So, originally this was suppose to be a one shot, but as you can tell I turned it into 3 chapters because it was way to long! Yah, didn't want you guys to hurt your eyes reading a frikken long story all at once. x3

Last chapter!

-Four o-clock in the morning.-

Ding dong- Ding dong- -knock -knock- -knock-

"Who ever that is at this late at night is going to get pummeled with my pipe if its not for a war." A tall man growled, his heavy feet stomping on the ground, pipe tightly clutched in his large hands. Opening the door he was just about to yell when he came face to face with a unknown man.

"Who are you?"

"Ahh Me? You don't recognize me? What's with your generation these days! Ha-ha-ha!" Rome laughed

The taller man with the pipe lifted it up and was just about to throw it down when Rome quickly held his hands up in defense.

"Whoa whoa there my gigantic friend! Your name is Russia right?"

The Russian nodded. "Da, who are you!" He said in a terrifying voice.

"Ah? You really don't know? Come on now!" Rome struck a few poses, teeth sparkled as he flexed his muscles. "I am of course the wonderful, the only, The Great Roman Empire!"

Russia tiled his head to the side in confusion.

"Whattttt! You still don't-"

"Aren't you suppose to be dead?" The Russian cut in before the Roman could complain.

"How rude! You shouldn't talk to your elders like that especially when I came here to talk to you about China." Rome pouted, crossing his arms. He blinked his eyes in confusion as the temperature in the room drastically change. Shivering slightly he looked to the Russian who's violet eyes became dark and a purple aura appeared around him.

"Kolkolkol~" He slammed the Roman up against the wall his pipe up against the ex-country's throat. "What's wrong with my little Yao-Yao?" Ivan questioned with a happy but creepy, killing smiling.

"J-J-Just hear me out!" Rome cried. "Listen I just came to tell you that he really likes you!"

"Huh?" Russia's anger died down for a second but then quickly reappeared. "Don't spout such nonsense. He hates me, he's said it before no matter how many times I try to get him to like me." The pipe pushed against the Romans neck harder.

"N-No really! He does, I was just over there and—WHAA!"

The pipe rammed into the wall right next to the brown haired man's head, putting a giant hole in it.

"Kolkolkolkolkol~ You were over my precious Yao's house? You better not of tried anything or I'll have to kill you da?" His smile reaching maximum creepiness.

Rome felt a tug at the side of his mouth as it twitched. "We'll, better not tell him we had sex, or I'll be dead, again!" Rome laughed nervously. "Ha-ha...N-No we just talked that's all! You know he knew me back then, we were friends back then!"

"Da...That's right, my little sunflower is pretty old." He retreated the pipe and stuffed it back in his coat pocket.

Rome sighed, wiping the sweat off his forehead. "Man, how can Yao love someone so...forceful."

Ivan looked down at the man, face a bit softer then before. "So he really does like me?"

"Love actually." Rome said honestly. "You should try again, he's really lonely and needs someone to love him. You do love him don't you?"

"With all my heart and soul. I never gave up on Yao and was never planing to give up da?"

"He's a prudish man but a proud one. Give him time." Rome patted the giant man's shoulder. "But you better take care of him, I don't want to have to come back down here and give you some Roman punishment!" He winked.

Ivan chuckled. "I doubt you could punish me at all da~"

"Go see him tomorrow, surprise him with some flowers or something. He really likes cute things, get him something cute. Then...just kiss him."

"W-What? I don't want to die by my own precious sunflowers hands!" Ivan almost said pouting.

"Hah-hah! Don't worry, I doubt he'll even pull away. Even if he tries to pull away, pull him back in. He wont admit he loves you that easily you know. We'll, Ahhhh~" Rome yawned, stretching. "I better get going! Good Luck!" Rome smiled before walking out.

Ivan looked down for a second, thinking about what the Roman said. He snapped out of his trance and ran outside.

"Wait Rome I-" But when he got outside, no-one was there. "Thank you..." Ivan said softly, smiling to himself. How could he sleep when he just found out the love of his life, loved him back. The Russian giggled to himself happily, skipping into his house.

-The next morning in Yao's room.-

"Aiyaaaaaa!" Yao whined as he tried getting up. His arms began shaking and was brought back down into the pillow. Sighing he decided to give up, he was going to be in so much trouble with his boss but decided it was better to rest up. Maybe he'll call in sick today.

Ding Dong-

"Ughhhhh!" Yao Groaned into his pillow. "If that's Rome!" He yelled into his head. He wanted to get up and answer it but was too weak. All the sudden he heard the door be busted down. The Asian's head shot straight up at the sudden explosion and the sound of heavy boots running up his stairs.

"Yao! Yao! Where are you!"

"Oh couldn't be..." Yao moaned. "Russia."

"Yao!" Ivan yelled busting open the Chinese man's bedroom door. He ran to the smaller country and hugged him tightly.

"Ouchhhh! Russia be careful aru! I'm sore all over!"

"Oh my beautiful Yao-Yao!" Ivan yelled, not even hearing the Asian or noticing that the man was limp in his hug. "I love you too!" He screamed happily, admittedly kissing the Asian on his soft, but still bruised lips.

"Oww, stop it!" He managed to mutter through the kiss. But with the inability to move, he was stuck. Ivan deepened the kiss, pushing their bodies closer together. Slipping his tongue into Yao's mouth, he explored his precious Chinese dolls hot cavern.

Yao moaned, closing his eyes. Ivan broke the kiss, leaning his head against the Asian's as he smiled.
"I guess Rome was right da~" He giggled.

"Huh? R-Rome?"

"Da! He came and talked to me, saying that you loved me! At first I thought he was lying but he told me to kiss you and he said you wouldn't resist and you didn't!" The Russian squeezed the smaller man's body tighter almost crushing him. "He was right! You love me!"

"Aiya!" Yao growled. "That stupid jerk! He only said that because he knew I wouldn't be able to move after last night, the brute! If I ever see him again aru!" Yao yelled angrily in his head.

His thoughts were quickly shaken as a huge stuffed panda was brought into his face.

"Ugh?" Yao looked at the panda, then back to the smiling Russian. "W-Whats this for aru?"

"You!" He happily shoved it into the Asian's body.

Yao twitched, the pain surging thought him but he managed to keep himself up right in his bed. "I-Its so adorable aru. I love it." He gripped the panda tightly, hearts floating around him.

He heard slight giggling and blushed deeply, pouting and moving his gaze away from his northern neighbors. "T-Thanks...I suppose aru."

Ivan moved the panda down and gave Yao a more softer, gentler kiss. This time Yao did not hesitate to slightly move in. He liked this kiss, it made butterfly's swim in his stomach.

"Anything for you Yao-Yao~"

"Don't call me that aru!" Yao's blush deepened. "I thank you for the panda aru but would appreciate it if you got out of my house and fixed my door you broke down."

"We'll, if I am going to be fixing the door, that means I have to stay longer da!" He jumped on the smaller man, crushing him.

"AIYAAAAA! IVAN BRAGINSKI!" Yao flailed his arms underneath the Russian.

Small tears stood in Yao's eyes as the Russian leaned slightly off. He looked into the Asian's soft sunflower colored eyes. As Yao starred back into the Russia's brilliant violet ones. His heart began racing quickly as a blush crept along his face. He shut his eyes tightly.

"W-Why does he always make me feel so weird aru!"

"Yao...I love you~" He kissed the man's nose.

"I-...I—Lo-...I think you should go fix that door now aru!" He quickly changed the subject. But Ivan knew what Yao really wanted to say and was happy to wait for the man to say it. He knew his Yao was stubborn.

"Da! Right away but after I make you some breakfast. You must be sick since your naked underneath your bedsheets have a red face and can't move very we'll!"

Yao blushed a deep beet red. Pulling the covers up over his head.

"Fine! Do whatever you want aru!"

Ivan smiled softly. "Ok my little sunflower~"

Yao sighed heavily, finally thinking he got rid of the Russian when all of the sudden he felt a huge body fling itself into the bed.

"Wha- The heck aru! What are you doing!" He screamed as the giant man hid himself under the covers with Yao and griped his waist, moving him in closer. Face to face, he could feel the Russian's breathing hit him.

"Yao-Yao said I can do whatever I wanted and I want to rest with him!" He snuggled closer, Yao's bare body rubbing up close to the Russian's clothed one. He hid his face into the younger country's chest, sighing in defeat. He knew he wasn't getting out of this anytime soon. "W-Whatever!" He grumbled.

They both lay silently in the bed together, Yao quickly nodding off into sleep again. Ivan was so warm, he couldn't help but snuggle into the warm body.


Ivan smiled. "Da?"

"Wo ai ni..."

HurrHurr! Oh Rome, Oh Ivan, Why are you guys so alike in some way? xD POOR YAO-YAO!

So anyway, had a nice ending right? Fangirls like the nice ending ja? well WAIT! I might write a small epilogue~ Might...that's if you want me too. It would be really short, just a small thing.

Hope you guys liked it! 333