove his hand.

"Y-you're bleeding!" Mike whispered in horror, though he was struggling to keep his eyes open.

"It's just a scratch." Harvey confirmed, but Mike looked doubtful. "I promise." Harvey mentally berated himself, as if him making a promise to the younger man was worth anything, but when his associate began to relax a bit and look up at him with pure trust shining in his eyes, Harvey felt an odd feeling in his chest.

"Whasss going on?" Mike slurred, trying his best to look around.

"We are getting out of here." Harvey replied, poking his head into the hallway. He turned back to Mike. "Speaking of, we have to get going."

"Where's Tr'vor?"

"He's meeting us outside."

Mike looked skeptical. "Promise?"

Harvey swallowed, but rolled his eyes. "I promise."

Mike closed his eyes, with a soft sigh.

"Okay, we gotta move." Harvey said, moving to pick Mike up again.

"What're you doing?" Mike asked, becoming more alert as Harvey picked him up.

"Carrying you, Einstein." Harvey replied, checking the hallway once more. "And before you protest, the answer is no. You can't walk, we have to get out of here fast. You're dead on your feet."

Harvey swallowed at his phrasing.

"And pretty soon dead altogether." He heard Mike whisper. He looked down at his associate, but the younger man had already passed out again.

"I won't let that happen, kiddo. I promise." Harvey whispered, stepping out into the hallway once more, as he started to make his way out of the building. "And that's one promise I'll be damn sure to keep."

AN: Okay, first sorry it took so long for an update I just moved back to college, so I've been a little busy and two I kind of hit a road block with this story, so I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter. Last, I do realize that Harvey carrying Mike in a fireman's carry would be a bit awkward, but hey Mike wouldn't be able to get out any other way hahaha...Anyway, thanks for reading! And if you have time, send me a review to let me know what you think! It's greatly appreciated!