Well, here it isYep, Chapter 2Now... lets get this show on the road

Cho's POV

Cedric looks around, "I guess I have to tell." Everyone nods. Fred looks excited and Ginny worried. I feel like puking. This is just all so... disgustingཀ I clutch my stomach and Fred looks over.

"You ok, Cho?"

"Fine," I mumble. I turn back to the others. Ginny has gone pale.

"Well... spillཀ" Fred exclaims, inpatiently.

Cedric nods and continues, "Well... you know, there WAS that one time we- "

Ginny cuts him off, "FREDཀ I'm 12ཀ How far did YOU think we've gone?"

Fred shrugs, "2nd base... maybe 3rd.'

Ginny shudders and Cedric continues, "We only kissed. I remember the first time as clear as day."

Fred eyes them, "I'm surprised. And I need detailsཀ NOWཀ"

I shake my head but no one seems to see me and Cedric tells his story, "Well. It was around Christmas and we had just started dating. We were walking by the lake, which was frozen. A group of 3rd years were throwing snowballs at each other but it just seemed so romantic. So... we kissedཀ"

Fred laughs, and conjures up some butter beer, "Let's celebrate the fact that my little sis is still a virginཀ I was scared there for a secondཀ"


I still feel sick, details didn't help much, but... at least it wasn't that bad. Ginny was, luckily, still a virgin and I hoped Cedric was too. I felt slightly bad for Ginny but I pushed that thought away. Cedric grabbed a butter beer, popping the cap, "Come on, Gin. It's a weekend, we don't have much homework. We might as well sit back, tell secrets, and drinkཀ"

Fred looks over, "Gin? I thought we weren't allowed to call you Ginཀ"

Ginny sighs, "YOU'RE not allowed too. I can still remember when I was 9 and you gave me gin because you told me I was named after itཀ"

I laugh at her story and so does Cedric. Fred on the other hand considers it, "I don't remember this. Thanks for reminding me of my brilliance, Gin!"

I don't blame her when she hits him but I try to keep the game moving, "Who's next? Fred?"

Fred nods, "Sure, bring it on."

Ginny smiles, "My turn to give the truths... or dares. Which do you want?"

Fred considers his options, "Truth!"

Ginny smiles and hands over the bottle, "Drink up! I have an awesome idea for a truth!"

Fred nods, and swallows a drop, "What do you need?"

I watch, amazed that he's so calm. This is about to get interesting. Ginny grins, "What's the worst prank you've ever pulled?"

Fred frowns, "Worse?"

Ginny sighs, "Worse to ME. You might consider it your best."

Fred laughs, "I know one. There WAS the time that George and I snuck into the girls' dorms and um... put a video tape in there."

Ginny explodes, "You WHAT? These had better not have been my dorms!"

Fred looks surprised, "Why would we put them in YOUR dorms? We don't want to see you naked!"

Ginny mumbles something that sounds like "Thank god!"

I look up, "Fred, did we NEED to know that?"

"Hey! Ginny asked!"

"I didn't think it would be so perverted!" she exclaims. I don't blame her, I'm also sort of scarred. Cedric is just frozen in a corner, watching us talk. This is my time to come in.

"Who's dorm WAS it in?" Oh shoot! That was NOT what I meant to say. Fred looks down, guiltily. I do not want to know the answer but he speaks...


"WHAT?" I didn't even know I'd spoken but I can hear my voice echo through the room.

"God damn it, Cho! I can't help it, Mariette is sooo hot!" he moans.

Well, thank god it wasn't because of me. But I'd better warn my best friend. Fred is not her type! At ALL! Fred blushes.

"Who's next?"

... Silence. Neither me or Ginny speak. Cedric sighs, "I'll go again if you need."

"Perfect! SEE, Ginny. Your boyfriends not afraid of me. Truth or dare..." Suddenly Fred smiles and I wince. This isn't good. "I know.." he continues, "How about Spin the Bottle?"

Cedric shrugs and Fred laughs, handing over an empty butter beer bottle, "Spin away!"

Cedric sets the bottle in the center of the circle and spins it. Fred backs out of the circle but Ginny grabs him by the collar, "You're part of this game too! Act like it." She pulls him back into the circle and we all watch the bottle spin.