Hi everyone! This is my first fanfiction, so I'm really hoping I don't disappoint! :) I'm completely open to criticism, so please feel free to make suggestions on what I should change and how I can make this better. I live to please! Please review! I really do want to know what you think. And the sooner you review, the sooner I update! :D

Disclaimer: I don't own Tokyo Mew Mew. All characters (minus my three new characters, Painappuru, Kinezumi, and Yuki Tora) belong to the producers, creators, and so on.


A young girl of eighteen, named Painappuru, rubbed sleep from her green-blue eyes. It was two o'clock in the afternoon, but she had just woken up about half an hour ago and was still tired. She was running late to meet up with her two best friends, so she rushed around her room, brushing her blonde hair and putting on a comfortable, yet cute, outfit. She laced up her neon orange Converse sneakers and then made her way downstairs. When she opened her front door, she noticed her friends, Kinezumi and Yuki Tora, already standing on her front lawn, waiting for her. She gave both of them an apologetic smile and a hug.

"I'm so sorry. I overslept and went crazy when I woke up. But at least I'm here." She yawned and then giggled when she saw Kinezumi roll her eyes dramatically. "So where are we going?" she asked Kinezumi, for the brunette was the one who had made the plans in the first place.

"Yuki Tora and I found this adorable little cake shop when we were hanging out last night," Kinezumi answered. Her eyes, which had always been described as looking like cracked ice, shone with excitement. She started walking in the direction of the shop with Yuki Tora and Painappuru following close behind her.

"Yeah, it's actually really nice. The food is awesome," Yuki Tora said with a smile. "And it's not too expensive," she added before Painappuru could use her usual I'm-too-broke-to-do-anything excuse.

Kinezumi nodded. "The only problem with it is it's really pink. Like, almost everything is pink!" There was a trace of teasing annoyance in her voice as she threw her arms up in the air melodramatically.

Painappuru laughed at her friend's theatrics. "How far away is it?" She didn't mind walking, but she was still tired and wasn't exactly in the mood to be walking a far distance.

"It's just around that corner actually," Yuki Tora replied, pointing to the end of the street.

"Oh, so it's not far at all!" Painappuru squinted as she looked up at the sun, which was extremely hot that day. It was nearly a hundred degrees outside and sweat was beginning to form on the girls' foreheads. On top of being tired, the heat was making walking a little unpleasant for Painappuru. She was pleased to know that they would arrive at the café soon.

Kinezumi and Yuki Tora nodded. The girls walked the rest of the way in silence, except for Painappuru humming A.J. Mclean's "I Hate It When You're Gone" quietly. When they turned the corner, they found themselves in front of a large, pink brick building. It looked like a dome-shaped castle with heart shaped windows. A big foliage archway stood in front of the café, welcoming prospective customers.

"Wow, Kinezumi, when you said it was pink, you weren't kidding." Painappuru said in awe. "It's really, really pink."

"I know!" Kinezumi cried. "Who the hell wants to see this much pink every day? It would drive me insane." She smoothed her hair before walking under the arch and towards the café.

Painappuru and Yuki Tora laughed at their friend as they followed her. The three of them walked into the café and sighed in relief as they were suddenly hit by the coldness coming from the air conditioned restaurant. The inside of the café wasn't as pink as the exterior was, but it was still bright and cheery. Instantly, they were greeted by a young girl who looked about ten years old.

"Good morning!" the little girl said cheerfully. "Welcome to Café Mew Mew. Please follow me and I will get you seated." She bounced off and the three friends followed her to a table against the wall. "My name is Pudding and I will be your server." She handed the girls menus. "Look this over and I'll be back in just a little bit to take your orders!" She bounded off to help the next customers.

"She's adorable!" Painappuru exclaimed as she opened her menu. "She looks so cute in her little waitress outfit."

"Yeah, we saw her last time we came," Yuki Tora said. "She didn't serve us though. A much quieter girl did."

"I think she said her name was Lettuce," Kinezumi reminded Yuki Tora.

"I wonder how she got a job at such a young age. I can barely get one!" The fact the she was still unemployed really peeved Painappuru. She contorted her face into one of slight annoyance and she let out a defeated sigh.

"Maybe she is related to the owner or something," Kinezumi said with a shrug as she looked over her own menu. "What are you guys going to get?"

"I don't know. All these cakes sound so yummy," Painappuru sighed. "What to choose… What to choose…"

"Look at this vanilla cake! It looks so good!" Yuki Tora laid her menu flat on the table and showed her friends the picture. She tucked her long black hair behind her ears and grinned in excitement.

"Oh yeah it does!" Kinezumi agreed. "And look! Here's an ice cream cake!" She pointed to a picture on Yuki Tora's menu. "That's what I'm getting. It looks awesome. And ice cream cake had always been my favorite."

"How am I supposed to choose one?" Painappuru whined. She pretended to cry and just stared at her menu.

"Are you ready to order?"

Pudding's voice and sudden appearance made the three girls jump in surprise. Painappuru stopped her fake crying and smiled at the young girl. "I am. What about you guys?" Her friends nodded, repressing their giggles at Painappuru's behavior.

"Wonderful!" Pudding cheered, taking out her notepad that she used to write orders in. "What can I get for you?"

Painappuru ordered a slice of strawberry shortcake and a coffee. Kinezumi ordered a piece the ice cream cake and an iced tea. Yuki Tora ordered a wedge of the vanilla cake she had showed her friends and some hot chocolate. Pudding promised that their food and drinks would be out soon and she left. The girls didn't have to wait long before their cakes and beverages were brought out to them. The girls were very satisfied with their desserts.

"This is amazing!" Painappuru gushed, her mouth full.

"I know!" Yuki Tora agreed. "I love it here. We'll have to come every now and again. Kinezumi and Painappuru bobbed their heads up and down in agreement.

When they finished eating, they thanked Pudding and gave the small girl a generous tip. As the girls were leaving Café Mew Mew, they nearly bumped into a blonde teen who was trying to enter through the door.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry." The girls cried out in unison, stopping in their tracks.

The boy narrowed his eyes at them. "Yeah well, watch where you're going next time," he replied, animosity and disgust dripping from each word. He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his white jeans and glared at the girls.

"Well there's no need to be so damn rude," Kinezumi growled. "At lease we apologized." The boy just rolled his eyes and didn't say anything.

"Let's just go," Yuki Tora said, pushing her friends out of the café, not wanting a fight to ensue. She hushed Kinezumi, who was muttering angrily under her voice, and led them away from the café and the irritated teen.

I know there isn't too much going on in this chapter. It was mainly to introduce the new characters. But please, tell me what you think! The more reviews I get, the sooner I'll update and you'll get more actiony (and soon romance as well) bits! Hooray! ;) Thanks for reading!

Mew Painappuru