A new team, a different sensei

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Me: Hey there! I'm Shauni2420 and this would be my first Fanfiction! You might recognize the title of this story from Kin-Ryu Chikara. Well, since it's not up there, I decided to adopt the story and start anew! It may be similar yet different. It's similar in some parts, but different, it is not the original but don't try to umm… not like it because it is different. I am starting my own story, I just need to finish the first chapters, I will not put single chapter stories and I may put a different story of one shots for a few couples or not. I am a NaruSaku fan of Naruto series, I have watched different animes, but I like Naruto the best! I use other couples but in this story I will put a Naruto harem couple. NaruSakuIno is my main part of this! I will add more girls in the harem if need be, but I will put a vote on who should be in the harem and Naruto will be more… mature than other Fanfiction stories I have read.

Naruto: Hey!

Me: How did you get in here?

Naruto: The front door… :-/ *points to the front door*

Me: Umm… (Note to self: Get a new door with a lock.)

Ino: Naruto-kun! Where are you? It's time to start!

Sakura: Hey Ino! I found him! He's in here!

Naruto: You had to make the girls like me?

Me: You're the one that has to rebuild the clan! Naruto Namikaze, my adoptive brother! And for those people out there, I put me as a little sister for Naruto. T^T If only it were real, my real brother is a football player in high school, it hurts! .

Naruto: Then you're lucky I'm not a jock or those types of people, Nii-chan!

Me: It's Nii-san! San! We are twins according to birth. *pouts*

Sakura and Ino: Hi Shauni-san!

Me: See? The girls call me san!

Sakura and Ino: Naruto, since you don't respect your sister, say the disclaimer so we can start!

Naruto: Shauni-chan doesn't own Naruto! She just owns the new story idea, not the title!

Everyone: Onto the story! Enjoy!

'Run… run…RUN!' Naruto was running from a mob of ninjas and villagers, until he ran into the alley. Bad Idea! Naruto went into a dead end; there was no place to run to now.

"Let's torture him!" "Make him beg for death!" "Burn him!" "Stab him" "Pin him down so he won't escape!"

Everyone got closer and one of the ninjas stepped forward. 'Mizuki-sensei? No! Not him, too!'

Mizuki stabbed his hand on the wall; Naruto's feet were barely touching the ground. The only thing you could hear was the screaming of a little boy as his body was being burned and stabbed at his legs and arms. Then a figure appeared, "Lord Hokage!" The villagers and the ninja ran away from the alley as the Third Hokage got Naruto down. "Naruto?"

"Jii… san?" Naruto replied weakly before passing out, even though his wounds were healing, he lost a lot of blood.

The Hokage ran to a place where he would be accepted for treatment. "Rin, I need your help!" A young woman in her mid-twenties came out to see an old Hokage and a battered Naruto.

"Oh my! Get him on the dining room table, Sakura should be asleep." Rin was rushing to get the table ready and cleaned up. She grabbed her emergency kit and went back into the room. Naruto had a few broken bones in both arms and legs. "What did they do to him? His hands aren't closing!" Rin put her hands on Naruto's hands but the wounds weren't closing, even with his healing ability.

"They stabbed his hands to an alley wall while torturing him. Do you think he's going to be okay?"

"He will be fine, but… he will have those holes in his hands permanently, I believe I can heal the other wounds but he has to have a professional work on his hands, like Tsunade-" Rin was interrupted by a gasp of her only daughter.

Sakura was in Naruto's class, but she didn't think people were that cruel to him. She wanted to become his friend but the villagers told her to stay away, her mom wanted her to be his friend. "W-why is there so much blood? Why is Naruto on the table? What did Naruto do to deserve this horrible treatment!" Sakura became angrier by these questions, 'Why was it Naruto that got the punishment?'

"Sakura, you're supposed to be in bed! And to answer your first two questions, Naruto was being treated badly by the villagers and some, no most of the ninjas here in the village. His parents died when he was born and he was never protected by those monsters!" Rin tightened her fist when she said monsters. "Sakura he was born during the Kyuubi attack, do you think you have any idea who his mother is? Do you know who his father is?"

"I would like to know who they are, only when Naruto-kun is awake." Rin and the third smiled at that.

"Ok, we'll wait till he wakes up."

Behind the scenes!

Me: It's very short, so don't blame me on my first story!

Naruto: I don't blame you, Shauni-chan!

Sakura: I don't blame you either!

Ino: You forgot about me!

Me: You will probably be in the next chapter! =^.^=

Ino: Ok! I forgive you!

Naruto: And for those who don't know...

Sakura: Nii-san or Nii-chan after a name means sibling! Adding the chan is for feminine people!

Me: I am not feminine! I'm a girl, but I act like a tomboy! *pouts*

Ino: Anyways just adding chan or kun to the name understands in meaning friendship or romance, like Naruto-kun, Sakura-chan, Shauni-chan, Ino-chan, and many more!

Naruto: And as you know, I usually call the third hokage jii-san, meaning old man.

Me: Ye-ah... I will add a new word, suffix, or prefix in my fanfiction every once in a while. So I will have the next one out next week, and I have a new Naruto story coming up soon, I just won't add the awful beginning! *shudders* T^T I can't believe I did that to you, Nii-san!

Naruto: It's alright, I will be better in the next one! Until I reach Hokage!

Me: Ye-ah... 'bout that, you will not be a Hokage...

Naruto, Ino, and Sakura: What!

Me: You will be in a different village or a currently made village, I haven't really thought that far! But you WILL be a kage, just not Hokage! Sorry!

Everyone: Seeya next time!