A/N: I frequently see pictures with the Bad Touch Trio sitting at a bar or table, drinking, and crying. And... who doesn't love chibi!Romano? Especially when he screams for Boss!Spain to save him from Turkey! /squee
I hope you like!

The bi-monthly meeting of the Bad-Touch-Trio was now in session. And at this particular meeting, the three members had brought their wards to get some much needed socializing.

Francis Bonnefoy brought his son, Mathieu. Gilbert Beilschmidt brought his baby brother, Ludwig. And Antonio Hernandez Carriedo brought his son, Romano.

Contrary to their older counterparts, the children were completely different. Instead of the sexual predators that society made out of their father figures, the children were all childishly innocent.

While the men sat at the table and drank, the children were in the other room, playing.

Ludwig, the oldest at a whooping six and a half, had Mathieu and Romano sitting in front of him as he showed them a clapping game.

When Romano couldn't get all the gestures right, he began pouting and declared the game stupid while Mathieu tried to calm him down. Ludwig apologized for making the game too complicated and began thinking of something they could all do together.

In the other room, the guys were smashed and all crying.

"Mon petite Mathieu is so sweet! I don't deserve him!" Francis cried into the table.

"Little Luddy is so serious all the time," Gilbert moaned. "He never acts like a kid! He's always cleaning and never playing!"

"You guys gotta, like, chill," Antonio slurred. "Just let your little tesoros be themselves. Little Lovi is so easy to take care of... When he's not... destroying... the house..." Antonio leaned onto his friends and the three guys all cried.