James was the ocean, full of secrets and roaming freely.

Lily was the sand, many layered, unpleasant or comforting: It was your choice.

James was the sun, many colored and illuminating.

Lily was the moon, full of beauty and inspiring.

Lily was new, she was fresh and exciting.

James was secretive and yet open.

Lily was full of knowledge.

James was full of skill.

James was the daytime, free and playful.

Lily was the night, frosty and reflective.

James was an orange-thick skin, but worth it.

Lily was a pear-bitter outside, sweet inside.

Lily was competitive.

James was vengeful.

Lily was rules.

James was breaking rules.

James was trail mix-full of surprises, may they be salty or sweet.

Lily was cinnamon-burns your tongue alone but can be sweetened.

James was like a painting-beautiful but unbroken.
Lily was a sculpture-hard but with a heart of glass.

I guess opposites do attract…

I am staying up to try to get on Pottermore, and my best ideas always happen between the hours of 12 and 4. I am proud of this, but how many other HP fans are up at 3:24? Let's find out.

Luv, Pandas, and music,

Pottergirl1-who will be eternally grateful to her first reviewer ever on FF-Cat in a Flower.