Hi everyone! I'm back for more Royal Pains goodness! I've been really inspired by the story line of the newest season and I have to say, there needs to be more Divya/Evan love. I'm not a fan of Page at all, she's hiding things, secretive and I just don't like her (my option I know, but then again I didn't use to like Jill, but she's become more of a likeable character). Anyways, I wanted to write this another Evan/Divya multi-chapter fic. I'm not sure how long this will be, most likely not more then five or six chapters, but we'll see. Anyways enjoy.

Chapter 1: Words Between Friends

She could tell by the goofy grin on his face that something was up, but then again, it WAS just Evan. He could walk around with a goofy grin on his face if he got an attractive girl to speak to him. But there was something about this grin, something about the way that he had a spring in his step, or the way he was nervously checking the time, or his phone that told her something was up.

Pausing in typing the report that she was working on for one of the newest HankMed client she glanced at him sitting on a barstool, nervously tapping his foot and glancing at the set of open glass doors across from him. Sighing, she shut the lid on her lap top and spoke, breaking the uneasy silence in the room.

"Alright, what has got you so worked up Evan?"

Evan jumped slightly at her words, as if he had forgotten that she was in the room with him. He swung around in his chair to face her and that dopy grin returned to his face.

"Divya can you keep a secret?" he asked, his voice full of the same excitement that was radiating off his every action. Ever since Hank and Evan had returned from Florida Evan has acted so differently, of course she knew that he was excited about his father getting out of jail, even though he decided to remain in Florida for a while to help a friend and repair a broke relationship with his own father, but it was something else.

"Depends, who am I keeping the secret from exactly?"

Evan hesitated, giving Divya a look before smile and walking over to her. He pulled out the chair and sat on it so his arms were resting on the back rest and glanced at Divya from across from the table. He reached into his pocket and pulling out a small ring and held it in his hands examining it.

He never met Divya's eye as he spoke and Divya felt her own eyes drooping down to the ring that was in Evan's hand. The ring was simple, and beautiful, she had to admit it was something that she would wear, much less gaudy then the engagement ring that Raj had given her when they had been engaged…

"This was the engagement ring that my father had given my mother, she always told us that when we met the right girl that we had the permission to use the ring, when Hank go engaged to his girlfriend back before we came here she flat out refused to wear mom's ring, demanding that the ring wasn't her taste and something as special as their love need to have something flashy to match it."


"Hank gave me the ring, he told me that when I met the right girl that I could use it, propose to her with mom's ring, the idea mean to much to me that I kept this ring in a safety despot box and knew that if, and when, I met the right girl that I would give it to her."

Divya's heart gave an uneasy flutter, she didn't know what it was but there was something that made her, almost jealous, but that wasn't right, her and Evan had a strictly professional relationship, she made sure of that when she had kissed him to protect him from getting pummeled by the big bouncer boyfriend of Anna's.

"What do you think Divya?"

"Huh?" asked Divya, she hadn't realized that Evan had asked her a question, she had been thinking so hard that she had completely missed the question. Embarrassed about her thoughts, she spoke quickly so Evan couldn't ask her what she had been thinking about. "I'm sorry Evan what did you say?"

He studied her face for a second before glancing back down at the ring. "I'm going to propose to Page, I'm going to use my mother's ring and propose to Page. What do you think Divya; do you think that she'll accept?"

Divya was shocked, he knew that him and Page had gotten close rather quickly after their fake relationship had fallen apart and become a real one, but she had no idea that he was already thinking marriage, noticing that Evan smile had fallen she realize that she was hesitating in congratulating him, or question his motives. Smiling she moved her hand forward and rested it on Evan's arm. "She'd be a fool not to Evan."

"Y-You think?"

"I've seen the way that you two are towards one another, you care about her greatly Evan, you've done everything to make her happy and I know that you'll be a great fiancé to her and an even greater husband. I'm really happy for you Evan."

Evan's dopy smile returned and he smiled, pocketing the ring, as he got up from his chair. He moved around the table and over to Divya pulling her to her feet and engulfing her into a hug. Divya didn't know what to do; she knew Evan marrying Page was what he wanted but were they ready to be married, did she really have the place to stay though, it was his life not her's and she had no right to tell him what to do. If he was happy, let him be happy.

"Thank you Divya."

"You're welcome Evan."

He smiled at her when he pulled away from the hug there was a knocking at the door way and Evan and Divya both glanced towards the doorway and saw Page standing there, she wore a lovely yellow sundress with matching pair of high heel shoes and a brown sunhat resting onto of her head, her purse hung off her arm and a smile graced her face.

"Hey guys," she replied in her bubbly face walking over and giving Evan a kiss on his cheek before turning back to Divya. "Am I interrupting something?"

"No…No we were just discussing some HankMed business," covered Evan quickly pulling Page into a hug. When he pulled away he had an arm wrapped around her should the two of them looking at Divya with a smile. "But were done now, aren't we Divya."

"Y-Yes thank you Evan, I appreciate your advice about trying to create more HankMed business, but I think its something that you'll have to discuss with your brother first, you know his feelings about having a publicist."

Page's face fell. "He doesn't like the work that I'm doing as HankMed's publicists?"

Divya bit at her lip. She didn't mean to say that, she didn't mean to piss off Page. But she agreed with Hank, HankMed didn't need a publicist they didn't need to add to their team, HankMed already had enough work going for them right now, things didn't need to change.

"I've got to go," replied Divya scooping up her laptop and her nearby purse and making her way towards the door. "I've got a new client meeting with Hank in half an hour in South Hampton, have fun on your date you two."

Divay rushed out of the room without another word, she made her way down the path towards her car. Scrambling though her purse she found her keys and quickly unlocked the door of the car. Tossing her stuff into the passenger seat and just sat there. He mind was in a rush, why was she feeling all these negative feelings towards Page all of a sudden, and why was she so concerned about what Evan was doing with his life. So what if he married Page, it was no business of hers.

Divya didn't know how long she sat there her hands gripped tightly on the steering wheel. Her mind was racing. Why did the idea of Evan marring page bother her so much? She was just Evan's friend, Evan's co-worker, sure they had become family over the time that they had spent together, but why, why did this bug her.

When she heard the sound of laughter she looked over and noticed that Evan and Page had left the guest house and the two of them were making their way towards his car. Sinking lower in her seat she watched at Evan made his way over to his mini-van and opened the passenger side door for Page. With a giggled she took his hand as he helped her into the car.

Shutting the door he walked around the front of the car and got into the drivers seat and started the car. When the two of them took off Divya returned to her normal position and sighed resting against the steering wheel.

She sat there for a minute before opening the car door snatching up her laptop and her purse before walking back into the guest house to get some more work done.

Alright, I know that with Evan getting engaged in the next episode (supposedly) this chapter will become AU fast, but I hope you enjoy it and keep reading. Anyways tell me what you think and don't forget to review! 3 See you all next chapter!