
November 28, 2011

11:50 AM


Molly walks into the lab where Ryan and Eric were examining clothing from the prime suspect from a shooting that happened earlier that morning. They had their backs faced to her, and they were talking, so she waited for a minute.

"So have you and Molly made any wedding plans?" She heard Eric asked Ryan.

"Not really, I mean, Molly sort of has..but.." Ryan trailed off.


"I don't know if I'm ready for this..I think I might call off the wedding.."

Molly's eyes widened in shock. She felt her throat lock. She knew she should just walk away now, but something wouldn't let her. She had to hear the rest of the conversation.

"Are you serious? Why?" Eric asked.

Ryan looked down, giving Eric the impression he probably shouldn't tell him.

"Come on man, you can trust me." He assured him.

Ryan hesitated for a minute. "I think I might be in love with Natalia." He whispered.

"Hold that thought, I just found gunshot residue." Ryan said a few seconds later.

Molly felt the tears stream down her face. She quietly walked out of the room. "This isn't happening." She thought. "This couldn't possibly be happening."


November 28, 2011

6:30 PM

Natalia's Car

Exhausted from work, Natalia jammed her key into the lock of her car, unlocking it. It was storming like crazy outside, so she quickly got inside. As she began driving, she noticed Molly walking from the lab, soaking wet.

She pulled over and lowered her window.

"What are you doing?" Natalia asked her.

"Walking home." Molly responded sedately.

"I live right down there." She added, pointing a finger at a street a few blocks away.

"Let me drive you home." Natalia offered.

"You don't have to do that."

"No really, this weather is crazy." She said.

"Are you sure?" Molly asked.

"Positive." Natalia smiled.

"Thanks." She said as she got into the car.

"No problem." Natalia assured her as she began driving.

Once they pulled into Molly's driveway a few minutes later, Molly reached into her pocket and took out a gun, instantly aiming it at Natalia.

"Molly, what the hell?"

Molly ignored her. "Give me the keys."


Molly cocked the gun to show her she was dead serious.

"GIVE ME THE KEYS!" She yelled.

Without hesitation, Natalia removed the keys from the ignition and handed them to her.

"Good, now get out of the car." Molly commanded, lowering her voice and jamming the keys into her pocket.

"Molly, you don't need to do this..we can talk about it." Natalia tried.

"Shut up. I don't have any desire to talk to you." She hissed. "Just get out of the car."

Natalia quickly glanced at the gun, that was still pointed at her, and stepped out of the car.

Molly stepped out of the car as well, coming up behind her.

"Why are you doing this?" Natalia demanded as Molly handcuffed her.

She began pushing Natalia into the house. "Ryan is calling off the wedding."


"Because he's in love with you." Molly finished with her teeth clenched.

"You really think I can control that?"

Molly tied a bandana around her eyes and duct taped her mouth. "Let's just say I'm not going to let you." She said then shoved Natalia into a dark room, and locked the door.