A/N: I hope this story sparks your interest. Seeya on the other side!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, Stephenie Meyer does, I just enjoy adding and tweaking plots

Chapter 1: Shipwrecked

Alice's POV

I woke up alone on a beach. My limbs were bruised, my head throbbed slightly and my muscles were sore. Around me there was a soaked back pack, a life vest and a piece of wood I remember clinging to. Where am I? I thought. My short, black hair was drying and sticking up in random places. My clothes smelt faintly of salt water and there was debris floating in the water nearby. I heard the trees behind me move and I whipped my head around.

"Who's there?" I called.

No answer.

"I know you're there so don't try and hide it!" I threatened. I stood up and picked up my stuff.

Someone came out from the trees and my heart skipped a beat. He looked at me hungrily with glowing red eyes that had a yellow tinge and smiled at me. He was like a blonde angel, a really tall blonde angel. His teeth looked sharp and his shirt collar had a few drops of red on it. I would've happily died right there and then if he was the last thing I'd ever see. He approached me slowly but was stopped by another person. I glared at the person who restrained him from coming closer.

"Come here," the angel purred persuasively.

I felt whatever willpower I had disappear and walked forward without hesitation.

"Don't do this," the man who was restraining him pleaded.

"Edward, this is who we are," the angel whispered.

I was almost in front of him. He towered over my tiny form and smiled. Edward sighed in defeat and the angel cupped my cheek. He bent down and without thinking I spoke.

"Jasper," I breathed.

This surprised them both. The angel, froze and looked at me.

"How do you know my name?" he inquired.

Before I could answer the world slipped from my reach and I fell into a state of oblivion. When I came back to reality I was in a room with pale walls. The bed I was on had a different bed frame than the actual bed and there were splinters faintly visible on the floor. Someone was inspecting my head with cold fingers. I cringed when he poked a sensitive spot and he apologised.

"You have a mild concussion and should rest and drink plenty of water so that it'll heal faster," he informed.

I nodded. "Where am I?" I asked.

"You're at my family's holiday house; I'm Dr Carlisle Cullen,"


"Do you remember your name?"

"Mary…no Alice…no Brandon…isn't Brandon a boy's name?"

"I can see you might be suffering from amnesia, how much do you remember?"

"I remember…screaming…darkness…where's Jasper?"

Carlisle tried to hide his smile. "I think you should get plenty of rest so you'll heal quicker," he instructed as he walked out of the room.

A woman with honey coloured hair and a warm, motherly smile came in with a tray.

"Hello, dear, I'm just here to drop off some stuff. There's a glass of water, some pain killers and a bell if you need anything else. How are you?" she asked.

"I'm good, except my head throbs a little," I replied.

"Here are the pain killers; I'm Esme, Carlisle's wife,"

"You have a lovely house,"

"Thank you, I'll just leave you to your rest,"

I smiled gratefully and she left the room. I stretched my arms and winced when they hurt. I swallowed the pain killers and sat on my bed as they took effect. There was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I called.

A girl with reddish-brown curls came in with some clothes.

"Here are some of my clothes, they should fit you," she stated. She put them on the bed and I gave her a warm smile before she left the room. I changed and when I was done she came back in to collect my dirty clothes. It felt nice to wear clothes that didn't smell and look worn out.

"Esme can wash these if you want. By the way, I'm Renesmee but everyone calls me Nessie,"

She held out her hand and I shook it. Her hand wasn't cold like Carlisle's but actually really warm. I was about to ask her about it when I heard a crash and someone laughing like a maniac.

"Is something wrong?" I inquired.

"No, I think Gra-Esme will be ending the fight soon,"

I nodded. "So how many kids are there in this family?" I asked.

"7 but we're all adopted. Would you like to meet them?"

"Sure," I got up and followed her.

Carlisle saw me and gave Nessie a disapproving look. "Renesmee, she needs rest,"

"She has had plenty of rest and exercise is good for everyone," she argued.

I giggled and she led me to the room where all the shouting and breaking came from. I saw a peculiar sight. A brunette was in between a pale grinning black-haired man and Edward, trying to stop a fight. Esme watching a tanned black-haired man sweep up a broken vase and Jasper was reading a book by the window, ignoring the mayhem. A statuesque blonde was shaking her head as she looked at a fashion magazine as if it was every day that this would happen.

"But Mom, it wasn't on purpose that I broke his guitar, it was just lying there, waiting to be stepped on," the pale black-haired man whined.

"Emmett, stay out of Edward's room so this won't ever happen again," Esme commanded. Emmett nodded and sat on the couch next to the blonde.

"And Edward, Jacob didn't say that on purpose, please help him clean up the mess," Esme requested.

Edward groaned quietly and knelt next to Jacob. The brunette grinned and watched Edward clean up the broken vase.

"Rosalie, Emmett could've gotten hurt, don't you care about that?" Esme scolded half-heartedly.

"Mum, Emmett is a professional at getting into fights, he's a lost cause," the blonde, Rosalie explained.

Esme tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear and turned to Renesmee.

"Sweetie, you know that she has to rest," Esme reprimanded with a warm smile.

"I just wanted her to meet the family," Renesmee said in a sugary sweet voice that I would've applauded under different circumstances.

That's when Jasper turned around and saw me. He tried to look indifferent as he got up and left the room but as he walked by me and out the door he looked tense like he wasn't breathing or was angry.

"Don't mind him," Nessie whispered.

I nodded and everyone looked at me with different expressions.

"Right, so this is Bella, Rosalie, Emmett, Jacob, and Esme and Edward who you've already met," Nessie introduced.

I smiled. "Hi, I'm…Alice,"

Rosalie sniffed and ignored me while the others put on their best fake smile, except for Emmett who looked genuinely pleased to see me.

"I think you better lie down now, Alice," Esme hinted.

"Yeah," I said as I pretended to yawn. I followed Esme upstairs and had a nap.

Nessie's POV

"That could've gone better," I muttered.

"Nessie, what are you trying to do, expose us?" Dad demanded.

"Dad, no, I just wanted to be nice,"

"Edward, she was just making Alice feel welcome," Mum defended.

"How's the human?" Jasper said as he entered the room.

Rosalie snarled and Jasper growled back.

"Shh, she'll hear," I warned.

Rosalie glared at me before turning back to her magazine. I sat next to Jacob on the rug and sighed.

"Ness, I know you want more friends but she's in danger here," Jacob murmured.

I nodded glumly. "But does she have anywhere else to go?"

"We'll look up any news reports for plane crashes or ship wrecks that she might have been a survivor of," Dad stated.

He held Mom's hand and they walked out of the room.

"Should've just killed her when you had the chance," Rose muttered spitefully.

Jasper snarled at her and Emmett pulled Rose out of the room.

"Let's go hunt, Rose," he suggested.

Jasper sighed in frustration and closed his eyes.

"Uncle Jasper, it wasn't your fault that the mailman tripped and bled," I soothed.

He opened his eyes. "If I had better control then I wouldn't have killed him and we wouldn't be here, in hidin'," he muttered.

I sat near him and put my hand to his neck. I showed him an image of my 6th birthday party when someone got cut by the cake knife and he didn't hurt her. He smiled.

"Thanks for havin' faith in me, Nessie," he said as he got up.

"Where are you going?" Jacob asked.

"To think," Jasper called over his shoulder.

Jacob turned to me and I shrugged.

Alice's POV

I woke up from my nap and looked outside the window with a smile. I drank some of the water in the glass on the bedside table and my stomach suddenly grumbled. I hesitantly headed down stairs, not sure if I was allowed. I passed a room and saw Bella and Edward making out. Aww, how sweet!

Edward turned to me as if he knew what I was thinking and I went red.

"Sorry to disturb you, I was looking for the kitchen," I mumbled as I walked away, almost running into a wall.

Edward and Bella appeared behind me.

"We'll show you the way," Bella offered.

I smiled and followed Edward and Bella. She cleared her throat.

"So, this is the kitchen," she introduced.

"Umm…thanks," I murmured.

"Feel free to eat anything you'd like,"

I nodded as I curiously browsed the cupboards. They walked off somewhere and I rummaged through the food.

"Hey Alice," Nessie chimed behind me.

"What? Ow." I hit my head on the cupboard as I stood up and she stifled a laugh.

Nessie opened the fridge and got out a tub of banana ice cream. She washed three spoons and gave one to me. She offered the other to Jacob who strolled in without a shirt, even though it looked like it was about to rain outside. Nessie put a few scoops of ice cream in a bowl and handed me one. I thanked her and she led me to the kitchen counter. We pulled up 3 high stools and ate ice cream around the kitchen counter.

"So, do you remember anything else about your past?" Nessie asked.

I thought for a moment. "I had a…sister, a little sister…Cynthia," I stated.

My heart sank and tried to hold back tears.

"Cynthia….we were on a boat, where could she be?" I asked, my voice cracking through the question.

"We're looking into it, Bella and Edward were looking into a few news stories," Jacob informed.

I nodded and ate my ice cream glumly. Jasper walked into the kitchen and saw me. He looked like he was expecting me to run away screaming or start crying and tried to walk by quickly.

"The third drawer," I stated. "Sorry, I have no idea why I said that,"

Nessie and Jacob gave me a weird look and I looked down, embarrassed.

Jasper's POV

I sat by the lake and pondered the recent events which have transpired. The strange girl, Alice, an odd little human has come into my life and I haven't killed her even though she practically lives with us. I guess it was just luck that Edward fell in love with a human and I was now used to a human heart beating at various points around the house. What was she doing here? She looked so fragile and weak, like any other human. She wasn't terrified of me though, even though I could've taken her life. Maybe she can't remember or doesn't realise it.

I looked into the water, even the fish swam away from me. Why wasn't Alice afraid…and how did she know my name? I stood up and started running to the house. I need to talk to Edward.

The entrance I had walked in was through the kitchen. The human was here. Thankfully, her gaze was lowered and she didn't notice the inhuman speed at which I had entered the room. I waited to see if the human would see me and then scream and hide or throw something at me in defence but she did nothing. Rather than wait for it to happen, I decided to find Edward. I tried to walk by, unnoticeably but she saw me. Instead of acknowledging me she uttered an odd phrase.

"The third drawer," she stated.

I tried to pretend I didn't hear her and she apologized for her strange outcry. Edward wasn't in the house, nor was Bella. I growled quietly in frustration. Must they sneak out so often? I checked my pockets but Emmett must've hid my phone as a childish prank. Rather than call myself I remembered Alice's odd outburst. I was in my bedroom and was facing a desk of drawers. I contemplated the stupidity of the action but felt compelled to try. I opened the third drawer and it was empty. I snorted. Of course it's empty, get your head together, blood lust is driving you insane. I headed to Emmett and Rosalie's room and looked for their phones. Esme walked by and peered in.

"Jasper, what are you doing?" she asked curiously.

"Emmett hid my phone, could I borrow yours to find it, please?" I asked.

"Of course, dear,"

"Thank you, ma'am,"

She handed me her iPhone and I dialled the number. The phone rang in the study and I walked there. My ears pinpointed the phone. It was the third drawer in Carlisle's desk. I took it and handed Esme back her phone.

"Esme, could I talk to you about something?" I queried.

"Absolutely," she replied. She radiated joy, probably because I rarely opened up.

"Well, Alice mumbled somethin' 'bout 'the third drawer' as I walked past her and I found my phone in the third drawer of Carlisle's desk. Is that a coincidence or did she predict where it would be?"

"I suppose it would make sense, Edward said she said your name without having it told to her,"

I nodded. "Should we talk to Edward about it?"

"I think we should hold a family meeting, the more minds to ponder the possibilities, the better,"

She dialled a few numbers on her phone and we negotiated that the meeting would be around midnight when Alice would be fast asleep. I waited in my room, strumming my guitar and reading a book about the Civil War.

When it was midnight, I arrived downstairs. Carlisle sat at the head of the table and everyone was trying to work out where to sit. There weren't enough chairs so I stood with my back against the wall.

"Jasper, what's the meeting about?" Carlisle inquired.

"I think we need to have a talk about our new human residence," I stated.

"We should kill her before she runs to her family and the Volturi find out we've blown the secret," Rosalie suggested.

"Absolutely not!" Jacob and Renesmee yelled in protest.

I sent out calming waves so that everyone would talk about this in calm, quiet voices.

"She's just a human, what's her life worth compared to our families'?" Rosalie questioned.

"But she knew Jasper's name," Edward informed, "Somehow she knew his before we told her,"

"It could've been a coincidence," Emmett piped.

"How many Jasper's do you know?" I questioned.

"Maybe she can read minds," Bella pondered.

"Or she could be sent by the Volturi, her being here is a threat to all of us," Rosalie said, her voice growing by every word.

"Jasper thinks she might be psychic," Esme stated.

Rosalie scoffed and I cringed, everyone looked at me now. I told them how she sort of knew where my phone was and this seemed to infuriate Rosalie.

"Maybe she heard Emmett put it there," Rosalie argued.

"Rose, take it down a notch, you'll wake her," Emmett cautioned.

"Of course, the wonderful human needs her beauty sleep. With hair like that she needs it,"

I heard someone tremble and felt waves of sadness coming from someone who was peering at us behind the door frame. In the heat of the argument, we must've missed the fact that Alice had been eavesdropping. She saw that we had seen her and squeaked. She ran out and went god knows where.

Rosalie's anger flared and Emmett restrained her from chasing after her. She snarled and gnashed her teeth at him. Edward and Carlisle blocked the entrances as she got out of Emmett's hold on her. Bella and Esme blocked Nessie from chasing her. Nessie had her hands on Bella and Esme's cheeks, probably trying to scaring them into letting go. She was almost winning and Jacob wound his arms around her waist tightly and lifted her off the ground so she was kicking at air. I tried to calm everyone down but Edward stopped me.

"Jasper, go after her, she could get hurt, we can handle them," he urged.

"I-My self-control…what if I kill her?" I objected.

"You won't but if Rose finds a hole, Alice is as good as dead," Bella urged.

"Please, Uncle Jasper, I can't go help her," Nessie pleaded.

I nodded and ran after her. Her scent was strong; honey, lemon and wet grass in a strangely appealing smell. She had somehow found herself in the forest. A perfect place for a human I thought sarcastically. After hearing Rosalie's murderous rants, I felt oddly protective of her. But I guess that would be the natural response since Alice is so petite and delicate…I shook my head. Focus, Jasper, she could be anywhere. Even as a human I didn't remember being this fast. Then I realised I had lost the scent completely. I swore and retraced my steps. At the spot where I had lost it I heard her heat beat frantically beneath the long grass where she had tried to hide. I crouched down and found her head submerged in grass and dirt.

"It's okay, you're safe…sort of," I comforted.

She sat up and wiped the dirt off the left side of her face with a grimace.

A/N: For those of you that survived reading all of that, well done and thank you for spending some time to read this story. If you're interested in what's happening next: rate, review or subscribe. I promise the story will get better as it progresses and don't hesitate to give me any ideas.

Lil' Miss Fang