My brain can't contain the plotlines for all the fics I'm writing right now, so this will be the last chapter of this one. At least for now. I feel ideas flooding my brain as I write this so maybe there will be a PS. Thanks for reading and commenting and suporting. I'll try to have Cas' POV up as soon as possible.

Let's go out with a bang. :P


Sunday morning, Dean and Cas ate a lazy breakfast and tried to decide what they should do for the day. Cas knew what he wanted to do, he said and smiled lewdly at Dean.

"Hmm...," Dean said.

"You're not interested?" Cas asked surprised.

"No, I am, I just remembered something. Something you said you would tell me."

"What?" Cas asked.

"How you got the money for your guitar."

"Oh...," Cas said and went quiet.

"The thing is," Dean said, "since you're so secretive about it I've come up with some wild theories of my own."

"Oh, like what?" Cas asked and smiled, amused.

"Like maybe you prostituted yourself or sold a kidney."

Cas laughed. "And how do you feel about me doing those things?"

Dean stared at him. "Did you do any of those things?" he asked.

"No, but I would still like to know how you feel about me doing them."

"Well...selling a kidney is illegal and I don't like the idea of you selling yourself."


"So?" Dean said impatiently.

"Please don't freak out."

"Alright, I promise I won't freak out," Dean said and sighed.

"I, er...I sold my sperm." Cas looked intently at Dean to see how he would react.

"You what?"

"Sold my sperm," Cas said slowly.


"My sperm," Cas finished.

Dean was quiet for a long time and Cas was starting to get nervous.

"Dean?" he said.

Dean moved his lips like he was going to say something but no sound came out. Eventually he found the words.

"Do you mean to say that you have a kid...or kids...somewhere out there?" He pointed to the world.

"I don't know. They don't tell people if they use their sperm. Are you mad?"

Dean's lips moved again, then he finally managed to say: "I...don't know how I feel."

"I'm sorry. I only did it a few times. I really wanted the guitar so I could start a band and working for it was just taking too long..."

Dean took in a long breath. He smiled forcefully. "It's fine. It's fine. You couldn't know we would meet each other." He looked defeated.

Cas grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry," he said looking pained.

Dean squeezed his hand and said: "Really, it's fine. It's just not what I'd expected."

"Bet you wish I had sold a kidney," Cas said and smiled but stopped when Dean gave him a look. "Alright. Too soon to make jokes," he said.

Later, Dean took a shower and couldn't get the thought of Cas having a kid out of his mind. He couldn't blame Cas for what he had done. There were people out there who weren't able to have children and Dean was happy they could get help, but he couldn't help thinking what the child would look like. If it would have big blue eyes and a cheeky smile. Dean had never thought about having children. He knew things were changing and more gay men had children by way of surrogate mothers but he had never though that option would be for him. Now he wondered. He turned off the water and grabbed for the towel. Except it was gone. He looked out behind the shower curtain. Yes, it was gone. He was sure he had put up a new one. He did occasionally forget when he was in a hurry but he absolutely knew he had remembered today.

"Cas," he called. There was no reply.

He swallowed a profanity and stepped out of the shower. He would have to use the small one by the sink then. But that was gone too. Dean looked around the bathroom. There were no towels at all! This had to be Cas' work. He went to the wardrobe where they kept the towels only to see that the shelf was empty of towels. So. It was a game then. He went into the kitchen and saw Cas standing in front of the kitchen table, where he had stacked all the towels.

When he heard Dean coming he said: "Oh, Dean, I'm just going through the towels to check if we need to replace any of them." When he caught sight of a wet and naked Dean he said: "Maybe you should go and get dried up. You're dripping all over the floor."

Dean grabbed the tea towel, held it by two corners and twirled it around. Then he flicked the end at Cas' thigh, making a red mark from the towel on his light grey sweat pants.

"Ouch!" Cas shouted. "Hey! That hurt!"

"I thought you wanted to play," Dean said, staring intently at him.

Cas stood for a couple of seconds looking at him while he rubbed his leg. Dean could see his brain working, trying to figure out what his next move should be. He realized Cas had been expecting another reaction from Dean and he felt satisfied that he hadn't been that predictable. Then Cas grabbed the other tea towel but before he could twirl it Dean had already gotten another flick in.

"Ah!" Cas cried, then tried to retribute. Since Dean was naked there was nothing to lessen the blow and he got a big red burn mark on his thigh.

"Ouch! You brat!" he yelled, clearly in a lot of pain.

Cas looked like he felt sorry for him and Dean used that moment of wavering to throw his arms around him, holding him in place.

"New tactics, Winchester. Very impressive," Cas tried to sound cool and in control but Dean was much stronger than him and it didn't take him long to wrestle the tea towel away from him. Then he picked him up, threw him across his shoulder and carried him to the bedroom. He threw him on the bed and before Cas had time to do anything he found himself tied up by the silk cords. He looked at Dean and smiled devilishly, arms straining a little against the cords.

"I'm all wet and cold now. Just because you took my towel," Dean said and sat on the edge of the bed to catch his breath. Cas was completely still, anticipating what Dean would do next. He had never been tied up before and Dean had often thought he should try it so he knew how the other person felt.

"Would you like me to lick you dry?" Cas asked, enticingly and smiled at him.

Dean thought for a moment. That actually didn't sound bad. But he would have to untie him for that and that was out of the question.

"No, I have another way of getting warmed up in mind," he said.

"Oh?" Cas said, still smiling.

"But first I have to get dry." He got off the bed and went to the kitchen, leaving Cas on the bed. He took his time towelling himself down. Then he poured himself a cup of coffee and found the rest of the cake from the day before. Chocolate, Cas' favourite. "Hmmm...," he said and took a bite. Then he washed it down with a sip of coffee. "Hey Cas, this cake is really good. I can understand why you like it so much," he called towards the bedroom. There was no answer. Dean felt a little unsure. He wasn't used to being in charge of someone who was tied up. He didn't want to drag it out so long it wasn't sexy anymore. He put the cake on a plate and took it with him back to Cas. He was still on the bed, looking at Dean when he came in. Dean went over and sat on the bed again, putting the plate of cake on the bedside table. Cas followed it with his eyes.

Dean leaned down and kissed him, then started licking his neck. He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his shoulder and realized Cas had bit him.

"Argh!" he said and pulled away, rubbing at the sore spot.

"You ate my cake?" Cas asked.

Dean looked at him. "You bit me!"

"You ate my cake," Cas said.

Dean demonstratively reached over and took the plate. Then he took another bite of the cake and made sounds to show how good it was. Cas' eyes were burning; with what, Dean couldn't decide. Lust for sex or lust for cake.

"This is really good," Dean said, mouth full of cake. He only left a small bite and put the plate back.

"If you behave, maybe I'll let you have the last bite," Dean said, immediately regretting his choice of words.

"Well, I've had the first bite so why not?" Cas said dryly.

Dean had to gain back control of the situation so he started to run his fingers up and down Cas' body. He suddenly noticed the bulge in his pants. So then, he was aroused by being tied up. Points for Dean. He decided to call him on it and yanked his sweat pants down.

"Hmmm," Dean said with a satisfied smile and looked at Cas' hard cock.

Cas closed his eyes and sighed.

"Well, what have we here," Dean said and knelt beside Cas. He started stroking him slowly, making him sigh, but only for a moment. Then he let him go again and straddled Cas. He was feeling a little dizzy. Being bossy in bed was so not like him, he usually left that to Cas, but he couldn't stop now. He crawled all the way up so Cas could suck him off. They'd never tried that before and Dean had to scoot up quite close to his head, making sure he could still breathe. Cas willingly swallowed his cock and did his best to take him as far down as he could. He was moving his head up and down on the pillow and when Dean started to thrust into his mouth carefully he could take him in further. Dean was transfixed. Cas' lips were redenning, Dean's cock was throbbing and glistening with saliva and the sight of it disappearing with each thrust was almost too much. Dean couldn't help going a little further and a little faster.

"Mmmm...," Cas said but still took him down. Then he held his head in place on an up movement and Dean understood he wanted to keep him in. He moved forward and Cas rested his tongue against his shaft and swallowed. Dean had to close his eyes. "Fuck," he whispered.

Cas moved his head back down again and his eyes went up to meet Dean's. As Cas took him in again and swallowed twice he kept looking at Dean, whose mouth was open and gasping at the sight and the feel, his right hand cubbing Cas' head. Cas looked at him submissively and Dean ran his thumb down his cheek. Cas was waiting for Dean to decide when they would move things along. After a minute or so he did. He gave Cas a long kiss to let him know he had been a good boy, then he crawled back down Cas' body, kissing as he was going. When he came to his stomach he found it wet with pre-cum. His cock was standing up and leaking profusely. Dean was surprised. He hadn't expected Cas to be so into this.

He started to suck him off and unleashed a flurry of moans, groans and oh, fuck, yeah's. Dean was about to burst and he quickly slicked himself up and pushed into Cas without any preparation other than a blob of lube. Cas pulled his legs up to his chest and moaned loudly as Dean slid inside. Dean held on to Cas' shins and folded his legs further down towards his body. It gave him full access and he could easily angle himself so he was hitting Cas' prostate. He took him hard and quick and Cas kept begging for more. Dean was seeing white and his head began to spin as he was loosing oxygen from the quick and heavy breathing. He came with a loud cry and spilled inside Cas, who, he realized when he got his sight back, was already done. He had come without being touched, the mere touch of his prostate enough.

Dean gave a few more thrusts to calm himself down, then he rolled over on the bed and groaned loudly.

"Holy crap!" he managed to get out. "We have to do this more often."

Cas was completely quiet but after a couple of minutes he said with a weak voice: "Can I have my cake now?"

Dean laughed out loud. He got up and untied Cas, slowly bringing his arms down, making the blood rush back. Then he got the cake and gave it to Cas. They lay for a long time, stroking each other's backs and arms. Cas ran a finger over the bite mark on Dean's shoulder. "I'm sorry I bit you," he said.

Dean smiled. "You're forgiven. But I don't think it's something I'll want to bring into our sex life in the future," he said.


Dean checked out the bruises on Cas' thigh. Cas flinched a little when he touched them. He had a big bruise himself from where Cas had hit him with the tea towel.

They agreed on a truce and went to get something to eat.

"Aren't you curious about your possible child?" Dean couldn't help asking.

"What?" Cas asked. He had completely forgotten about that in the midst of the great sex.

"Don't you wonder what it looks like?" Dean asked.

"Dean. I haven't thought about it. It was a business transaction. Nothing more."

Dean was silent.

"Do you wonder?" Cas asked. He looked at Dean with surprise.

"Well, I love you. And hearing that you could possibly have a child...yes, it makes me wonder."

"Oh," Cas said.

"A lot of gay men have children nowadays," Dean said, making Cas look at him quickly.

"Wait." Cas rubbed his forehead. "You're not saying you want to have children, are you?"

"Well, not now, but maybe some day."

When Cas didn't say anything Dean panicked and said: "Please don't leave me."

Cas looked at him. "I'm not going to leave you," he said. "Why would you think that?"

"Because I've just managed to convince you that a relationship is a good thing and I don't want to push you away by forcing the idea of children on you."

Cas chuckled a little. Then he took Dean's hand and said: "Dean, I love you. I'm not going anywhere, but I can't really see myself having children. At least not now. I'm only in my early 20s and I want to live a little before I even consider settling down with such a big responsibility as children."

Dean squeezed his hand tightly. "I understand. I won't mention it again." He kissed Cas and thought they were done talking about it but when they were watching a movie in the evening, Cas said: "I'm not saying I'm against having children all together. Just so you know."

Dean felt warm inside. He kissed Cas on the temple. "Alright," he said, and smiled.

And there we leave the boys. At least for now. Thanks for reading.