"Stay here."

Harvey's command cut through the air as if he had yelled it, instead of the almost deadpan whisper he had used. His eyes were expressionless as they bore a hole through Mike. His footfalls, forceful on the grimy cement below, echoed throughout the alley as he left.

Mike stood, heart racing in his chest and seemingly everywhere else in his body, and his arms dangled loosely by his sides as he let his shoulders fall. The concern he had for Trevor was nothing compared to the guilt he felt for making Harvey not only angry with him, but the worst of all, disappointed. He watched Harvey enter the door that Trevor had just disappeared through, and he let out a long breath. He ran a hand over his face and silently wished for this to end, for it to be tomorrow and to know where he stood with Harvey.

Little did he know that any one of those things would be the least of his worries. That is, until the barrel of a gun was placed against the back of his head.

"Don't move."

A deep, rough voice ordered.

Mike had always relied on his quick banter and sarcastic comments to get him out of bad situations, but the cocking of the gun made him bite his tongue. He slowly held his hands up in surrender and watched as one of Trevor's "business" acquaintances slowly appeared in front of him, bringing the gun to rest against his forehead.

He swallowed thickly and blinked slowly as if when he reopened his eyes the man would be gone, but what he got instead made him relieved, yet even more fearful.

Harvey had a fistful of Trevor's collar in his hand as he drug the nuisance behind him, and return to the alley.

"The next time you pull bone-headed shit like this, and trust me there will be a next time, I'm not saving your ass, because this is all you'll ever be. No matter how many chances you get to get out of this life, you'll never-" , but Harvey's rant was cut short as he opened the door to the alley and he and Trevor stepped out. For a split second, Harvey felt fear run through him at the sight before him, but he quickly recovered when the man holding a gun to Mike's head turned around to acknowledge their presence.

"I wouldn't move if I were you," The heavy set man with oily, slicked back hair grinned wildly. "Not unless you want to find out what Einstein's brain looks like splattered on the ground."

"And I wouldn't pull that trigger if I were you," Harvey countered, his voice carrying no emotion despite the fear he felt. "Not unless you want me to kick your ass."

The man laughed a cold, hearty laugh. His head turning back to Mike.

"Go ahead, Specter." The man encouraged. "But you're not the one I'm here for. I'm here to teach Trevor a lesson."

"Yeah? What lesson is that?" Harvey asked.

The man turned back around, but this time he was focusing his attention on Trevor, yet the gun still aimed firmly at Mike's head.

"That when you steal from me, I steal from you."

Harvey's world was stuck in slow motion as soon as the gunman's words reached his ears. Before he could even lift his leg to start running towards the man that threatened Mike's life, he watched the man turn his head back towards his associate and pull the trigger.

Harvey stumbled back as the shot rang out, and was frozen to the spot as the man ran out of the alley. It wasn't until Mike started to stumbled and dropped to his knees that he was brought back to reality. He ran. He ran as fast as he possibly could. He only hoped he ran fast enough to save Michael's life, to save the life that he had grew to care about.

AN: I know its short but I'll post the next chapter before the weekend. Feedback is greatly appreciated, so please let me know what you think! Thanks for reading! :)

I don't own Suits, but I do own a heart that loves it.

P.S. I just want to encourage anyone to start writing stories for Suits! This category needs more Harvey and Mike friendship stories that do not contain slash. (No offense to anyone, I just wish there were more brotherly stories, that is all.)