chapter one: awkward

Disclaimer: I do not own OHSHCalthough I wish I did, that would be amasing! Any way, ON WITH THE STORY!

She woke up to the click front door being shut, looking over it was indeed time for her dad to go to work and also time to get up. *sigh* Pushing the covers back and letting the cold air hit her body she shivered as she walk to the bathroom and turn the water on to take a shower. While she waited for the water to heat up she brushed her teeth and took a look in the mirror noticing that her light brown hair was starting to get rather long if she was trying to pull off being a boy. 'I'll have to cut it soon,' She thought remembering what it was like to have long hair. She stepped into the now steaming shower and washed her now too long hair wondering what she was going to have for breakfast and then what to prepare for lunch afterworlds. After getting out of the shower she towel dried her hair and brushed it, 'now to figure out what to wear'she thought with a smirk, as she walked over to her small closed clothed only in a towel and pretended to think about which identical light blue ouran high school uniform she should wear. After choosing the one in the middle she went off to make some breakfast.

She decided on making tamagoyaki, something nice and simple and quick. After breakfast she figure why not something else quick and simple for lunch too, so she took some of the rice from dinner last night and fresh shrimp that she picked up from the store on her way home from school yesterday and made onigiri stuffed with shrimp. She wrapped the triangular onigiri in nori and and packed them in her bento along with some baby carrots and bell pepper slices, her two favorite vegetables to eat raw. Their was a series of knocks and rings that had a familiar rhythm as someone, or in this case two some ones, knocked and rang the doorbell at the same time.

"What do you two want? The door's open" She shouted from the kitchen which wasn't that far from the front door to the small little house. She heard the door open and two identical pairs of dress shoes walk through and into the kitchen.

"How did you know it was us and not robbers come to steal your things?" Kaoru asked concern laced his voice.

"Many reasons, (1) Why would a robber knock? (2) Its broad day light, (3) I have nothing of value to steal, (4) Only you two knock and ring the door bell at the same time and in a specific tune each time, and (5) You two have come at exactly the same time for the last month and a half," Seeing her logic both boys pouted.

"Well you still shouldn't leave your door unlocked," Kaoru retorted and Hikaru nodded furiously.

"I don't usually, my dad on the other hand never does, so I lock the door at night and when I leave for and return from school," She shot back with the same monotone voice she always used.

"Fine, its always useless arguing with you anyway, baka logic. Lets just go to school, are you ready Haruhi?" She nodded slipping on her own dress shoes and grab her bento and school bag. The three of them walk out to the waiting limousine and she slipped into it and rested on the comfy leather seat as Hikaru and Kaoru slide in on either side of her and nuzzle up against her shoulders, she roll her eyes, this being what happens every day. But she wasn't going to complain about something as simple as this little bit of physical contact if it meant she didn't have to walk or pay for the train every day, and she did enjoy having their two warm bodies pressed against her. Although the walk to school was relatively short only about fifteen minutes it was so much nicer to have a ride every day and in a limo too.

"Haruhi theirs a club meeting today, your coming right?" Hikaru asked looking up at her from his spot at her shoulder.

"Of course, why wouldn't I? I always do." This being because she wanted to now, having paid off her debt but she had come to enjoy the club members company, well mostly. A picture of Tamaki ran through her head, thinking of that annoying man just made her want to find him and punch him. So she shook her head as if that could get red of the thought of him.

"Just checking Haruhi, you are happy still being with us in the host club aren't you?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" In truth she had actually been more than willing to keep coming to the host club, mostly because of the twins. She has been trying to figure out her feelings for the two of them for months, after coming to the realization that she was in love with both of them she was trying to work out what to do, because surely they would want to hear that she couldn't choose between them. But they had no idea that she even liked them at all, showing no emotion until she figured out what to do, and trying not to blush because of the two boys that were nuzzling very close to her small chest.

Once the trio reached the school Hikaru and Kaoru both took an arm and held it tight as they walked though the school to their first class. 'I will not blush, I will not blush, I will not blush, I will not blush!'Was the only thing running through Haruhis head as the two perfect boys nuzzled further into her neck.

"Hay Haruhi?" The one on her left asked not removing his head from the crook of her neck as they walked the hall, the passions didn't look at all comfterble but he seamed content.

"What is it Hikaru?" She replied wondering what they were going to ask her next, their questions usually weren't good.

"Well, we were just wondering... Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?" The one on the right continued.

She thought about what she had in the refrigerator at home, 'Its not really enough for dinner, which means I'd have to go to the store, then rush home to get there in time to make a proper dinner. Dad will probable just order take out if I'm not home, so there really no reason to not accept their offer, plus I get to spend more time with them,'As Haruhi thought to herself both Hitachiin boys tensed just a little in anticipation, willing to drag her with them if necessary "Ok, I'll come to dinner" Haruhi replied in that monotone voice but inside she was jumping for joy at the chance to spend nearly the whole day with them.

"YEAH! Haruhis coming!" Both Hikaru and Kaoru shouted, same time in the same way, just like they always do. Haruhi smiled a bit at how exuberant the two were, 'Maybe I could tell the twins that I'm in love with both of them, no that would be cruel,' she still had no idea what to do about the two of them.

Inside Hikarus head 'We have to tell her, I'm not sure how much longer I can hold it in, but what if she doesn't have the same feelings? What if she thinks it's weird that we want to 'share' her for lack of a better word? What if she thinks were joking around?'

Kaoru has having much the same thoughts, 'Maybe she'll be disgustedly by the fact that we're both in love with her. What if she only loves Hikaru, what if she only loves ME? Either one would crush one of us. What if she doesn't love us at all? Could she have feelings for Tamaki?'He nearly growled at the thought of their Haruhi having feelings for that bastard Tamaki.

The day went slowly and no one learned much of anything the three were much to distracted about the events to come to think about school work, Haruhi obsessing about weather she should tell them or not and the twins fretting weather she would accept there feelings.

Once school was over the twins rushed Haruhi to to the host club meeting, just wanting to get it over with so they could take Haruhi to their house. Thankfully the club wasn't opening today, they were just having a quick meeting to discuss their plans for the next two weeks.

"All right every one's here now, lets get started." Kyoya said once Honey sempai and Mori sempai arrived. Kyoya droned on for forty five minutes before he finally said we could go, so much for a short meeting.

With that the twins each grabbed one of Haruhis wrists before Tamaki could turn around to engage them and they ran out the door as fast as they possibly could, leaving a puff of dust behind. "Is their any reason you two are dragging me on the ground at lightning speeds?" Haruhi asked as she tried to keep her footing while they ran.

Looking around the twins decided that no one was following them and slowed their pace to a walk. They reached the front gate of the school and Hikaru motioned to their driver who promptly pulled up and let them in.

It was a short ride up town and neither twin was even touching her, but they did both sport a beautiful crimson blush, nervice about what they would tell her. They had decided that morning that they would wait until after dinner, this way even if she did leave disgusted with them they would at least get one last day with her. Haruhi noticed the twin blush on Hikaru and Kaoru and wondered what they could be thinking about. Haruhi had been arguing with herself all day and decided that she would just tell them and if they were horrified or angry she would just have to deal with it, because she didn't think she could hold back her feelings and blushed and everything else for much longer. She would wait, at least until they got to the Hitachiin mansion.

The awkward limo ride was over far to quickly and she had promised herself that she would tell them once they were inside, no matter what. The small walk to and up the stairs was very short but it felt like hours as Haruhis heart hammered in her chest, she took a deep breath to calm herself 'You can do this Haruhi, theirs nothing to be afraid of, you have to tell them. No more stalling!'

"Hikaru, Kaoru, I need to talk to you," Haruhi said just over a whisper and the blush she had been holding back for so long finally came.

The twins looked at each other apprehensively but both nodded and walked from the foyer into the first floor sitting room with Haruhi trailing behind.

Haruhi sat down in one of the very comfy tasteful chairs and suddenly found her feet so interesting that she couldn't take her eyes of them. "Haruhi? What was it that you wanted to talk to us about?" Kaoru asked with fear in his voice at what she might say.

"Well, umm... You see, I..." Haruhi blushed 'Breath, just breath, nice and slow. Now open your eyes and look at them when you tell them' after following her own instructions Haruhi met there curious gazes set upon her, "I... I... I'm in love with both of you" She said and her heart sank as she saw the shocked looks on their faces. 'Crap! Why did I decide to do this it was stupid, now they're going to kick me out or laugh at me,'She had at this point turned back to looking at her shoes as tears rolled down her face, imagining all of the things that they might do none of them happy things and none of them what the twins actually did.

Hikaru and Kaoru came up on either side of her and she flinched away not looking up. They bend down and Hikaru grabbed her chin and pulled it up, they then preceded to kiss up all the tears on her face. she sucked in a breath.

"But... What, huh?" Was all she managed to say before Kaoru put his mouth on hers and every thought ran out of her head.

Hikaru took this as a chance to explain while her mouth was occupied "You see Haruhi, the reason we asked you to dinner tonight is because we wanted to tell you that we were in love with you, although we weren't expecting you to even feel the same way let alone beat us to the punch." This made Haruhi giggle, and she never giggled, ever.

Haruhi pulled away from her kiss with Kaoru only to take a breath and draw Hikaru in for one. Kaoru not one to be left out started a trail of kisses down her jaw and neck causing her to moan a little and move her neck to give him more skin to kiss.

"Should we move to a different room? Preferably one with doors?" Haruhi asked when she broke the kiss for air. The twins smiled a the notion and Hikaru picked Haruhi up from her seat bridal style. Haruhi squealed at the unexpected motion and grabbed onto Hikaru neck so she wouldn't fall.

Don't worry I'm ending it here but already working on the next chapter, I just thought that if I was going to make it this long and keep going then there should probably be two chapters just so its not TO long.

Please tell me what you think. I really want to know. please please please please please please please please please please please please comment! it makes me so happy when you do.