Hey Everyone!

So, to all my readers who have subscribed to me, I know you haven't heard from me since...well, you haven't heard from me at all this year. But yes, I'm back. In regards to the Batman Begins/Dark Knight story, it's being re-written due to a major story line screw-up. To all the new readers, Hello! If you're wondering why I haven't posted anything at all lately, it's because I was working on my writing style. I had gone under construction to increase my quality in writing. Hopefully, it'll be enjoyable to read.

To clarify, this story will be a Harvey/OC story, yet it won't mainly focus on just that relationship. Later on in the story it will, but it will also somewhat be a Mike/Rachel story, and also other relationships between characters (not necessarily in a romantic way). But true to the television show, there will also be a focus on cases as well. Forgive me if my knowledge of the law isn't wrapped in a pretty bow, but I'm a writer, not a lawyer (unfortunately). Research can only get you so far.

I'll be posting as often as I can, so hopefully you all will enjoy this story!

P.S. I do not own anything. Rights go to Aaron Korsh (the creator of Suits)

If there was a time where Mike Ross wished he had bought a car instead of a bicycle, it was at the moment where the tire popped off the rim of his beloved bike as he was heading to Pearson Hardman. Only he would have such luck. It was almost turning out to be a good day this morning; Mike happened to finally get more than 15 minutes of sleep, thanks to him looking over the bylaws, on his lunch break, of the multimillion dollar deal with Brian Dares; Brooklyn's mastermind behind the mp3 player that was as small as an engagement ring. His suit was picked up from the dry-cleaners by one of his co-workers, Max Harris, who also lived directly across from his apartment. The said neighbour had the decency to bang on his door, forcing him to wake-up and get to work early, which he would have been if his bike didn't fail him at that very moment.

The whirr of a Vespa stopped beside him with an amused look coming from the driver.

"Told you to upgrade, Mike."

The long brown hair cascaded down the driver's back from under the cherry red helmet, as the small smile showed brilliant white teeth. The hazel eyes gave a sarcastic look as the driver looked at Mike.

"Thanks for your input, Max."

Maxine Harris laughed as she grabbed her extra helmet from behind her.

"Get on. I'll drop you off a block away."

Mike Ross shook his head. Maybe he would get to work early.

Tightening his hold on his bag, he hopped onto the back of the scooter, securing himself behind his good friend. He noticed that in between her legs, she was skillfully balancing four cups of coffee, as well as a bag of pastries on top of those said cups.

"How the hell are you doing that?"

Max laughed, "Really carefully."

It almost looked comical in Donna's eyes to see Mike in such a rushed state as he held more files in his hands than possible. The pile in his arms was so high he could barely see over top of them. She was waiting for the moment that someone wouldn't see where they were going, causing them to crash into the Harvard Law Graduate impersonator and make all his work rain down upon his sad self. The moment almost came, until Mike swerved out of the way just in time. Donna pouted, and continued to type at her desk as he approached his boss' office. The kid was fun to tease, but he at least got his work done. Later than Harvey would have liked, but he still got it done, and did a pretty good job on it. It was one of the reasons why she liked him, and frequently gave him a base or two to steal every now and then.

"He's with Jessica. You better throw that on his desk right about now."

Mike practically flew into Harvey's office, throwing the Dares bylaws onto his desk, fully edited and proof-read. The file was five hundred and thirty three pages of utterly pure hell, and all of the bylaws passed the standards. Mike sighed, he hated it when a case was just...a case, no underlying story that would cause a scandal, or controversy within the company involved. Sometimes, the job wasn't as fabulous as he thought. But hey, that was the job.

As he was coming out, he spoke to Donna in the sweetest voice.

"Donna, my dear, you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever come across-"

"No, I will not tell Harvey that those bylaws were on his desk an hour ago."

A whine emitted from Mike's throat.

"Not even fifteen minutes ago?"

She turned to him with a smirk on her face.


Mike returned a more genuine smile as he turned around.

"Then I'll tell him that I've found the cure for Cancer while in Atlantis, saving the mermaids."

The young lawyer turned back to the smart secretary, only to see that she was waving her fingers in a sarcastic manor, telling him goodbye for the moment. Mike turned around carefully towards his cubicle just as Harvey Specter came into Donna's view. Donna had known her boss for just over seven years, and she knew almost instantly when her boss was in a bad mood.

"Donna, hold my calls until noon," Harvey demanded more than asked, and Donna knew that his conversation with Jessica wasn't a good one. It may have been Jessica giving Harvey a scolding for something he did, or worse. Jessica gave Harvey a pro-Bono. Donna knew that if Harvey wasn't on his game today, and being grumpy as hell, then everyone would be caught in his shit storm, and when Harvey was mad, Harvey wasn't Harvey Specter. The man himself sat in his two thousand dollar orthopedic chair ready to snap at anyone who dared showed their face in his office, when his eye caught on a folder that wasn't there when he first got into the office early. He picked it up, realizing it was the Dares bylaws that he assigned to Mike late last night, just before he left the office. He didn't think the kid was get it done, and sort of gave it to him as a test. But there it was, sitting in his hand, highlighted, tabbed, proofread and indented to the extreme. He looked to Donna, who was typing at her computer. Getting up, he walked towards his door, just sticking his head out.


The strawberry blonde turned towards her boss.

"What time did you see Mike come into my office?"

Donna almost said a minute ago, but thought better if it.

"I didn't see him at all today."

Harvey's head jerked back a bit.

Donna quickly recovered, "I took a coffee run an hour ago. He must it dropped it off then."

"Would you lie to me, Donna?" Harvey said with his charming smile

She smirked, "Only if it made me richer, Harvey."

Harvey walked back towards his desk with an appreciative smirk on his face. With the folder in his hand, Harvey's day brightened, and he got his mojo back almost instantly. Maybe the kid wasn't so bad after all. Donna turned back to her computer screen, bringing up her email account. She quickly made a new message, and sent it to Mike.

'You owe me one', she typed.

As he clutched his hat, Oliver Klades walked slowly towards Donna's desk, hoping to not bother her, but the redhead noticed him coming from a mile away.

"Mr. Klades, this is a... surprise."

The older man nodded, pulling out a rumbled piece of paper.

"They filed an injunction," the man said, clearly sad, "They're questioning my motives, and now they want to bring me to court. What motives do I have besides trying to get some justice for my daughter? I thought Harvey would take care of this, but they keep throwing paperwork at my family!" The fifty year old began to raise his voice, causing some of the workers to temporarily stop what they were doing. Harvey took notice of the situation, walking out of his office to calm down his client.

"Oliver, calm down. Everything is going to go smoothly, no matter what. Why don't you just come to my office and we can figure this out?"

Dragging his client into his office, Harvey was giving Donna one of his looks. Donna sighed though. Oliver Klades was the underdog in a nasty sexual harassment lawsuit. His daughter, Karly, had been an assistant for Gregory Hart, the main Manhattan investor of major companies. The poor girl wouldn't give any details on the sexual harassment, but Donna remembered the girl trembled when she spoke. Either the police were blind, or she was a great actress. The trial was supposed to happen two months ago, but Hart's lawyers buried the case in paperwork, knowing that if Karly testified, they were going to have to pay her family, big time.

Donna sighed, and got back to work.

Don't worry, it gets good.


xoxo N.