So Many Choices, but What to Choose?

I own nothing….no matter how sad it makes me

I know I haven't written in a while, my computer is down, bad. I am using my dad's I don't get to be on it much though. I finally finished this one though! I have the next chapter written on my ipod. I just need to type it on word. Sorry I take so long!

Sakura POV:

As we were walking back, Kakashi didn't glance at me. I missed him, and I anticipated my return while my actions weren't copied. At this time, my feet were the most interesting this to look at.


"Yeah, Naruto-kun?"

"Are you alright?"

"I think so….yeah."


I noticed Kiba was listening to us and turned to look at him.

"Something wrong, Kiba-kun?"

"Huh? Oh, no. I'm fine, Sakura-chan." A slight smile growing on his face.


"How long are you staying?"

"About two or three days max."

"Why so short?" Kiba said, holding concern in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Kiba-kun. If I stay longer, the Akatsuki will come to drag me back."

"We can stop them!"

"I know that, but I would rather go with them willingly than have so many people sacrifice so much just for me."

He looked down, he knows I am right. I hugged him, and he gave me a weary smile.

After entering the village, Naruto walks me home and says that he will be back sometime tomorrow. I walk inside, take a quick shower, and plop onto my bed in pajamas I had forgotten about. Lying there, I found unconsciousness quickly.

Next Day

I wake up at around eight in the morning ready to see Tsunade. I found myself in a conflicted moment. Did I really want to see her or not? Not like I had much of a choice, though. I realized I wanted to see my former mentor more than I thought I didn't. Sitting up, I hang my legs from the knees down over the side of my bed. This, is the beginning of my day.

I decided to take another shower for freshness. On my way out, I find the clothes I laid out onto my bed before showering. I had a pair of red skinnies with a grey top with cherry blossom petals running down the side into the center. (AN: I don't know what ninjas wear in their free time) I found a purple jasmine flower and placed in my hair. I also found some black sneakers that had too been lost from my memory.

At eight thirty on the dot, I enter lady Tsunade's office. Shizune standing in her usual spot beside Tsunade, with her at her desk. She nodded to me, and motioned me forward. I obeyed the silent command, and stood before her quietly.

"Hello, Sakura."

"Hello, Lady Tsunade."

She stood up and walked over to me. She began to circle me like a vulture. She stopped, and hugged me. My instinct being to hug her back, I did as much. She seats herself in her seat and I in a seat across from her. We talked for an hour. I said nothing of the Akatsuki. Ruining the moment was the last thing on the list of last things I wanted to do. Saying my farewells, Naruto and Sai wait for me outside.

The two lead me to team 7's old training grounds. As we neared to the grounds, three bodies manifested before me. Those three were Hinata, Temari, and Tenten. As I open my mouth, I am tackled by said trio and am buried by them. Temari tells me I shall see Gaara and Kankuro later. The boys leave, so we hang out at the mall for a while.

As we reach the mall, I tell the girls I need a sexy dress for the "evil ball" as Hidan called it. They all screamed. This included Hinata. They raced me to the dress shop (no Idea what to call it. Never been to one before :/). I try on tons of dresses. I like some of them, while the others don't all agree. Apparently, this must be a unanimous decision.

We finally found a friggen dress. It was a purple dress with a strap on my left shoulder as a sleeve that was cut in the corner on my right. The strap had jewels on it, fading as it went further down and stopped above my breast. The dress stopped at my knees.

Ino gave me heels for the thing. I dislike them. Heels suck. The whole idea of the dance thing isn't my cup of tea. I am not Austria, that's for damn sure. How people wear these things baffles me.

After hours of shopping for crap I probably won't even use goes by, we hit the spa for an hour. The four of us are beat and our day is far from over. By four, we are at Tenten's for a break when Neji and Shikamaru come to get us.

We are brought to a nearby bar where went wasted five hours partying. I personally enjoyed it, everyone was there. Except Kakashi. None of us drank; this was so that we were stable enough to walk back to our houses.

"Hey Sakura-chan."

"Hey Shika-kun."

"It's nice…having you back."

"It's nice to be back, even if for such a short time."

"We're going to miss you."

"I shall miss you guys too."

"How do you do it? How do you give up everything?"

"You have to look at the bright side. If you don't, or in my case, I don't, they will bug me. I still think about you guys though."

"We will honor you."

I turn, and find everyone I love with their backs turned the other way to walk home. Reminding me of Inner. Do they care about me at all? This is so difficult.

Gaara and I stayed at the bar to help clean. It took us an hour, with everyone's help. Yeah, we made a huge mess. It was awesome with a side of epicocity. While cleaning, I can't help but think of Kakashi. My resolve is to ask Lady Tsunade tomorrow morning.

Once the place is finally picked up, the owner tipped and thanked us for helping out. We thanked him back and resumed our exit of the building. Gaara had decided to walk me home. As we did so, Gaara turned his head and smiled at me. I couldn't believe it. He smiled…at me! I hugged him tightly in response.

"It's nice to see you again."

"The feeling is mutual, Gaara-kun."

"You have given up so much, all for Naruto and I, and the others. Why?"

"I didn't want you all hurt on my account. I would die."


"How is it being Kazekage?"

"Nice…and annoying."

"Like Naruto."

"Yes, just like Naruto."

"Why did they want you so badly? I know a few others that want you as well."

My brain stopped. My feet kept going, my mind didn't. I had no idea what to say. What do I say? Subconsciously, my head tilted to left in confusion. This, made Gaara laugh, leaving me confused. He caught on to this and continued.

"Guys, Sakura-chan. Guys want you."

"Well, I got that part. I just don't know who."

"I could tell you that."

"Please do."

"Well, there is the fox boy, dog lover, brainiac, and…"


"…the one in front of you."

My brain left me again. Gaara noticed…again…he continued to lead me home. I finally got myself together, and we resumed our walk together. We hugged tightly and said our goodbyes. He lightly kissed my lips and said 'See you later.